Index for Volume 388continued
A Am At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E Em Ey F Fo Fu G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je Ju K Kn L Le Ll M Ma Me Mi Mu N Nu O Ot P Pl Ps Q R Rh Ru S Sh Si So St Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Habitual offenders
Habitual residence test
Hain, Rt Hon Peter, Minister for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Sittings in Westminster Hall
European Communities, Democracy (09.07.02) 211-8wh
Arrest warrants, EC action 1019w
Council of Ministers 40-2w
Eastern Europe, EC enlargement 44w
EC budget, EC enlargement 275w
EC institutions, Information services 1021w
EC law, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 270w
European Council, Broadcasting 1021-2w
European Council, Seville Summit (EC) 273w
European Parliament, Inquiries 38w
Gibraltar, Military bases 1019w
Gibraltar, Pensions 1020w
Romania, International assistance 393w
Turkey, Human rights 273w
Halcrow Group
Hall, Patrick
Debates etc.
Further education, Petitions (02.07.02) 198
Yarls Wood Detention Centre 267w
Hamilton, David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Small businesses, Training 1022-3
Hammond, Mr Philip
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Broadband, Rural areas 1030
Dept for Education and Skills 235w
Hancock, Mr Mike
Bosnia, Peace keeping operations 1181-2w
Climate change levy, Portsmouth 284w
Colleges of education, Greater London 830w
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Portsmouth 576w
Defence equipment, Surveillance 946w
Dental services, Portsmouth 574-5w
Fertility, Medical treatments 307w
Further education, Portsmouth 241-3w
General practitioners, Portsmouth 1039w
Habitual residence test, Portsmouth 1009-10w
Hazardous substances, Portsmouth 601w
Learndirect centres, Portsmouth 19w
Medical treatments, EC countries 1044w
Mental patients, Suicide 1283w
Modern apprenticeships, Portsmouth 19-20w
NHS, Private finance initiative 1035w
NHS Direct, Portsmouth 448w
Orphan drugs, Portsmouth 577w
Post offices, Portsmouth 1083w
Property, Ministry of Defence 852w
Public protection panels 426w
Queen Alexandra Hospital, Private finance initiative 1204w
Tax evasion, Prosecutions 287-8w
Television, Licensing 258w
Harbour authorities
Harman, Rt Hon Harriet, Solicitor-General
Criminal proceedings 947w
Crown Prosecution Service, Fees and charges 328w
Crown Prosecution Service, Information technology 627w
Crown Prosecution Service, Manpower 328w
Crown Prosecution Service, Public appointments 1238-9w
Crown Prosecution Service, Standards 22w, 329w
Domestic violence, Prosecutions 1255w
Harrier aircraft
Harris, Dr Evan
Debates etc.
Vaccination, Animal products (05.07.02) 541-2
Cancer, Waiting lists 152w
Dental services, Manpower 572-4w
Doctors, Disciplinary proceedings 1209-10w
General practitioners, Working hours 293w
Health services, Homelessness 1202-3w
Medicine, Education 386-7
Primary care trusts 1041w
Social rented housing 332w
Harris, Mr Tom
Debates etc.
Care homes (08.07.02) 664
Credit unions, Scotland 834w
Departmental responsibilities 624w
Organised crime, Northern Ireland 870-1
Harvey, Nick
Debates etc.
Elderly, Devon (02.07.02) 203
Arts Council of England, Consultants 1190w
Hawk aircraft
Hawkins, Mr Nick
Debates etc.
Ministerial statement intervention (10.07.02) 898
Police Reform Bill (HL), Programme motion, Rep and 3R (10.07.02) 960, 971
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Prisoners, Females (10.07.02) 255-7wh
Hayes, Mr John
Arrest warrants, EC action 1019w
Convention on the Future of Europe 1183w
EC institutions, Information services 1021w
Fishing vessels, Accidents 973-4w
Town twinning, EC action 1153w
Hazardous substances
Heald, Mr Oliver
Debates etc.
Vaccination, Animal products (05.07.02) 538-9
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Beta-interferon, Hertfordshire 1260w
Community health services 1278w
Day centres, Females 787w
Drugs, Dictionaries 1276w
English Sports Council, Football 633w
Football, Television 633w
Haemophilia, Medical treatments 1045w
Health services, Sleeping rough 930w
Heart diseases, Consultants 1047-8w
Information technology, Dept of Health 1274-5w
Medical records, Information technology 1280-1w
Mental health, Children 579w
Mental health, Children in care 1214w
Mental health, Durham County 1210w
Mental health, Publicity 1212w
"Mental Health Bill Consultation Paper" 930w
Mental health services, Ethnic groups 1211w
Mental health services, Manpower 1212w
Mental health services, Nurses 1210-1w
Mental health services, Publicity 1212w
Mental health services, Recruitment 783w, 1282w
Mental health services, Training 1211-2w
Mental health services, Young offenders 453w
Mental hospitals, Admissions 787w
Mental patients, Hospital wards 1281-2w
Mental patients, Out of area treatment 1214w
Mentally ill, Guardianship 1213w
Mentally ill, Prescriptions 927-8w
National Institute for Mental Health, Finance 1212w
NHS, Conditions of employment 1046w
NHS, Foreign workers 1215w
NHS, Information technology 1275w
NHS, National vocational qualifications 1215w
NHS, Per capita costs 1215w
NHS, Private sector 1277w
Nurses, Consultants 1048w
Nurses, Foreign workers 1215w
Primary care trusts 1216w
Procurement, Dept of Health 1277-8w
Psychiatry, Manpower 1282w
Psychiatry, Recruitment 1282w
Schizophrenia, Drugs 1222w
Sports, Ethnic groups 664w
Teaching hospitals, Hertfordshire 1045w
Healey, John, Economic Secretary, Treasury
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
VAT, Home care services (09.07.02) 237-42wh
Climate change levy, Manufacturing industries 1104w
Climate change levy, Portsmouth 284w
Climate change levy, Tax yields 865w
Confiscation orders 1034w
Customs officers, Manpower 1033w
Education, Developing countries 253w
Fuels, Excise duties 204w
Green Ministers Committee, Treasury 338-9w
Members, Correspondence 1033w
Oral questions, Treasury 284w
Refrigerators, Export controls 115w
Tax allowances, Pollution control 289w
VAT, Community care 1106w
VAT, Fire prevention 1031w
Health action zones
Health (Air Travellers) (No 2) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Health Development Agency
Health education
Health hazards
Health insurance
Health professions
Health Professions Council
Health services
Reciprocal arrangements 294w
Hearing aids
Hearing impaired
Heart diseases
Heath, Mr David
Debates etc.
Finance Bill, Rep (03.07.02) 357-60
Public Trustee (Liability and Fees) Bill (HL), 2R (01.07.02) 43, 45-7, 50, 53
Magistrates' courts, Rural areas 736-7
Heathcoat-Amory, Rt Hon David
Debates etc.
Group of Eight, Kananaskis Summit (01.07.02) 34
Heathrow Airport
Hemswell Cliff
Hendrick, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Smuggling, Northern Ireland 966-7w
Hendry, Mr Charles
Antisocial behaviour orders 184-5w
Asylum, Mayfield College 1062w
Lewes-Tunbridge Wells railway line 810w
Secondary education, Finance 996w
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
New deal for disabled people 4
Students, North East region 723-4w
Urban Green Spaces Task Force 684w
Herbal medicine
Environment Agency Wales 589w
Hermon, Lady
Debates etc.
Drugs, Misuse (10.07.02) 895-6
Police Reform Bill (HL), Programme motion and Rep (09.07.02) 781, 785, 801, 805
Police Reform Bill (HL), Programme motion, Rep and 3R (10.07.02) 970, 974, 994-6
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Northern Ireland government (10.07.02) 267-8wh
Electoral register, Northern Ireland 967w
Voluntary organisations, Northern Ireland 873
Hesford, Stephen
Debates etc.
Administration of justice, Mentally incapacitated 836w
Bill of Rights, Northern Ireland 536-7w
Nuisance, Young people 1057w
Hewitt, Rt Hon Ms Patricia, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
Arms trade, Export controls 1242-3w
Carlton House Terrace, Dept of Trade and Industry 1092w
Coal fired power stations 128-9w
Employment Relations Act 1999, Dept of Trade and Industry 614w
Energy, Export credit guarantees 466-8w
Equal pay, Dept of Trade and Industry 476w
Equal pay, Financial services 1099w
European Energy and Transport Forum 132w
Export credit guarantees 468w
Export credit guarantees, Iran 1091w
Fair trade initiative 466w
Females, Regional assemblies 1099w
Females, Social clubs 507w
Flexible working, Business 1098w
Flexible working, Higher civil servants 1098w
Foreign investment in UK 938-9w
Grants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 277w
Holiday leave, Dept of Trade and Industry 476w
Industrial relations 1109w
Industry, Government assistance 472w, 673w
Innovation, Eastern region 1093w
Intellectual property, Developing countries 1091w
Manpower, Dept of Trade and Industry 1090w
Massey Ferguson, Coventry 613-4w
Oral questions, Dept of Trade and Industry 1246w
Overseas companies, Western Sahara 277w
Overseas trade, Sustainable development 1088w
Post offices, Closures 1082w
Post offices, Portsmouth 1083w
Postal services, Rural areas 1082-3w
Regional development agencies, Public appointments 674-7w
Support for exhibitions and seminars abroad scheme 276w
Telephone exchanges, Essex 129w
Telephone services, Dept of Trade and Industry 1092w
Trade, Agricultural products 1024-6
Trade, Developing countries 1094w
Wales, Dept of Trade and Industry 1245w
Work sharing, Dept of Trade and Industry 130w