Index for Volume 387—continued

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Pregnant women

    Industrial health and safety 664w

Premier Prison Services

Prentice, Ms Bridget


    East Timor, Overseas aid 781w

Prentice, Mr Gordon

                  Debates etc.

    Business questions (20.06.02) 433-4

    House of Lords Reform Joint Select Committee (19.06.02) 342, 358-60, 369


    Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 479w

    Medicine, Student numbers 242w

    Neurology, Manpower 853-4w

    Radioactive materials, Theft 755w

    Railway network, Speed limits 512w

    Video recordings, Violence 967w

    Written questions, Administrative delays 748w

Prescott, Rt Hon John, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Local Government and the Regions


    British Irish Council 493-4w

    China, Foreign relations 929w

    Departmental reorganisation, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 491-2w

    Royal prerogative, Cabinet Office 810w

    Speeches, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 186w

Prescription drugs

    Mentally ill 442-6w


    Children in care 151w

    Cystic fibrosis 543-5w

    Fees and charges 543-5w

Prescriptions (Chronic Diseases) Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

    1R (19.06.02) 279-81

President of the Council

    Computers 397-8w

    Electronic equipment 267w

    Official hospitality 268w

    Public expenditure 397w

Press releases

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 385w

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 411-2w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 92w, 291w

    Home Office 280-1w

    Northern Ireland Office 700w


    Air traffic control 507w, 978-9w

Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1989


Price, Adam

                  Debates etc.

    Energy (20.06.02) 485-6

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Higher education, Research (27.06.02) 330-1wh


    Care homes, Wales 260

    Compensation Recovery Unit 501w

    National Assembly for Wales, Borrowing 453w

    Scrapie, Goats 484-5w

    Terrorism, Biological weapons 529w

Primarolo, Rt Hon Dawn, Paymaster General

                  Debates etc.

    Employee Share Schemes Bill, Rep and 3R (21.06.02) 526-9, 562-7

    Tax Credits Bill, Lords amendts (26.06.02) 892-4, 896-7, 899-900, 905-6, 909-12, 916-7, 919-29


    Advance pricing agreements 137w

    Child care tax credit 762-3w

    Children, Day care 447w

    Children's tax credit, Luton 462w

    Children's tax credit, Wandsworth 462w

    Construction, Black economy 794-5w

    Corporation tax 137w

    Financial services, Misrepresentation 401-2

    Inland Revenue, Portsmouth 319w

    Inland Revenue, Telephone services 319-20w

    Marginal tax rates 584-5w

    Minimum wage, Scotland 318w

    Self-employed contributions 467-8w, 795w

    State retirement pensions 136w

    Taxation, Landlords 763w

    Taxation, Overpayments 1046w

    Taxation, Self-assessment 135-6w, 454-6w

    Taxation, Self-employed 138-9w

    Taxation, Small businesses 448w

    Venture capital 448w

    Welfare tax credits 944w

    Welfare tax credits, Scotland 462w

    Working families tax credit 139w

    Working families tax credit, Abuse 761w

    Working families tax credit, Staffordshire 451w

Primary care trusts

    Finance 238-9w

    Public appointments 1090w

    Teaching hospitals 234w

Primary education

    Class sizes 671w, 826-7w

Prime Minister

    Electronic equipment 331w

    Members' interests 464w

    Ministerial policy advisors 332w

    Public appointments 718w

    Royal prerogative 799-800w

    Written questions 330-1w

Prime Minister's questions

Princess Royal Barracks

    Death 40-1w

Prisk, Mr Mark

                  Debates etc.

    European Communities (18.06.02) 164-5

    Zimbabwe (25.06.02) 385-6, 823


    Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 678-9w

    Care homes, Wales 259-60

    Medical treatments, Radiation exposure 855-6w

    Middle East, Armed conflict 17

    Nuclear power 714-5w

Prison accommodation



    Rehabilitation 968-9w

Prisoners' release

    Northern Ireland 66w


    Education 967w, 1067-8w

    Health services 967w

    Isle of Wight 967-9w

    Meat 953-4w


    Patients 237-8w

Private finance initiative

    Stockport NHS Trust 154w

Private roads

    (18.06.02) 59-66wh

Private sector

    Rented housing 814-6w


    Pension rights 686-7w

Procedure Select Committee

Proceeds of crime


    Aircraft carriers 5-6

    Armoured fighting vehicles 905-6w

    Defence equipment 203-4w

    Future large aircraft 902-3w

Prodi, Romano

Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 1997



    Manufacturing industries 449w


Programme motions

    see Timetabling of bills


    Scotland Office 796-7w



    Financial Services Act 1986 586-7w

    Racial violence 967w

    Trading Schemes Act 1996 465w

Prosser, Mr Gwyn

                  Debates etc.

    Seville Summit (EC) (24.06.02) 626

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Shipping, Safety (25.06.02) 205-8wh


    Drugs, Smuggling 868-9

    Illegal immigrants, Channel tunnel 884



Public Accounts Committee

Public appointments

    Bank of England 943w

    British Nuclear Fuels 793w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 350w

    Educational institutions 829w

    Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Advisory Group 947-8w

    Independent Television Commission 908w

    International Atomic Energy Agency 890w

    National Savings and Investments 586w

    Office for Civil Nuclear Security 987-8w

    Primary care trusts 1090w

    Railway Industry Advisory Committee 182w

    Railway Inspectorate 181w

    Scottish Older People's Consultative Forum 1055w

Public bodies

    Parliamentary scrutiny 309w

Public buildings


Public expenditure

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 419w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 910w

    Dept for International Development 267w

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 663w, 776w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 292w

    Lord Chancellor's Dept 99w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 801w

    President of the Council 397w

    Scotland 311-2w, 797w

Public Guardianship Office

Public holidays

Public libraries

    Internet 276-7w

    Standards 274-5w, 741w

Public Library and Museums Act 1964


Public participation

    Dept for International Development 55-6w

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 662w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 3w

    Home Office 965-6w

    Scotland Office 313w

Public private partnerships

    London Underground 657-9w, 666w

Public records

    Intelligence services 1069w

    King Edward VIII 708-9w

Public relations

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 412w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 97w

    Northern Ireland Office 65w

Public service vehicles

Public transport

    Finance 979-80w

Public Trustee (Liability and Fees) Bill (HL) 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

    Business questions (20.06.02) 426-7


    Treasury 388-90w

Pugh, Dr John

                  Debates etc.

    Enterprise Bill, Rep and 3R (17.06.02) 79-80, 87, 89


    NHS, Information technology 152

Pupil exclusions

    Children in care 907w


    Chronic fatigue syndrome 829-30w

    Literacy 304-5w

    Personal records 352-3w

Purchase, Mr Ken

                  Debates etc.

    Enterprise Bill, Rep and 3R (17.06.02) 52-3

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