Index for Volume 388—continued

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White, Brian


    Jobcentre Plus 84w

Whitehead, Dr Alan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions


    Business questions 1042

Whittingdale, Mr John


    Regional development agencies, Public appointments 674-7w

    Telephone exchanges, Essex 129w

    Tobacco Sponsorship Task Force 1191w

Wicks, Malcolm, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Work and Pensions


    Benefit Fraud Inspectorate 858w

    Child Support Agency 509w

    Computers, Dept for Work and Pensions 92-3w

    Crime, Dept for Work and Pensions 97-8w

    Habitual residence test, Brighton 1009-10w

    Habitual residence test, Portsmouth 1009-10w

    Incapacity benefit, Medical examinations 861w

    Jobseeker's allowance 82w

    Lone parents, Government assistance 764-5w

    Pensioners, Income 631w

    Post offices, Edinburgh 97w

    Poverty, Children 764w

    Social Fund 95w

    Social security benefits 85w, 94w

    Social security benefits, Abuse 88-90w

    Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 423w, 632w

    Social security benefits, Disqualification 420w

    Social security benefits, Scotland 98w, 758-9w

    Social security benefits, Widowed people 98w

Wicks Committee

    see Committee on Standards in Public Life

Widdecombe, Rt Hon Ann

                  Debates etc.

    Drugs, Misuse (10.07.02) 893


Widowed people

    Social security benefits 98w

Wiggin, Mr Bill

                  Debates etc.

    Ministers, Points of order (04.07.02) 411

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Refrigerators, Waste disposal (09.07.02) 187-8wh


    Afghanistan, Armed conflict 1184-5w

    Bovine tuberculosis 378w

    Bovine tuberculosis, Vaccination 589w

    Child benefit 87w

    EC Foreign Affairs Council 654w

    Environment Agency Wales, Herefordshire 589w

    Geneva Conventions, Asylum 1018w

    Housing, Construction 1156w

    International Criminal Court 1021w

    Prosecutions 389

    South Africa, Foreign relations 1018w

    Sports, Local authorities 972-3w

    Zimbabwe, Elections 1182w

    Zimbabwe, Overseas aid 539w

    Zimbabwe, Travel restrictions 1016w


Wilkinson, Mr John

                  Debates etc.

    Identity cards (03.07.02) 240


    Business questions 1041

Willetts, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Pensions (02.07.02) 90-8


    Crime, Dept for Work and Pensions 97-8w

    Housing benefit, Complaints 466w

    Lone parents, Employment 97w

    Occupational pensions 6-8, 15

    Office for National Statistics, Internet 1029w

    Social security benefits, Publicity 631w

    Taxation, Pensioners 288w

    Taxation, Pensions 120w

    Telephone services, Dept for Work and Pensions 90-2w

    Welfare tax credits, Abuse 1032w

    Working families tax credit, Scotland 774w

Williams, Mrs Betty


    Nature conservation, Crime 702-3w

Williams, Hywel

                  Debates etc.

    Pensions (02.07.02) 156-7

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Meat, Exports (10.07.02) 293wh


    National income 768w

    Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 325w

Williams, Mr Roger

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Refrigerators, Waste disposal (09.07.02) 186wh


    Teachers, Vacancies 384-5

Willis, Mr Phil

                  Debates etc.

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Air force, Training 36w

    Children in care, Further education 936w

    Educational maintenance allowance 992-3w

    Further education, Student numbers 720w

    Higher education, Admissions 20w

    Schools, National insurance contributions 21w

    Secondary education, Standards 388-9w

Wills, Mr Michael, Minister for Information Technology and Criminal Justice, Home Office


    Active Community Unit 733w

    Sexual offences, Probation and aftercare 730-1w

Wilshire, Mr David


    Ashford and St Peter's Hospital NHS Trust 454w, 1220-1w

    Ashford and St Peter's Hospital NHS Trust, Midwives 1220-1w

    Ashford Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 454w

    Care homes, Surrey 623w

    Health services, Surrey 934-5w

    Hospital beds, Surrey 1221w

    North Surrey Primary Care Trust, Finance 1274w

    Post offices, Spelthorne 346w

    Prisons, Insurance 191w

    Refrigerators, Waste disposal 250w

Wilson, Mr Brian, Minister of State for Industry and Energy, Dept of Trade and Industry


    Border Biofuels, Finance 820-2w

    Bradwell Power Station, Nuclear safeguards 347w

    British Nuclear Fuels, Finance 1088w

    Construction, Standards 821-2w

    Dounreay, Radioactive wastes 132w

    Green Ministers Committee, Dept of Trade and Industry 343w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 1084w

    Liabilities Management Authority 348w

    Liabilities Management Authority, British Nuclear Fuels 348w

    Liquefied petroleum gas 343-4w

    "Managing the Nuclear Legacy" 475w

    Motor vehicles, Waste disposal 818w

    Nuclear Liabilities Management Authority 126-7w

    Nuclear power stations, Security 348w

    Office for Civil Nuclear Security, Finance 130w

    Office for Civil Nuclear Security, Public appointments 130w

    Quarrying, Manpower 820w

    Radioactive wastes, Waste disposal 823w

    Sellafield, Security 130w

    Tyres, Waste disposal 820w

    Utilities, Misrepresentation 819w

    Wind power, Cefn Croes 349w


Wind power

    Planning permission 167w

Windsor Castle

    Fees and charges 257w

Winnick, David

                  Debates etc.

    Identity cards (03.07.02) 234

    Pensions (02.07.02) 106

    Police Reform Bill (HL), Programme motion, Rep and 3R (10.07.02) 971-2


    Local strategic partnerships, Walsall 681w

    Members, Correspondence 44w

    Occupational pensions 14-5

    Social security benefits, Applications 509w

Winter fuel payments

Winterton, Ann

                  Debates etc.

    Drugs, Misuse (10.07.02) 897-8


    Circulars, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 600w

    Fisheries, Shetland 587w

    Fishing vessels, Decommissioning 62-3w

Winterton, Sir Nicholas


    Business questions 1048

    Higher education, Finance 2w

    Higher education, Standards 718-20w

    Individual learning accounts 488-9w

    Manufacturing industries, Scotland 834w

    Postal services, Rural areas 1082-3w

    Terrorism, Northern Ireland 966w

    University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Finance 719w

Winterton, Ms Rosie, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept

                  Debates etc.

    Public Trustee (Liability and Fees) Bill (HL), 2R (01.07.02) 41-2, 48, 51-3


    Administration of justice, Mentally incapacitated 836w

    Buildings, Lord Chancellor's Dept 776w

    Child Contact Working Group 1025w

    Consultation papers, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1202w

    County courts, Leicester 609w

    Courts, Clothing 838w

    Entry clearances, Arab states 610w

    Germany, Lord Chancellor's Dept 776w

    Holiday leave, Lord Chancellor's Dept 170w

    House of Lords, Judges 734-5

    Immigration Appellate Authorities 173-4w

    Immigration Appellate Authorities, Location 174w

    Judges, Complaints 174w

    Judiciary, Public appointments 172w

    King Edward VIII, Public records 643w

    Land Registration Act 2002 282w

    Land Registry, Manpower 609w

    Members, Correspondence 174w

    Mentally incapacitated, Consent to medical treatment 778w

    Meyer, Catherine 609w

    Office for the Supervision of Solicitors 173w

    Official hospitality, Lord Chancellor's Dept 171w

    Oral questions, Lord Chancellor's Dept 777w

    Orders and regulations, Lord Chancellor's Dept 175w

    Public expenditure, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1201w

    Regulatory impact assessments, Lord Chancellor's Dept 610w

    Repossession orders 173w

    Solicitors, Competition 610-2w

    Solicitors, Complaints 839w

    Statistics, Lord Chancellor's Dept 839w

    Transsexuals Interdepartmental Working Group 837w

Wishart, Pete

                  Debates etc.

    Drugs, Misuse (10.07.02) 900-1


    Business questions 1042

    Scottish Executive, Civil servants 82-3


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