Index for Volume 387—continued

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Kananaskis Summit


    Foreign relations 779-80w

Kaufman, Rt Hon Gerald


    Members, Correspondence 499-500w, 622w, 624w, 696w, 839-40w, 966-7w

Keeble, Ms Sally, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for International Development

                  Debates etc.

    Developing countries, Poverty (19.06.02) 329-32

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Fair trade initiative (19.06.02) 108-10wh


    Afghanistan, International assistance 865-6

    Africa, AIDS 868

Keen, Ann


    "Setting the Boundaries Reforming the Law on Sexual Offences" 405w

Keetch, Mr Paul

                  Debates etc.

    Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations (20.06.02) 413-4

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Air force, Training 340-1w

    Armed forces, Health services 597w, 905w

    Armed forces, Mental health services 601w

    Military attaches 505w

    Ministry of Defence Police, AWE Aldermaston 2-3

    Police, Herefordshire 622w

    Princess Royal Barracks, Death 40-1w

    Voting methods, Herefordshire 492w

Kelly, Ruth, Financial Secretary, Treasury

                  Debates etc.

    Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No 2) Bill, 1R (27.06.02) 1064


    Advertising, Treasury 135w

    Bank notes 393-4w

    Bank notes, Northern Ireland 703w

    Bank of Credit and Commerce International, Bank of England 128w

    Bank of England, Public appointments 943w

    Bank services, Euro 393w

    Biotechnology 450-1w

    Birth rate 455-9w

    Black economy, EC countries 762w

    Buildings, Treasury 1050w

    Cancer 168-70w, 568-9w

    Cancer, Life expectancy 569-70w

    Computers, Treasury 128-9w

    Credit cards, Debts 390-1w

    Credit unions 391-2w

    Credit unions, Loans 391w

    Discrimination, Treasury 1052w

    Drugs, Buckinghamshire 705-8w

    EC economic policy 586w

    EC grants and loans 447-8w

    Economic and monetary union 459w

    Economic growth, Statistics 763w

    Endowment mortgages 705-6w, 763w

    Females, Employment 130-4w

    Financial services, Regulation 447w

    Financial Services Authority, Annual reports 454w

    Financial Services Compensation Scheme, Voluntary organisations 130w

    Fire services 78-82w

    Gold and foreign exchange reserves, Sales 704w

    Holiday leave, Treasury 1053w

    Housing, Prices 453w

    Hussein, Saddam 762w

    Industry, Profitability 1052w

    Insurance, Aviation 703-4w

    Insurance companies, Assets 707w

    Insurance premium tax, Beekeeping 703w

    Interest rates, Debts 462w

    International Monetary Fund 1054w

    Lone parents 394-6w

    Manpower, Treasury 127w

    Manufacturing industries, South West region 449w

    Members' interests, Treasury 761-2w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Treasury 389w, 461w

    National Air Traffic Services, Insurance 130w, 1052w

    National income 390w

    National Savings and Investments, Public appointments 586w

    Office for National Statistics, Publications 701w

    Official hospitality, Treasury 318w

    Overseas investment 127w

    Pay, Scotland 460-1w, 1051-2w

    Personal savings 402-4

    Proceeds of crime, Nauru 1053w

    Public appointments, Treasury 460w

    Public expenditure, Treasury 389w

    Public participation, Treasury 128w

    Publicity, Treasury 388-90w

    Royal prerogative, Treasury 760w

    Stability Pact 701-2w

    Standards, Treasury 127w

    Suicide 392-3w

    Terrorism, Finance 137-8w

    Training, Treasury 390w

    Unemployment, Greater London 453-4w

    Visits abroad, Treasury 1054w

Kennedy, Rt Hon Charles

                  Debates etc.

    Seville Summit (EC) (24.06.02) 616


    France, Beef 270

    Pensions 1057-8w

    Serco 743-4w

Kennedy, Jane, Minister of State, Northern Ireland Office


    Advertising, Northern Ireland Office 538w

    Discrimination, Northern Ireland Office 797w

    Domestic violence, Northern Ireland 701w

    Extortion, Northern Ireland 796w

    Manpower, Northern Ireland Office 538-9w

    Motor vehicles, Theft 698-700w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Northern Ireland Office 63-4w

    Northern Ireland Policing Board, Attendance 65-6w

    Official hospitality, Northern Ireland Office 798w

    Police informers, Children 539w

    Police stations, Castlereagh 63w

    Press releases, Northern Ireland Office 700w

    Prisoners' release, Northern Ireland 66w

    Public relations, Northern Ireland Office 65w

    Road traffic offences, Speed limits 537w

    Sexual offences, Northern Ireland 538w, 797w

    Standards, Northern Ireland Office 540-4w

    Terrorism, Northern Ireland 798w

    Training, Northern Ireland Office 64w, 539w


    Royal Irish Regiment 747w


Key, Mr Robert

                  Debates etc.

    Developing countries, Poverty (19.06.02) 326-9

    Energy (20.06.02) 465, 503-5

    Export Control Bill, Lords amendts (24.06.02) 637-9, 643, 665-71

    House of Lords Reform Joint Select Committee (19.06.02) 373


    Arms trade 466-7w

    Cathedrals, Conservation 610

    Foot and mouth disease 478w

    Mental health services 136

    Public Guardianship Office, Standards 427w

    Sudan, Armed conflict 265w

    Sudan, International assistance 265w

    Sudan, Travel restrictions 265-6w

Khabra, Mr Piara S


    Developing countries, Health services 875w

Khalid, Leila


Kidney, Mr David


    Armed forces, Housing 744w

    Breast feeding 150-1

    Exservicemen 35w

    Farmers, Bureaucracy 1004w

    Higher education, Research 349w

    National Lottery, Sports 599

    Railway stations, Stafford 509w

    Railways, Freight 580w

    Rented housing, Private sector 814-6w

    Solicitors, Legal aid scheme 530w

    Taxation, Landlords 763w

    Tuberculosis, Screening 1078-9w

    Venture capital 448w

    West coast railway line 769w

Kilfoyle, Mr Peter

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    China (18.06.02) 8-10wh


    European Capital of Culture, Liverpool 641w

    Rapid transit systems 508w, 573-6w

    Rapid transit systems, Finance 510w

    Rapid transit systems, Pollution 573w

King, Andy


    Bhutan, Overseas aid 992w

    Bhutan, Overseas trade 990w

    Bhutan, Religious freedom 1025-6w

King, Ms Oona


    Middle East, Peace negotiations 744-6

    Rented housing 673-4w

King Edward VIII

    Public records 708-9w

Kirkbride, Miss Julie


    Business questions 963

Kirkwood, Mr Archy


    Business questions 961

    Minimum wage 26w

    Minimum wage, Scotland 318w

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, Working hours 2w

    Social Security Contributions Agency, Computers 834w

    Young people, Pay 591w

Knight, Rt Hon Greg


    Road traffic, USA 68w

Knight, Jim


    Tourism, World heritage sites 641-2w

    World Trade Organisation 723


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