Index for Volume 388—continued

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    Industrial health and safety 637w


Emergency Services Personnel (Protection) Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.


    EC action (02.07.02) 197

    Lone parents 97w

    North West region 821w

Employment agencies

Employment Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

    Programme motion* and Lords amendts (08.07.02) 608-58

    Royal Assent (08.07.02) 716

Employment Relations Act 1999


    Dept of Trade and Industry 614w

Employment schemes

Employment tribunals

Employment zones

Empty property



    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 514-5w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 382-4w

    Dept for International Development 541w

    Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 681w, 800-1w

    Export credit guarantees 466-8w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1180w

    Government departments 728w

    UN Development Programme 142w

Enforcement of Civil Courts Judgments Review


    Dept for International Development 874w

English Heritage

English language

English Sports Council

Ennis, Jeff


    Educational maintenance allowance 381

    Employment schemes, Disadvantaged 81-2w

Enterprise Bill 2001/02


Entry clearances


Environment Agency

Environment Agency Wales

Environment protection

    Consumer information 56-7w

    UN Development Programme 142w

"Environment Transport and Regional Affairs Select Committee on Walking in Towns and Cities"

Environmental Audit (No 2) Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

Environmental health officers

Equal opportunities

    Local education authorities 828w

    Northern Ireland Office 856-8w

    Regional assemblies 169w

Equal pay

    Dept of Trade and Industry 476w


    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 392w

Equatorial Guinea


    Telephone exchanges 129w


    see Office for Standards in Education

Etherington, Bill

                  Debates etc.

    Emergency Services Personnel (Protection) Bill, 1R (09.07.02) 762-4

Ethnic groups

    Electoral register 360w

    Mental health services 1211w

    West Midlands Police 434w

EU Justice Home Affairs and Civil Protection Council


    Northern Ireland 121w

European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

European Communities

    see also EC and EU headings

European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993

                  Debates etc.

European Convention on Human Rights

European Council

European Energy and Transport Forum

European fighter aircraft

European Parliament

"European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide"

Evans, Mr Nigel


    Ambulance services, Lancashire 441w

    Aviation, Wales 658w

    Correspondence, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 77-8w

    General practitioners, North West region 154-5w

    Lancashire Constabulary, Manpower 436w

    Magistrates' courts, Information technology 776w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Prime Minister 78-9w

    Official residences, Home Office 176w

    Official residences, Northern Ireland Office 391-2w

    Public holidays, Costs 131w

    Wales, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 101w


Ewing, Annabelle

                  Debates etc.

    Identity cards (03.07.02) 236

    Police Reform Bill (HL), Programme motion and Rep (09.07.02) 785-6


    Better government programme, Elderly 1146w

    Common fisheries policy 1119w

    Devolution, Scotland 835w

    East Timor, Homicide 1186w

    Educational maintenance allowance, Scotland 1177-8w

    Leonardo da Vinci programme 21w

    Maladministration, Dept of Health 292-3w

    New deal for disabled people 3

    Scottish Parliament, Members 833w

    Taxation, Hearing aids 1104w

Examination boards

    Standards 4w

Excellence in cities

Exchange rates

Excise duties

    Community transport 199w



Exhaust emissions



Explosives (Fireworks) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002


Export controls

Export credit guarantees




    Republic of Ireland 137w

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