Index for Volume 388continued
A Am At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E Em Ey F Fo Fu G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je Ju K Kn L Le Ll M Ma Me Mi Mu N Nu O Ot P Pl Ps Q R Rh Ru S Sh Si So St Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Drew, Mr David
Debates etc.
Care homes (08.07.02) 680, 684
Food Safety (Amendment) Bill, 1R (03.07.02) 244-6
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Office for Standards in Education (04.07.02) 163wh
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 375-6w
Care homes, Fees and charges 308w
Consent to medical treatment 1273-4w
EAGA Partnership, Complaints 693w
European Parliament, Inquiries 38w
Foot and mouth disease 382w
Further education, Finance 997-8w
Health services, Cooperatives 301-2w
"Making Decisions Consultation Paper" 643w
Medical records, Data protection 308-9w
Members, Correspondence 1219w
Nuclear Liabilities Management Authority 126-7w
Pensions, Early retirement 281-2w
"Planning Delivering a Fundamental Change Consultation Paper" 168-9w
Road traffic offences, Fixed penalties 429w
Teachers, Foreign workers 390w
Village halls, Disabled 376-7w
Wind power, Planning permission 167w
Driving offences
Driving under influence
Drown, Ms Julia
Debates etc.
Police Reform Bill (HL), Programme motion and Rep (09.07.02) 797-9, 801
Water supply, Petitions (04.07.02) 504
Sittings in Westminster Hall
General Agreement on Trade in Services 466w, 673-4w
Higher education, Student numbers 379
Social security benefits, Widowed people 98w
Drug seizures
Driving under influence 211w
Ministerial statements (10.07.02) 886-902
Dual use goods and technologies
Duncan, Mr Alan
Debates etc.
General practitioners, Rural areas 219-20
Orders and regulations, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 271w
Sudan, Diplomatic relations 272w
Duncan, Mr Peter
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Combined heat and power 127w
Doctors, Foreign workers 1038w
Garages and petrol stations, Pollution control 940-1w
Individual savings accounts 769-70w
Mental health services, Training 1187w
Mugabe, Robert, Travel restrictions 1015w
Petrol, Volatile organic compounds 350w
Postal services, Scotland 725-6
Duncan Smith, Rt Hon Iain
Debates etc.
Group of Eight, Kananaskis Summit (01.07.02) 23-5
Ministerial statement intervention (01.07.02) 34
Care homes, Closures 220-1
Drugs, Decriminalisation 217-8
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth
River Humber, Navigation 974w
Shipping, Hazardous substances 1230-1w
Shipping, Regulation 973w
Durham County