Index for Volume 388—continued

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Learndirect centres

Learning disability

Lee on Solent

    Rescue services 856w


    Railway stations 201w

Legal opinion

Legal Services Ombudsman

Legislative drafting



Leigh, Mr Edward


Leonard Cheshire Foundation

    Regulatory impact assessments 291-2w

Leonardo da Vinci programme

Lepper, Mr David


    Habitual residence test, Brighton 1009-10w

Leslie, Mr Christopher, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister


    Building regulations, Insulation 644-5w

    Consultation papers, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 880w, 1005w

    Energy, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 681w

    Fire services, Pay 645w

    Housing, Asbestos 166w

    Industrial health and safety, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 256w

    Local authorities 332w

    Local government, Standards 334w

    Local strategic partnerships, Walsall 681w

    Members' interests, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1148w

    Out of town shopping centres 679w

    Parish councils, Leicestershire 207-8

    Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 881-2w

    Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Air conditioning 877w

    Regional government, Hertfordshire 333w

    Regulatory impact assessments, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 680-1w

    Standards, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 113-5w

    Town twinning, EC action 1153w

Letwin, Rt Hon Oliver

                  Debates etc.

    Drugs, Misuse (10.07.02) 888-9

    Identity cards (03.07.02) 229-30

    Ministerial statement intervention (10.07.02) 894


    Film, Certification 259w

    Housing, Valuation 562w

    Wildlife, Trade 250w

Levitt, Mr Tom

                  Debates etc.

    Business questions intervention (11.07.02) 1041


    Arms control 877

Lewes-Tunbridge Wells railway line

Lewis, Mr Ivan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills


    Adult education 483w

    Adult education, Finance 1174w

    Class sizes, Suffolk 1169w

    Construction Industry Training Board 823w

    Examination boards 4w

    Further education, Burnley 481w

    Further education, Teachers 481w

    Individual learning accounts 488-9w

    Investors in people 22w

    Learndirect centres, Derbyshire 828w

    Learndirect centres, Portsmouth 19w

    Modern apprenticeships, Portsmouth 19-20w

    Primary education, Derbyshire 1168-9w

    Schools, Fires 13w

    Schools, Information technology 387-8

    Schools, Languages 3-4w

    Schools, Repairs and maintenance 487-8w

    Teachers, Retirement 1174w

Lewis, Dr Julian

                  Debates etc.

    Group of Eight, Kananaskis Summit (01.07.02) 29

    Identity cards (03.07.02) 239

    Ministers, Points of order (04.07.02) 411-2


    Administration of justice 177w

Liabilities Management Authority

    British Nuclear Fuels 348w



Liddell, Rt Hon Mrs Helen, Secretary of State for Scotland


    Airports, Scotland 833w

    Asbestos, Compensation 834w

    Business, Scotland 832w

    Common agricultural policy, Scotland 729-30

    Convention on the Future of Europe, Scotland 727-9

    Economic and monetary union, Scotland 833w

    North Sea oil, Scotland 834w

    Nuclear power, Scotland 832w

    Pyramid selling, Scotland 731-2

    Scottish Parliament, Members 833w

Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian


    Bridgwater College 2w

    Flood control, Finance 1122w

    Further education, Somerset 2w

    Low flying, Somerset 942w

    Public expenditure, Scotland 1241w

    Regional government 333w

    Schools, Sports 992w

    Zimbabwe, Overseas residence 814w

Lidington, Mr David


    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 570-1w

    Camelids, Imports 688w

    Cattle, Artificial insemination 690w

    Common fisheries policy 62w

    Correspondence, Home Office 1064w

    Crown courts, Buckinghamshire 1026-7w

    Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 687w

    Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB 694-5w

    International Animal Health Division, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 248-9w

    Livestock, Waste disposal 66w

    Petrol alternatives 66-7w

    Scrapie, Research 570w

    Sheep, Animal products 606w

    Sheep, Transmissible encephalopathies 245w

    State Veterinary Service, Manpower 688-9w

    State Veterinary Service, Recruitment 688w

    Transmissible encephalopathies 77w

Life imprisonment

Lilley, Rt Hon Peter

                  Debates etc.

    Drugs, Misuse (10.07.02) 896-7

    Identity cards (03.07.02) 234


    Cost effectiveness, Dept for Work and Pensions 861w


Linton, Martin

                  Debates etc.

    Identity cards (03.07.02) 238-9

Liquefied petroleum gas

Lister Hospital



Litter and Fouling of Land by Dogs (No 2) Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

    1R (10.07.02) 904

Littoral warfare



    Waste disposal 66w

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