Index for Volume 387—continued

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McWalter, Mr Tony

                  Debates etc.

    Enterprise Bill, Rep and 3R (17.06.02) 29-31, 45, 50-2, 123-4

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 340-2wh


    Warrington 428-9w

Magistrates' courts committees

Mahmood, Mr Khalid


    Iraq, Arms trade 296w

Mahon, Mrs Alice

                  Debates etc.

    Business questions (20.06.02) 427-8



    State retirement pensions 672w



    Arms trade 982-3w

Malins, Mr Humfrey


    Members, Correspondence 106w

Mallaber, Judy


    Poverty, Developing countries 395-6


Mandela, Nelson


Mandelson, Rt Hon Peter

                  Debates etc.

    European Communities (18.06.02) 180-6

Mann, John

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Political parties, Finance (26.06.02) 275-6wh


    Control of Trade in Endangered Species (Enforcement) Regulations 1997 220-1w

    Hospitals, Pharmacy 737w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 591w

    Members, Travel 142w

    NHS, Information technology 852-3w, 1081-2w

    Ragwort 218-9w

Manufacturing Advisory Service

Manufacturing industries

    Climate change levy 398-9

    South West region 449w

    Taxation 393-5, 399-401

    Wales 263-4

Maples, Mr John

                  Debates etc.

    Seville Summit (EC) (24.06.02) 623


    Middle East, Peace negotiations 742-3

Marginal tax rates



Market Harborough

    Dental services 276


    Electricity generation 892w

Marris, Rob

                  Debates etc.

    Railtrack, Finance (27.06.02) 987

    Tax Credits Bill, Lords amendts (26.06.02) 898

    Trade unions (27.06.02) 1070

Marsden, Mr Gordon

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 323-6wh


    Gambling, Regulation 640w

Marsden, Mr Paul

                  Debates etc.

    Prescriptions (Chronic Diseases) Bill, 1R (19.06.02) 279-81


    Gulf war syndrome 746w

    Non-departmental public bodies 140-1w

    Pupils, Chronic fatigue syndrome 829-30w

    Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 1074w

    Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Radiotherapy 974w

Marshall, Mr David


    Motorways, Speed limits 668w

Marshall-Andrews, Mr Robert

                  Debates etc.

    House of Lords Reform Joint Select Committee (19.06.02) 376

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Channel tunnel railway line, Medway (18.06.02) 46-7wh

Martlew, Mr Eric

                  Debates etc.

    Railtrack, Finance (27.06.02) 981


    Business questions 966

    Council housing, Property transfer 121w

    Foot and mouth disease, Throckmorton airfield 942

    Health action zones, Cumbria 1082-3w

    Housing benefit 631w

    Local government, Elections 308w

    Motor vehicles, Waste disposal 426w, 592w

    Nurses, Foreign workers 145w

    Railways, Training 182-3w

    Theatre, Finance 647w

Mass media

    Armed forces 34-5w

    Race relations 644-5w

Maude, Rt Hon Francis

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Fair trade initiative (19.06.02) 94-7wh, 105wh

Mawhinney, Rt Hon Sir Brian


    Members, Correspondence 624w

May, Mrs Theresa

                  Debates etc.

    Railtrack, Finance (27.06.02) 973-4


    Aviation, Environment protection 183w

    Aviation, Fuels 183w

    Commuters 513-4w

    Consultation papers, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 668w

    Driving, Sight impaired 883w

    Fire services 78-82w

    Government assistance, Accountancy 126w

    London Underground, Public private partnerships 666w

    National Air Traffic Services 183-4w

    National Rail Summit 46w

    Parliamentary questions, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 666-7w

    Pedestrian crossings 507w

    Pedestrian crossings, Costs 425-6w

    Pedestrian crossings, Road traffic 426w

    Railtrack, Finance 669w, 768-9w

    Railtrack, Railway stations 767-8w

    Railway track, Fees and charges 182w, 426w, 510-1w

    Railways, Franchises 511w

    Railways, Freight 71w, 509-10w, 769w

    Railways, Repairs and maintenance 179-81w

    Railways, Safety 71w

    Roads, Tolls 576-7w

    Traffic lights, Repairs and maintenance 577w

    Tyres, Waste disposal 24-5w

    Utilities, Regulation 134-5w, 467w

Mayfield College

Meacher, Rt Hon Michael, Minister of State for the Environment, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs


    Abandoned vehicles 937-40

    Air pollution, St Albans 755-6w

    Birds, Conservation 51w, 759-60w

    Climate change, Antarctic 48-9w

    Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters 217w

    Control of Trade in Endangered Species (Enforcement) Regulations 1997 220-1w

    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 795-6w

    EC action, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 605-6w, 751-2w

    EC environmental policy 54w

    Electronic equipment, Waste disposal 944-7

    Environment protection 486w, 753-4w

    Environment protection, Liability 757w

    Flagship Species Fund 50-1w

    Genetically modified organisms, Crops 213-4w, 604w, 756w

    Home energy efficiency scheme 605w

    Japanese knotweed 758w

    Land, Contamination 485-6w

    Nature conservation 998-9w

    Nature conservation, EC action 217-8w

    Noise, Pollution 606-7w

    Noise, Pollution control 757w

    Ozone layer, EC action 204-5w

    Packaging, Recycling 940-2

    Packaging, Waste disposal 607w, 757-8w

    Pollution control, Greenhouse effect 604-5w

    Radiation exposure 625w

    Radioactive materials, Theft 755w

    Recycling 222-3w, 996w

    Refrigerators, Waste disposal 52-3w, 754w, 953-4, 997-8w

    Renewable energy, Holsworthy 919-20w

    Sewage, Nuisance 751w

    Sustainable development 485w

    Tipping of waste 52w

    Tipping of waste, Convictions 52w

    Waste management, Surveys 473w

    Waste Minimisation and Recycling Fund 758-9w

    Water, EC action 755w

    Water, Quality control 752-3w

    Water abstraction, Licensing 215-6w

    Wood, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 215w

    World Summit on Sustainable Development 473w, 950-1, 995w, 1000-1w

    World Summit on Sustainable Development, Bali 607-8w

Means tested benefits


    Hormone treatments 570w

    Imports 377-80w, 559w

    Labelling 558-9w

    Prisons 953-4w

    Smuggling 377-9w, 384-6w, 475w, 529w, 918-9w, 1046-7w


Medical equipment


    Iraq 296-7w

Medical records

    Disclosure of information 555w, 727-8w

Medical treatments

    Asthma (25.06.02) 851-8

    Heart diseases 429-30w, 437-8w, 572w

    Radiation exposure 855-6w


    Student numbers 145-7, 242w, 671-2w

    Student wastage 429w


    Channel tunnel railway line (18.06.02) 43-50wh

    Council tax benefits 941-2w

    Housing benefit 941-2w


    Dept for International Development 55w

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 413w

    Equal opportunities 2w

    Home Office 281-2w

    Scotland Office 312w

Members' interests

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 277w

    Dept for Education and Skills 823-4w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 915w

    Dept for International Development 62w

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 664w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 98w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 984w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 532w

    Ministry of Defence 599w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 495w

    Treasury 761-2w

Members of Parliament (Employment Disqualification) Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

    2R order read (21.06.02) 582



Mental health

    Opposition days (25.06.02) 752-802

Mental health services

    Finance 724-5w, 1076-7w

    North Yorkshire 724-5w

Mentally ill

    Employment 156w, 630-1w

    Prescription drugs 442-6w

Mercer, Patrick

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Armed forces, Equal opportunities (20.06.02) 152-6wh, 158wh, 160wh


    Military aid, Nepal 4

Merchant Shipping Act 1995


Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Oil Pollution) Regulations 1996




Merron, Ms Gillian


    Bingo, Taxation 447w

    Maintenance, Children 674w

    Migraine, National service frameworks 739w

    Rolling stock, Safety 669w

Mersey Tunnels Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

    2R order read (19.06.02) 259, (26.06.02) 859

Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus

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