Index for Volume 387—continued

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Higher education

    Finance 10-2w, 612-3w, 876

    Research 169w, (27.06.02) 307-50wh, 349w

    Social class 12-4w

    Standards 825-6w

    Student numbers 822w

Hinchliffe, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Mental health (25.06.02) 760, 768, 780-3


    Care homes 1101-2w

    NHS, Finance 975-6w

Hip replacements

Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England

    see English Heritage

HIV infection

    Tuberculosis 1083-4w

HM Customs and Excise

    see Customs and Excise

HM Inspectorate of Constabulary

HM Land Registry

    see Land Registry

HM Railway Inspectorate

    see Railway Inspectorate

HMS Invincible

Hoban, Mr Mark

                  Debates etc.

    Indirect Taxes (Disclosure) Bill, 1R (26.06.02) 889-91

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Education, Urban areas (25.06.02) 177-80wh

    Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 326-8wh


    Cancer, Medical treatments 858w

    Local government finance, Fareham 816w

    National Air Traffic Services, Insurance 130w, 1052w

    Primary care trusts, Public appointments 1090w

Hodge, Margaret, Minister of State for Universities, Dept for Education and Skills

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 341wh, 346-50wh


    Children, Day care 612w

    Educational maintenance allowance, Children in care 355-6w

    Foreign students, Disabled 16-7w

    Further education, Greater London 821w

    Further education, Manpower 825w

    Further education, Pay 18-9w

    Higher education, Children in care 17w, 302w

    Higher education, Finance 10-2w, 612-3w

    Higher education, Redundancy 18w

    Higher education, Research 169w

    Higher education, Social class 12-4w

    Higher education, Standards 825-6w

    Higher education, Student numbers 822w

    Learning and skills councils 826w

    Medicine, Student numbers 671-2w

    Medicine, Student wastage 429w

    Medicine, Teachers 833w

    National vocational qualifications 54w

    Overseas students, Student numbers 356-60w

    Pay 819-20w

    Schools, Construction 611w

    Secondary education, International cooperation 17w

    Sixth form education, Finance 18w, 359-60w, 825w

    Students, Fees and charges 17-8w, 824w

    Veterinary medicine 16w

Hoey, Miss Kate

                  Debates etc.

    European Communities (18.06.02) 164


    Youth courts, Evidence 711w

Holiday leave

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 979w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1029w

    President of the Council 933w

Holmes, Paul

                  Debates etc.

    Individual learning accounts (27.06.02) 1036-40


    Children, Employment 966w

    Children in care, Nationality 716w

    Intercountry adoption 528-9w

    Prostitution, Young people 1072w

    Schlumbergersema, Standards 90w

    Social security benefits, Appeals 938-40w


    Renewable energy 919-20w

Home care services

Home energy efficiency scheme

Home helps


Home Office

    Consultants 111-2w

    Contracts 110-1w, 697w

    Discrimination 106w, 283-4w

    Electronic equipment 838-9w

    Employment agencies 959-60w

    Grants 965-6w

    Location 960-6w

    Members 281-2w

    Non-departmental public bodies 527w

    Operating costs 836w

    Press releases 280-1w

    Property transfer 403-4w

    Public participation 965-6w

Home Safety Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

    1R (18.06.02) 155-8


    Castle Point 121-2w, 1033-4w

    Health services 1074-5w

    South West region 814w


    East Timor 632-4w

    Young people 620-1w

Hood, Mr Jimmy


    EC Finance Council 320-1w

    EC Foreign Affairs Council 8-9w

    EC Transport Council 577-80w

    EU Transport and Telecommunications Council 685-6w

Hoon, Rt Hon Geoffrey, Secretary of State for Defence

                  Debates etc.

    Afghanistan, Ministerial statements (20.06.02) 407-21

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Armed forces, Equal opportunities (20.06.02) 135-45wh, 160wh, 165-8wh


    Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 18, 32-3w, 504w, 678-9w

    Kashmir 503-4w

    Lane, Roger 20

    Members' interests, Ministry of Defence 599w

    Middle East, Armed conflict 16-7

    Military bases, Gibraltar 37w

    NATO, EC defence policy 1035w

    NATO, Russia 14-5

    Rapid reaction forces, EC countries 1035-6w

    Reserve forces, Civil defence 599w

    Weapons 11-2

Hope, Phil


    World Trade Organisation 722

Hopkins, Mr Kelvin

                  Debates etc.

    Business questions (20.06.02) 434-5


    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 138-9

    Armed forces, Housing 34w

    Personal savings 404

Hormone treatments

Horticultural Development Council (Amendment) Order 2002

                  Debates etc.




    (19.06.02) 126-34wh, 553w

Hospital beds

    Northumberland 157-8w


    Cellular phones 245w

    Cleaning services 726w

    Disclosure of information 734w

    Fire prevention 240-1w

    Ministers of religion (25.06.02) 215-20wh

    Trent 234-5w

House of Lords

    Reform (17.06.02) 125-34

House of Lords Reform Joint Select Committee

    (19.06.02) 338-83


    Greater London 1032-3w

    North West region 812-4w

Housing benefit

    Disabled (24.06.02) 712-20

    Medway 941-2w

Housing revenue accounts

    Newcastle upon Tyne 416w

Housing (Right to Acquire) (Discount) Order 2002

                  Debates etc.

Howard, Rt Hon Michael


    Excise duties, Fuels 943w

    Network Rail, Finance 1047-8w

    Pensions, Advance corporation tax 406

    Poverty, Developing countries 391-2

Howarth, Rt Hon Alan

                  Debates etc.

    Export Control Bill, Lords amendts (24.06.02) 671-4

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 318-22wh


    Churches, VAT 605-6

Howarth, Mr George

                  Debates etc.

    European Communities (18.06.02) 165

    Railtrack, Finance (27.06.02) 979

    Zimbabwe (25.06.02) 814


    Buses, Pollution 573w

    Education, Assessments 363w

    Education, Parents 525w

    Education of children at home 304w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 776w

    Public transport 508w

    Public transport, Finance 979-80w

    Rapid transit systems 507-10w, 573-4w, 878-9w

    Rapid transit systems, Finance 510w

Howarth, Mr Gerald

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Armed forces, Equal opportunities (20.06.02) 145wh, 160-5wh, 168wh


    Military aid, Nepal 4-5

Howells, Dr Kim, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Culture Media and Sport


    Advertising, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 273w

    Annual reports, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 741-2w

    Arts, North West region 601-2

    BBC 645-6w

    Broadcasting programmes 935w

    Broadcasting reception 646w

    Carlton House Terrace, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 645w

    Consultants, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 648w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 644w

    Entertainments, Licensed premises 934-5w

    Fair trade initiative, Trade marks 276w

    Film 278w, 599-601, 936-7w

    Film Council, Consultants 936w

    Film Council, Manpower 935w

    Grants, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 934w

    Independent Television Commission, Public appointments 908w

    Local broadcasting, Standards 742w

    Location, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 269-70w

    Manpower, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 273w, 644w

    Mass media, Race relations 644-5w

    Mass media, Regulation 640w

    Members' interests, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 277w

    National Lottery, Sports 271-2w

    Office of Communications, Scotland 593-4

    Official hospitality, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 420w

    Playing fields, Sales 272w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 419w

    Public libraries 277w

    Public libraries, Internet 276-7w

    Public libraries, Sight impaired 420w

    Public libraries, Standards 274-5w, 741w

    Religious broadcasting, Licensing 273-4w

    Sports, Schools 272-3w

    Standards, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 270-1w

    Stationery, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 275w

    Tourism 276w, 642-3w

    Tourism, Southern region 643w

    Tourism, World heritage sites 641-2w

    Training, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 271w

Hoyle, Mr Lindsay


    Gibraltar, Spain 738

    Joint strike fighter aircraft 40w

    Milk, Lancashire 998w

    Vehicle number plates 78w

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