Index for Volume 387continued
A Ap B Bh Bo Bu C Ch Cr D Di E Ep F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ku L Li Ly M Mc Mi Mu N O Oz P Pr Q R Ri S Si Sp Sq T Tr Tw U V W Wo Y Z
Hain, Rt Hon Peter, Minister for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Debates etc.
European Communities (18.06.02) 227, 229, 242-8
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Gibraltar, Spain (18.06.02) 32wh, 37-42wh
Convention on the Future of Europe 635w, 1005-24w
Eastern Europe, EC accession 7w
EC action, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 399w
EC common foreign and security policy 780w
EC Foreign Affairs Council 8-9w
Greece, Foreign relations 295w
Republic of Ireland, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 533-4w
Turkey, Human rights 1025w
Visits abroad, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 931w
World Summit on Sustainable Development 4w
Youth Convention on the Future of Europe, UK delegations 297-8w
Hair dyes
Hall, Mr Mike
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 338-9wh
Hall, Patrick
Debates etc.
Energy (20.06.02) 459, 491-3
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Yarls Wood Detention Centre (26.06.02) 295wh
Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, Pay 695w
Parades Commission, Annual reports 698w
Hamilton, David
Armed forces, Housing 34w
Channel tunnel, Police 68-9w
Economic and monetary union, Scotland 310w
Exservicemen, Scotland 743w
Pensioners, Midlothian 93-4w
Hammond, Mr Philip
Internet, Dept of Trade and Industry 186w
Hancock, Mr Mike
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 678w
Ambulance services, Radio 1075w
Armed forces, Housing 597w
Armed forces, Suicide 745w
Civil defence, Departmental coordination 613-4w
Civil defence, Reserve forces 599w
Dental services, Yeovil 1084-5w
Hospital beds, Portsmouth 1089w
Minimum wage, Portsmouth 465-6w
Ministerial policy advisors, Pay 970w
New deal schemes, Portsmouth 1059w
Respiratory syncytial virus, South East region 256-7w
Self-employed contributions 467-8w, 795w
Social security benefits, Abuse 1059w
Special constables, Hampshire 120w
Taxation, Self-employed 138-9w
Harman, Rt Hon Harriet, Solicitor-General
Committal proceedings 269w
Crown Prosecution Service 653-7w
Crown Prosecution Service, Information technology 397w
Crown Prosecution Service, Standards 269w
Crown Prosecution Service, Training 900-1w
Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate 894-900w
Legal profession, Conduct 10w
Harrier aircraft
Harris, Dr Evan
Debates etc.
Mental health (25.06.02) 765, 773-80
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Hospices (19.06.02) 127wh
Animal experiments, Licensing 282-3w
Chiropody, Waiting lists 146w
Dental services, Waiting lists 258w
Doctors, Disciplinary proceedings 844w
General practitioners, Manpower 170-8w
Health education, Sure start programme 241w
Health services, Homelessness 1074-5w
Heart diseases, Medical treatments 429-30w
Medicine, Student numbers 145-6
Written questions, Administrative delays 561w
Harris, Mr Tom
Debates etc.
Railtrack, Finance (27.06.02) 987
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 33w
Australia, Climate Change Convention 532w
Defence, Employment 202-3w
Young people, Scotland Office 311w
Youth Convention on the Future of Europe, UK delegations 297-8w
Local government finance 739-40w
Harvey, Nick
Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 137-8
Annual reports, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 741-2w
Consultants, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 648w
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Manpower 117w
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Resignations 117-8w
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Special constables 119-20w
Foot and mouth disease, South Korea 477-8w
Shipping, Pollution 77-8w
Special constables 118-9w
Haskins Task Force
see Better Regulation Task Force
Haslar Prison
Hawkins, Mr Nick
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Fair trade initiative (19.06.02) 106-8wh
National Lottery, Sports 598-9
Hayes, Mr John
Debates etc.
House of Lords Reform Joint Select Committee (19.06.02) 374
Heald, Mr Oliver
Debates etc.
Mental health (25.06.02) 771, 776, 793-5, 797
Alzheimer's disease, Screening 430-1w
Commission for Health Improvement, National Care Standards Commission 721w
Macular degeneration 861-2w
Mental health services 137
Healey, John, Economic Secretary, Treasury
Aggregates levy, Scotland 536w
Climate change levy, Manufacturing industries 398-9
Climate change levy, Retail trade 139w
Consultation papers, Treasury 460w
Customs and Excise, Advertising 764w
Customs and Excise, Dogs 764-5w
Customs and Excise, Finance 449w
Customs and Excise, Scotland 763-4w
Customs officers, Disciplinary proceedings 449-50w
Debts, Developing countries 322-3w
EC action, Treasury 323-4w
Excise duties, Diesel fuel 453w
Fuels, Northern Ireland 453w
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative 449w
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative, Finance 318-9w
Landfill tax, Tax allowances 762w
Landfill tax credit scheme 1046w
Manufacturing industries, Productivity 449w
Poverty, Developing countries 451w
Smuggling, Confiscation orders 1049-50w
Tax yields, Motor vehicles 461w
VAT, Listed buildings 707w
VAT, Postal services 765w
VAT, Voucher schemes 760w
VAT exemptions, EC action 461w
Health action zones
Health and Safety Commission
Health and Safety Executive
Health education
Sure start programme 241w
Health hazards
Health professions
Foreign workers 161w, 858-9w
Health services
Armed forces 597w, 904-5w
Developing countries 875w
Easington (19.06.02) 118-25wh
Hearing aids
Hearing impaired
Heart diseases
Medical treatments 429-30w, 437-8w, 572w
Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust 237w
Waiting lists 562-6w, 724w
Heath, Mr David
Debates etc.
House of Lords Reform Joint Select Committee (19.06.02) 369
Mental health (25.06.02) 762-3
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 342-4wh
Royal United Hospital Bath, Waiting lists 150
Sports, Young people 596-7
Surgery, Waiting lists 233w
Heathcoat-Amory, Rt Hon David
Debates etc.
European Communities (18.06.02) 198-204, 216
Asylum, Central Europe 952w
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative
Hedges and ditches
Henderson, Mr Doug
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations (20.06.02) 417
Henderson, Mr Ivan
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Hendrick, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Tax Credits Bill, Lords amendts (26.06.02) 906
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 336-8wh
Hendry, Mr Charles
Asylum, Mayfield College 280w
Crime prevention, Schools 618w
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Special constables, North East region 616w
Special constables, Recruitment 616-7w
Herbal medicine
Hercules aircraft
Repairs and maintenance 201w
Hermon, Lady
Broadcasting, Northern Ireland 419w
Police, Northern Ireland 798w
Police stations, Castlereagh 63w
Hesford, Stephen
Debates etc.
Mental health (25.06.02) 752-3
Hewitt, Rt Hon Ms Patricia, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
Arms trade, Export credit guarantees 681-2w
Bacteriology, Finance 672w
Coal fired power stations, Export credit guarantees 684w
Communication, Dept of Trade and Industry 21w
Computers, Dept of Trade and Industry 25-6w
Contracts, Dept of Trade and Industry 592w
Defence equipment, Export credit guarantees 589w
Departmental reorganisation, Dept of Trade and Industry 28w
EC action, Dept of Trade and Industry 29-31w, 186w, 191-3w, 614w, 669-70w, 687-8w, 981-2w
Employment, Transsexualism 2w
Export credit guarantees 590w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept 588-9w
Express Newspapers, Northern and Shell 20-1w
Fisheries, Compensation 989-90w
Foot and mouth disease, Advisory bodies 989w
General Agreement on Trade in Services 985-6w
Higher education, Research 349w
Industry, Dept of Trade and Industry 984w
Information officers, Dept of Trade and Industry 893w
Internet, Dept of Trade and Industry 186w
Location, Dept of Trade and Industry 187-90w
Members, Equal opportunities 2w
Members' interests, Dept of Trade and Industry 984w
Orders and regulations, Dept of Trade and Industry 31w
Overseas trade, Bhutan 990w
Privatisation, Pension rights 686-7w
Regulatory impact assessments, Dept of Trade and Industry 32w
Royal prerogative, Dept of Trade and Industry 791w
Secondment, Dept of Trade and Industry 193w, 593w
Standards, Dept of Trade and Industry 31w
Trade agreements, Drugs 685w
Training, Dept of Trade and Industry 983-4w
Wood, Dept of Trade and Industry 190w
World Trade Organisation 685w
Heyes, Mr David