Index for Volume 388—continued

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EAGA Partnership

Eagle, Angela

                  Debates etc.

    Mersey Tunnels Bill, 2R (09.07.02) 827, 834

Eagle, Maria, Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Work and Pensions


    Carers, Social security benefits 81w

    Carers' allowance, Pensioners 95-6w

    Carers' allowance, Scotland 1009w

    Compensation Recovery Unit, Costs 762w

    Disability living allowance 96-7w

    EC law, Dept for Work and Pensions 762w

    Incapacity benefit 863w

    Members, Correspondence 863w

    New deal for disabled people 1-5

    Oral questions, Dept for Work and Pensions 764w

    Pensions, Voluntary organisations 19-20

    Social security benefits, Appeals 1143-4w

    Social security benefits, Mentally ill 763w

    Social security benefits, Patients 1146-7w

Early excellence centres

Early retirement

East Anglia

East London line

East London river crossing

East Midlands Airport

East Timor

Eastern Europe

    EC enlargement 44w

    Human trafficking 542w

Eastern region

Eating disorders

EC action

    Dept for International Development 146w

    Employment (02.07.02) 197

    Genetically modified organisms (10.07.02) 999

    Public transport 357w

    Sustainable development (10.07.02) 998

    Temporary employment 132w

EC Agriculture Council

EC aid

EC budget

EC countries

    Regional airports 974w

EC Draft 8237/2001

EC enlargement

    Eastern Europe 44w

EC Environment Council

EC external relations

EC external trade

EC Fisheries Council

EC Foreign Affairs Council

EC grants and loans

EC institutions

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 373w

    Information services 1021w

EC integration

EC internal trade

EC law

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 315w

    Dept for Education and Skills 718w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 948-50w

    Dept for International Development 255w

    Dept for Transport 351w

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 351-2w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 762w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 270w

    Industrial health and safety 464w

    Lord Chancellor's Dept 439w

    Ministry of Defence 848w

    Northern Ireland Office 649w

    Oxford University 995w

EC trade

EC transport policy

Economic and monetary union

Economic policy


    Post offices 97w


    Standard spending assessments 15-9w

Education Act 1996


Education action zones

Educational maintenance allowance

Edwards, Mr Huw


    Dredging, Monmouthshire 1131w

    Fire services, Pay 645w

    Quarrying, Sand 957w

    Transport, Schools 203w

Efford, Clive

                  Debates etc.

    Drugs, Misuse (10.07.02) 902


    Project Aquatrine 35w

    Transport, Finance 76-7



    Entry clearances 652w

EH101 helicopters

Elan Valley


    Better government programme 1146w

    Crimes of violence 737w

    Health insurance 165w

    Health services 165w

    Public appointments 762w

    Residential and nursing care

    see also Institutional care


    Departmental responsibilities 197w

    Local government executive 557-8w

    Parish councils 999w

Electoral register

    Northern Ireland 967w

Electoral systems

Electroconvulsive therapy

Electronic equipment

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 685w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 420w

Electronic government

Ellman, Mrs Louise

                  Debates etc.

    Mersey Tunnels Bill, 2R (09.07.02) 848


    King Edward VIII, Public records 643w

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