Index for Volume 387—continued

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Iddon, Dr Brian

                  Debates etc.

    Business motions (24.06.02) 706

    Energy (20.06.02) 452, 499-500

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 328-30wh

    Shipping, Safety (25.06.02) 193-8wh, 211wh


    Dietary supplements, EC action 548-52w

    Herbal medicine, EC action 434-5w

Identification of criminals

Identity cards

    Gibraltar 7w

Illegal immigrants

    Channel tunnel 110w, 879-87

Illsley, Mr Eric


    Climate change levy 450w

    Packaging, Recycling 941-2




    Administrative delays 285w, 957-8w

Immigration and Nationality Directorate

    Correspondence 958-9w

Immigration Appellate Authorities

Immigration (Entry Otherwise than by Sea or Air) Order 2002

                  Debates etc.

Immigration officers

    Indian subcontinent 399w

Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Advisory Group

    Public appointments 947-8w

Import controls


    Coal 792-3w

    Pesticides 909-10w

Incapacity benefit


Income support

    Care homes 1085-6w


Incontinence aids

    Care homes 164-5w

Independent Advisory Group on Teenage Pregnancy

    see Teenage Pregnancy Independent Advisory Group

Independent Assessor of Military Complaints Procedures

    Annual reports 396-7w

Independent Television Commission

    Public appointments 908w


Indian subcontinent

    Immigration officers 399w

    Nuclear weapons 729-31

Indirect Taxes (Disclosure) Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

    1R (26.06.02) 889-91

Individual learning accounts


    Estimates days (27.06.02) 1032-64


    Politics and government 1027w

Industrial diseases

Industrial estates

    Greater Manchester (26.06.02) 299-306wh

Industrial health and safety

    Small businesses 663-4w

Industrial injuries

    Rehabilitation 664-5w


    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 277w

    Dept for Education and Skills 1039w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 375w

    Dept for International Development 266w

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 514w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 984w

Infectious diseases

    Whipps Cross Hospital 1080w


Information officers

    Dept of Trade and Industry 893w

Information services

Information technology

    Crown Prosecution Service 397w

    Dept for International Development 55-6w

    NHS 152-4, 852-3w, 1081-2w

Ingram, Rt Hon Adam, Minister of State, Ministry of Defence


    Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 678-9w

    Air force, Military exercises 338w

    Air force, Recruitment 6-7

    Air force, Training 337-8w, 340-1w

    Ammunition, Kenya 681w

    Armed forces, Deployment 203w

    Armed forces, Early retirement 196w

    Armed forces, Education 338-40w

    Armed forces, Equal opportunities 17-8

    Armed forces, Manpower 196-7w, 679w

    Armed forces, Mass media 34-5w

    Armed forces, Resignations 195-7w

    Armed forces, Sierra Leone 8-10

    Armed forces, Sikhs 680w

    Armed forces, Suicide 333-5w

    Armed forces, Training 747w

    Army, Ethnic groups 679-80w

    Astute class submarines 904w

    Baton rounds, Northern Ireland 287w

    Courts martial, Crimes of violence 194-5w

    Defence, Employment 202-3w

    Defence Logistics Organisation, Expenditure 197w

    Harrier aircraft, Training 198-9w

    Hercules aircraft, Repairs and maintenance 201w

    Land, Contamination 201w

    Marines, Females 505w

    Military aid, Nepal 3-5, 341w

    Military attaches 505w

    Navy, Females 504-5w

    Nuclear submarines 336w

    Nuclear weapons 336w

    Parachute regiment, Manpower 200w

    Public expenditure, Ministry of Defence 503w, 679w

    Radioactive materials, Transport 202w

    Royal Irish Regiment, Kent 747w

    Sea Harrier aircraft 36w

    Sea Harrier aircraft, Decommissioning 36-7w

    Security, Falkland Islands 38w

    Tanks 199-200w, 336-7w

    Tornado aircraft 197-8w

    Warships, Asylum 200-1w

    Written questions, Administrative delays 748w


Inland Revenue

    Telephone services 319-20w

Insider Dealing (Securities and Regulated Markets) (Amendment) Order 2002

                  Debates etc.

    (25.06.02) 849-50


    Aviation 703-4w

Insurance companies

Insurance premium tax

Intelligence services

Intercountry adoption


    Macedonia 153-4w

Interest rates

International Atomic Energy Agency

    Public appointments 890w

International baccalaureate

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

    see World Bank

International cooperation

    Rapid reaction forces 38w

    Secondary education 17w

International Day for Victims of Torture


International Maritime Organisation (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2002

                  Debates etc.

International Monetary Fund

    European Communities 44w

International organisations

    Developing countries 263w


    Dept of Trade and Industry 186w

    Immigration and Nationality Directorate 958w

    Local authorities 815w

    Local Government Bill (Draft) 817-8w

    Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 490-1w

    Public libraries 276-7w

    Taxation 454-5w


    Armed forces 42-4w

    Further education 522w

    Schools 522w, 907-8w

"Introducing a More Structured Approach to Learning to Drive Consultation Paper"

Invalid care allowances

    Pensioners 1056-7w

Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000



Ionising Radiation (Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Examination or Treatment) Regulations 1988


Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999




    Arms trade 335-6w, 636w


    Foreign relations 637-8w

    Medical equipment 296-7w

Iraq-Kuwait conflict

    War pensions 42w


Iron and steel

    USA 722-3, 733-4, 778w

Irranca-Davies, Huw

                  Debates etc.

    Trade unions (27.06.02) 1065-8


    Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 33w

    Manufacturing industries, Wales 264

    Southern Africa, Famine 859-60

    VAT, Listed buildings 707w


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