Index for Volume 388—continued

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Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry

    see Paddington Rail Accident Inquiry

Ladyman, Dr Stephen

                  Debates etc.


    Business questions 402

    Grammar schools 479w

    Land Registration Act 2002 282w

Lait, Mrs Jacqui

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Agricultural shows, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 65w

    Convention on the Future of Europe, Scotland 728

Lamb, Norman

                  Debates etc.

    Employment Bill, Lords amendts (08.07.02) 648

    Village halls (10.07.02) 1002


    Arms trade, Export controls 1243w

    Chinook helicopters 229w

    Chinook helicopters, Accidents 30w, 518w

    Chinook helicopters, Safety 30w

    Debts, Developing countries 864-5w

    Information technology, Lord Chancellor's Dept 737-8

    Voluntary organisations, Northern Ireland 873

Lammy, David, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health

                  Debates etc.

    Care homes (08.07.02) 705-8

    Elderly, Devon (02.07.02) 202-6

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Health services, Oxfordshire (02.07.02) 56-60wh


    Advertising, Dept of Health 297w

    Allergies, Medical treatments 303w

    Ambulances, Accidents 1264w

    Audit Commission 295w

    Beta-interferon, Hertfordshire 1260w

    Buildings, Dept of Health 1260w

    Consent to medical treatment 1273-4w

    Correspondence, Dept of Health 295w

    Dental services 926w

    Diabetes, Medical treatments 1047-9w

    Discrimination, Dept of Health 296w

    Drugs, Dictionaries 1276w

    Empty property, Dept of Health 303w

    Equal pay, Dept of Health 935w

    Eyesight, Surgery 309w

    Fees and charges, Dept of Health 907-10w

    Females, Dept of Health 1260w

    Furniture, Fire prevention 1276w

    Health services, Cooperatives 301-2w

    Health services, Homelessness 1202-3w

    Holiday leave, Dept of Health 924w

    Hospices, Eastern region 910w

    Hospitals, Design 295w

    Macular degeneration 1281w

    Maladministration, Dept of Health 292-3w

    Medical records, Data protection 308-9w

    Medicines Control Agency, Manpower 293w

    Mentally ill, Prescription drugs 1283w

    Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust, Waiting lists 1208-9w

    NHS, Negligence 307w

    NHS, Public appointments 1203w

    NHS, Public private partnerships 1219w

    NHS Direct, Portsmouth 448w

    Ophthalmic services, Children 307w

    Ophthalmic services, Pensioners 309w

    Pay, Dept of Health 1203w

    Pershore Cottage Hospital, Minor injuries units 581-2w

    Prescriptions, Fees and charges 446-7w

    Procurement, Dept of Health 1277-8w

    Public bodies, Dept of Health 293w

    Recycling, Dept of Health 1205w

    Regulatory impact assessments, Dept of Health 925w

    Royal prerogative, Dept of Health 1270w

    Secondment, Dept of Health 909w

    Staffordshire Ambulance Services NHS Trust, Standards 1264w

    Standards, Dept of Health 306w

    Statistics, Dept of Health 1276w

    Teaching hospitals, Hertfordshire 1045w

    Telephone services, Dept of Health 1206w

    University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 451-2w

    University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Disciplinary proceedings 452w

    World Health Organisation, Taiwan 924-5w


    Ambulance services 441w

    Further education 481w

Lancashire Constabulary


Land mines

Land Registration Act 2002


Land Registry

Land Rover


Lansley, Mr Andrew


    Medicines Control Agency, Manpower 293w

    Parish councils, Elections 999w

    Refrigerators, Waste disposal 844w

Law Society

Lawrence, Mrs Jackie

                  Debates etc.

    Care homes (08.07.02) 668


    Public expenditure 867w

    Railways, Wales 75

Laws, Mr David

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Agriculture, Environment protection 1130w

    Armed forces, Finance 524w

    Armed forces, Helicopters 1137w

    Armed forces, Literacy 714w

    Armed forces, Medical treatments 1137-8w

    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 1129-30w

    Defence Estates, Property transfer 629w

    Defence Logistics Organisation, Public appointments 1137w

    Electoral systems, Devolution 1229w

    Fishing vessels, Decommissioning 1119w

    Food Standards Agency, Standards 1217w

    Government departments, Standards 583w, 1241w

    Homelessness, South West region 879-80w

    Hospitals, Elderly 934w

    Hospitals, Waiting lists 570w

    Housing, South West region 884-5w

    Official hospitality, Treasury 1107w

    Police, Telephone services 1066w

    Pre-school education, Finance 722-3w

    Schools, Standards 499w

    Social rented housing, Young people 1148-9w

    Special educational needs 498w

    Standard spending assessments, Somerset 499w

    Standards, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1127w

    Standards, Dept for International Development 961w

    Standards, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 978w

    Standards, Dept of Trade and Industry 1091w

    Standards, Treasury 1030w

    Statistics, Cabinet Office 728w

    Statistics, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 660-1w

    Statistics, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1125w

    Statistics, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 800w

    Statistics, Dept of Health 1276w

    Statistics, Lord Chancellor's Dept 839w

    Statistics, Prime Minister 755w

    Statistics, Treasury 773w

    Students, Finance 722w

    Teachers, Mathematics 498w

    10 Downing Street, Repairs and maintenance 756w

Laxton, Mr Bob

                  Debates etc.

    Dog collars, Petitions (02.07.02) 198


    Part-time employment, Working hours 770w

    South Africa, Overseas aid 144w

    World Food Summit 76w

Lazarowicz, Mr Mark


    Consumers, Scotland 937w

    Waste management, Finance 1241w

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