Index for Volume 388continued
A Am At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E Em Ey F Fo Fu G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je Ju K Kn L Le Ll M Ma Me Mi Mu N Nu O Ot P Pl Ps Q R Rh Ru S Sh Si So St Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Turner, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Care homes (08.07.02) 679
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Correspondence, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 362-3w
Criminal Records Bureau 748w
Criminal Records Bureau, Data protection 186w
Discrimination, Dept of Health 296w
Domestic visits, Dept for Education and Skills 21w
Domestic visits, Prime Minister 80w
Education, Standard spending assessments 15-9w
Educational maintenance allowance 381
Employment tribunals, Home Office 1198-9w
Grammar schools, Ethnic groups 1172w
Grants, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 363w
Grants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 277w
Higher education, Student numbers 1-2w
Housing, Expenditure 882w
Housing, Greater London 881-2w
Imports, Developing countries 1108w
Individual learning accounts 489w
Leonard Cheshire Foundation, Regulatory impact assessments 291-2w
Local education authorities, Equal opportunities 828w
Local education authorities, Inspections 830w
Location, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 76w
Location, Dept for Work and Pensions 281w
Members, Correspondence 909w
Ministerial policy advisors, Lord Chancellor's Dept 775w
Paddington Rail Accident Inquiry 613w
Pensions, Public sector 186w
Public participation, Northern Ireland Office 728-30w
Railways, Prime Minister 80w
Rural areas, Dept of Health 568-9w
Rural areas, Home Office 525-6w
Schools, Inspections 830w
Turner, Mr Dennis
Sittings in Westminster Hall
House of Commons, Beer 508w
Turner, Mr Neil
Committee on Standards in Public Life 226w
Smuggling, Northern Ireland 870-1
Twelve minutes rule
Rulings and statements (02.07.02) 90
Twigg, Mr Stephen, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Education and Skills
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Office for Standards in Education (04.07.02) 168-72wh
Buildings, Dept for Education and Skills 826-7w
Curriculum, Home economics 1175w
Domestic visits, Dept for Education and Skills 21w
Further education, Portsmouth 241-3w
Green Ministers Committee, Dept for Education and Skills 825-6w
Hampshire, Dept for Education and Skills 235w
Holiday leave, Dept for Education and Skills 236w
Oral questions, Dept for Education and Skills 726w
Primary education, Standards 388w
Private finance initiative, Dept for Education and Skills 827w
Programme for international student assessment 1106w
Public bodies, Dept for Education and Skills 387-8w
Recycling, Dept for Education and Skills 720-1w, 825w
Regulatory impact assessments, Dept for Education and Skills 496-7w
Republic of Ireland, Dept for Education and Skills 243w
Schools, Crimes of violence 381-3
Schools, Greater London 727-8w
Schools, Vocational guidance 497w
Special educational needs, Autism 482w
Special educational needs, Gloucestershire 388
Temporary employment, Dept for Education and Skills 1167w
Truancy, Disadvantaged 485w
Tyler, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
Trade unions, Points of order (10.07.02) 885
Tynan, Mr Bill
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
European Communities, Democracy (09.07.02) 204wh
Economic and monetary union, Scotland 833w
Equal pay, Cabinet Office 386w
Equal pay, Dept of Health 935w
Equal pay, Dept of Trade and Industry 476w
Type 45 destroyers
Tyrie, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Private finance initiative, Treasury 120w