Index for Volume 387—continued

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    Driving 255-6w

Diesel fuel

Dietary supplements

    EC action 548-52w

Diplomatic immunity

Diplomatic relations

Diplomatic service

    EC countries 8w











    (24.06.02) 698-701


    (24.06.02) 698-701

Direct mail


Director of Public Prosecutions

    see Crown Prosecution Service


Disability Discrimination (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

    2R order read (21.06.02) 583


    Electronic government 467w

    Employment 289-90w

    Exservicemen (18.06.02) 51-8wh

    Foreign students 16-7w

    Housing benefit (24.06.02) 712-20

    Parking 882-3w

    Pedestrian areas 930w

    Railway stations 883-4w

    Winter fuel payments 939-40w


    Edmonton (21.06.02) 584-90

    Primary care trusts 239w

Disciplinary proceedings

    Customs officers 449-50w


    Dept for Transport 662w

    Dept of Health 570-2w

    Home Office 106w, 283-4w

    Lord Chancellor's Dept 100w

    Northern Ireland Office 797w

    Scotland Office 536w

Disease control

    Bovine tuberculosis 376w

    Foot and mouth disease 374-5w, 382w, 478-9w

    Scrapie 481-3w


    Trees 921-2w

Dismore, Mr Andrew

                  Debates etc.

    London Underground (27.06.02) 1005


    Afghanistan, Armed conflict 621w

    Criminal injuries compensation, Offences against children 112-3w

    Edexcel Foundation, Standards 523-4w

    Judiciary, Vacancies 710w

    Kashmir, Terrorism 293w

    Khalid, Leila 10w

    Middle East, Peace negotiations 743-4


Djanogly, Mr Jonathan


    EC common foreign and security policy 780w

    Taxation, Manufacturing industries 399

Dobbin, Jim


    Teenage pregnancy 548w

Dobson, Rt Hon Frank


    Eastern Europe, EC accession 7w

    Robbery, Greater London 111w


    Disciplinary proceedings 844w

Dodds, Mr Nigel


    Army, Recruitment 203w

    Smuggling, Fuels 452w


    Animal breeding 908w

    Customs and Excise 377w, 764-5w

Domestic violence

    Northern Ireland 701w

Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M


    Ministerial Group for the Queen's Golden Jubilee 934w

    Police, Northern Ireland 1038w

    Terrorism, Northern Ireland 798w


    New deal schemes 87w


Doran, Mr Frank

                  Debates etc.

    Auctions Bill, 1R (25.06.02) 750


    Kashmir, Elections 779w


Dorset Health Authority

Doughty, Sue

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Fair trade initiative (19.06.02) 98-100wh


    Arms trade, Export credit guarantees 681-2w

    Arms trade, India 345w

    Export credit guarantees 590w

    Nuclear submarines 336w

    Nuclear weapons 336w

    World Summit on Sustainable Development 950-1

Drew, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Energy (20.06.02) 441-2, 451, 469

    European Communities (18.06.02) 209


    Bovine tuberculosis, Australia 474w

    Care homes, Fees and charges 1093w

    Common agricultural policy, Reform 947

    Community care, Elderly 1094w

    Countryside stewardship scheme, Organic farming 474w

    Driving instruction 979-80w

    Epilepsy, Health services 1099-100w

    Genetically modified organisms, Crops 756w

    Internet, Home Office 1068w

    Regional assemblies, Sustainable development 418w

    Sheep, Transport 922w


    Diabetes 255-6w

Driving instruction


Drown, Ms Julia

                  Debates etc.

    Export Control Bill, Lords amendts (24.06.02) 634

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Fair trade initiative (19.06.02) 101wh


    Departmental coordination, Dept for International Development 867

    Heavily indebted poor countries initiative, Finance 318-9w

    Hospitals, Standards 256w

    Low flying, Wind power 13-4

Drug rehabilitation centres

    Waiting lists 1100-2w


    Arthritis 144-5

    Buckinghamshire 705-8w

    Developing countries 872w

    EC action (24.06.02) 698-701

    Schizophrenia 230-1w, 722w

    Smuggling 868-9

    Trade agreements 685w

    Wales 265-6

    Young offenders 107w

Dumfries and Galloway

Duncan, Mr Alan

                  Debates etc.

    European Communities (18.06.02) 171


    Indian subcontinent, Nuclear weapons 730

    Israel, Frontiers 784-5w

    Middle East, Armed conflict 785w

    Sudan, Peace negotiations 787w

Duncan, Mr Peter

                  Debates etc.

    Energy (20.06.02) 439, 443-4, 488-91

    European Communities (18.06.02) 236-7


    Asylum, Scotland 950w

    Bovine tuberculosis, Scotland 376w, 474-5w

    Electricity, Prices 892w

    Electricity, Scotland 991w

    Electricity generation, Markets 892w

    Livestock, Waste disposal 475w

    Post offices, Scotland 26w, 789-90w

Duncan Smith, Rt Hon Iain

                  Debates etc.

    Seville Summit (EC) (24.06.02) 613-4


    Local child curfew schemes 268-9

    Pension funds, Taxation 271-2

Dungavel Detention Centre

Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth

                  Debates etc.

    London Underground (27.06.02) 990-6, 1003, 1029-31

    Railtrack, Finance (27.06.02) 977-8


    European Rail Agency 69-70w

    Railways, Safety 70-1w

    Select committees, Treasury 133-4w

    Trans-European networks 70w

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