Index for Volume 387continued
A Ap B Bh Bo Bu C Ch Cr D Di E Ep F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Is J Ju K Ku L Li Ly M Mc Mi Mu N O Oz P Pr Q R Ri S Si Sp Sq T Tr Tw U V W Wo Y Z
Jack, Rt Hon Michael
Debates etc.
Energy (20.06.02) 438, 453, 472-4
Railtrack, Finance (27.06.02) 979
Broadcasting reception 646w
Manufacturing industries, Productivity 449w
Refrigerators, Wales 325w
Jackson, Ms Glenda
Debates etc.
Developing countries, Poverty (19.06.02) 304-6
Railtrack, Finance (27.06.02) 980
Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 139-40
Jackson, Helen
Debates etc.
London Underground (27.06.02) 991
Railtrack, Finance (27.06.02) 982
Africa, International assistance 776-7w
Southern Africa, Famine 861
Jamieson, Mr David, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Shipping, Safety (25.06.02) 211-4wh
Transport, Greater London (26.06.02) 256-9wh
Air traffic control, Prestwick 978-9w
Automatic train protection, Scotland 978w
Aviation, Excise duties 667w
Blue badge scheme 73-4w, 882-3w
Bridges, Greater London 76w
Bus services, Regulation 772w
Bypasses, Silverstone 878w
Channel tunnel, Police 68-9w
Computers, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 662w
Consultation papers, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 668w
Contracts, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 665w
Countryside, Environment protection 979w
Discrimination, Dept for Transport 662w
Driving, Sight impaired 883w
Driving instruction 979-80w
East Midlands Airport, Night flying 185w
EC action, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 657w
Fisheries, Working hours 54w
Flexible working, Dept for Transport 884w
Grants, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 665w
Green Ministers Committee, Dept for Transport 880w
Health and Safety Commission 661-2w
Health and Safety Executive, Career structure 776w
Holiday leave, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 979w
Industrial health and safety, Pregnant women 664w
Industrial health and safety, Television 930w
Industrial injuries, Rehabilitation 664-5w
"Introducing a More Structured Approach to Learning to Drive Consultation Paper" 667w
London Tilbury and Southend line, Commuters 72w
London Underground, Assets 978w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 657-9w
London-Colchester railway line, Safety 181w
Manpower, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 662w
Motorways, Speed limits 668w
National Air Traffic Services, Finance 881w
Network Rail, Accountability 771-2w
Network Rail, Dept for Transport 881w
Office of the Rail Regulator 881w
Ordnance Survey, Contracts 514w
Paddington Rail Accident Inquiry 68w
Passive smoking, Codes of practice 665-6w
Pedestrian areas, Disabled 930w
Property transfer, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 661w
Public expenditure, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 663w, 776w
Public participation, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 662w
Public service vehicles, Testing 76w
Public transport, Finance 979-80w
Railtrack, Railway stations 767-8w
Railway Industry Advisory Committee, Public appointments 182w
Railway Inspectorate, Public appointments 181w
Railway stations, Disabled 883-4w
Railway track, Fees and charges 426w
Railways, Accidents 182w, 659-60w
Railways, Construction 977w
Railways, Greater London 884w
Railways, Industrial injuries 669w
Railways, Manchester 884w
Railways, Passengers 882w
Railways, Repairs and maintenance 180w, 182w
Railways, Safety 71w, 180-1w, 659-62w
Railways, South West region 667w
Railways, Training 182-3w
Rapid transit systems 771w, 878-9w
Rescue services, Portland 980w
River Humber, Navigation 667-8w
Road signs and markings 773-4w
Road traffic control 880w
Road works, Utilities 877-8w
Royal prerogative, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 775w
Shipping, Pollution 77-8w
Small businesses, Industrial health and safety 663-4w
South Coast Corridor Multi-Modal Study, Costs 981w
Standards, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 663w
Strategic Rail Authority, Scotland 181w
Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1994 884-5w
Transport, Expenditure 75w
Transport, Investment 977-8w
Transport, Radioactive materials 878w
Vehicle number plates 78w
Wembley Park Station, Repairs and maintenance 75w
West coast railway line 769w
West coast railway line, Bechtel 881w
Wood, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 775-6w
Japanese knotweed
Jenkin, Mr Bernard
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations (20.06.02) 411-2, 420
Peace keeping operations, Points of order (26.06.02) 888
Planning permission, Brightlingsea (26.06.02) 930-4, 936
Seville Summit (EC) (24.06.02) 615
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Armed forces, Equal opportunities (20.06.02) 139-45wh, 154wh, 167-8wh
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 678w
Air force, Military exercises 338w
Air force, Training 337-8w
Armed forces, Early retirement 196w
Armed forces, Manpower 196-7w, 679w
Armed forces, Resignations 195-7w
Armed forces, Sierra Leone 9-10
Defence Logistics Organisation, Expenditure 197w
Hercules aircraft, Repairs and maintenance 201w
Military bases, Colchester 680w
NATO, EC defence policy 1035w
Parachute regiment, Manpower 200w
Rapid reaction forces, EC countries 1035-6w
Tornado aircraft 197-8w, 336w
Tornado aircraft, Guided weapons 599w
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Middle East, Armed conflict 16
Postal services, Sight impaired 887w
Small Business Service 889w
Jobcentre Plus
Jobseeker's allowance
Johnson, Alan, Minister of State for Employment Relations and Regions, Dept of Trade and Industry
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Export controls, Tanzania (25.06.02) 232-6wh
Aerospace Innovation and Growth Team 28w
EC grants and loans 465-6w
Employment tribunals, Deposits 343w
Manufacturing Advisory Service 348w
Minimum wage, Portsmouth 465-6w
Redundancy Payments (Continuation of Employment in Local Government Etc) (Modification) Order 1999 891-2w
Johnson, Mr Boris
Debates etc.
Individual learning accounts (27.06.02) 1048
Office of Communications, Scotland 594
Parish councils, Codes of practice 308w
Johnson, Miss Melanie, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept of Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Bill, 3R (21.06.02) 579-81
Enterprise Bill, Rep and 3R (17.06.02) 21-2, 31-6, 44, 46, 53-6, 59-61, 63-5, 67-8, 78-80, 82-3, 87-90, 92-4, 107-10
Cellular phones, Unfair practices 187w
Financial Services Act 1986, Prosecutions 586-7w
Furniture, Fire prevention 589-90w
Members, Correspondence 985w
Trading Schemes Act 1996, Prosecutions 465w
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
Joint Entry Clearance Unit
Joint strike fighter aircraft
Jones, Helen M
Agriculture, Trade agreements 479-80w
Common agricultural policy 480-1w, 916w
Dairy farming, Subsidies 480w
Industrial injuries, Rehabilitation 664-5w
Magistrates, Warrington 428-9w
Poverty, Developing countries 391
Jones, Mr Jon Owen
Illegal immigrants, Channel tunnel 886-7
Jones, Mr Kevan
Jones, Dr Lynne
Debates etc.
Mental health (25.06.02) 769, 788-91
General Agreement on Trade in Services 985-6w
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons 293-4w
Trade agreements, Drugs 685w
World Trade Organisation 685w
Jones, Mr Martyn David
Employment schemes, Wales 326-7w
Jones, Mr Nigel
Cheltenham Borough Council, Elections 629-30w
Jowell, Rt Hon Ms Tessa, Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport
British Museum, Finance 642w
Broadcasting, Northern Ireland 419w
Crime prevention, Young people 639w
European Capital of Culture, Liverpool 641w
Ministerial Group for the Queen's Golden Jubilee 934w
Museums and galleries, Greater London 423w
National Lottery, Sports 597-9
National Museum of Science and Industry 422-3w
Performing arts, Rural areas 640w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 63w, 341-2w
Wembley Stadium 502-4w, 603-4
Joyce, Mr Eric
Debates etc.
House of Lords, Reform (17.06.02) 125-9
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Armed forces, Equal opportunities (20.06.02) 145-9wh, 155wh
Channel tunnel, Freight 580-1w
New deal for young people, Scotland 797w
Social security benefits, Abuse 501w