Index for Volume 389continued
A Al As B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Eu F Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Le Ll M Ma Me Mi Mo Mu N Nu O Or P Pl Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Si So Sq Sw T Th Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
City academies
Civil Contingencies Committee
Civil disorder
Civil proceedings
Civil servants
Dept for Education and Skills 187w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 178w
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 1373w
Civil service
Civil service agencies
Clapham, Mr Michael
Emergency services, Sick leave 1053w
Employment Tribunal System Taskforce 1338w
Financial Services Compensation Scheme 468-9w
Industrial diseases, Compensation 280
Industrial diseases, Home Office 547w
Regional development agencies, Annual reports 1338w
Retirement, Home Office 394w
Clappison, Mr James
Debates etc.
Commonwealth Bill, 3R (19.07.02) 606
Housing Benefit (Withholding of Payment) Bill, Rep adjourned (19.07.02) 616, 624
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Hertfordshire Constabulary, Manpower 1491w
Prescription drugs, Imports 1403-4w
Social security benefits, Abuse 595-6w
Working families tax credit 251-2w
Working families tax credit, Abuse 252w
Clark, Mrs Helen
Diesel engines, EC action 945-6w
Livestock, Animal welfare 921w
Mental health services, Ethnic groups 197w
Clark, Dr Lynda, Advocate General for Scotland
Advertising, Advocate General for Scotland 380w
Buildings, Advocate General for Scotland 380-1w, 770w
Consultation papers, Advocate General for Scotland 381w
Females, Advocate General for Scotland 985w
Holiday leave, Advocate General for Scotland 380w
Manpower, Advocate General for Scotland 1233w
Members, Advocate General for Scotland 1232-3w
New deal schemes, Advocate General for Scotland 985w
Official hospitality, Advocate General for Scotland 381-2w
Orders and regulations, Advocate General for Scotland 380w
Overtime, Advocate General for Scotland 770w
Pay, Advocate General for Scotland 380w, 985w
Public expenditure, Advocate General for Scotland 379w, 382w, 770w
Recruitment, Advocate General for Scotland 1233w
Standards, Advocate General for Scotland 503w
Training, Advocate General for Scotland 379w
Visits abroad, Advocate General for Scotland 1233w
Clark, Paul
Debates etc.
Councillors, Misconduct 999w
Clarke, Rt Hon Kenneth
Debates etc.
Public expenditure (15.07.02) 36
Clarke, Rt Hon Tom
Debates etc.
Private Hire Vehicles (Carriage of Guide Dogs Etc) Bill, Rep and 3R (19.07.02) 559-62, 564, 572-3, 596-7
Developing countries, Poverty 969-70
Clarke, Mr Tony
Crime prevention, Northamptonshire 1469w
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency, Annual reports 875w
Regional planning and development 533-4w
Clay Cross
Regeneration (22.07.02) 753-6
Cleveland Constabulary
Clifton-Brown, Mr Geoffrey
Debates etc.
Orders and regulations, Points of order (18.07.02) 476-7, (22.07.02) 705
Public expenditure (15.07.02) 40
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Care homes, Standards 982
Fire Service College, Disciplinary proceedings 18w
Hospitals, Waiting lists 321w
Listed buildings, Internet 407-8w
Meat products, Contamination 417w
Orders and regulations, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 997w
Suckler cow premiums 481w
Climate change
Climate change levy
Clinical trials
Closed circuit television
Clwyd, Ann
Afghanistan, Overseas aid 176-7w
Afghanistan, Politics and government 967-8
Dental services, Wales 275-6
International Criminal Court 1105w
Coaker Mr Vernon
Civil service, Annual reports 272w
Commonwealth Games, Manchester 409w
Mentally incapacitated, Protection 563w
Noise, Pollution control 793-4w
Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, Annual reports 957w
Coal Authority
Coalfields Regeneration Trust
Coastal areas
"Code of Practice on Access to Government Information Monitoring Report 2001"
Cohen, Harry
Debates etc.
British Petroleum, Colombia (22.07.02) 770-1
Public expenditure (15.07.02) 43
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Armed forces, Colombia 756w
Data protection, Home Office 1495w
National childcare strategy, Greater London 54-6w
Schools, Governing bodies 378-9w
Sheikh, Ahmed Omar Saeed 764w
Social security benefits, Abuse 1036-8w
Coleman, Mr Iain
Collins, Mr Tim
Debates etc.
Airports (23.07.02) 850-3
Ministerial policy advisors, Home Office 1476w
Photography, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 884w
12 Downing Street, Repairs and maintenance 1368w
Colman, Mr Tony
Liberia, Armed conflict 260-1w
British Petroleum (22.07.02) 770-1
Colon cancer
Combined heat and power
Commercial broadcasting
Commission for Health Care Audit and Inspection
see Health Care Audit and Inspection Commission
Commission for Health Improvement
Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection
see Health Care Audit and Inspection Commission
Commission for Social Care Inspection
see Social Care Inspection Commission
Common agricultural policy
Common fisheries policy
Common land
Commonwealth Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Rep* and 3R (19.07.02) 603-9
Commonwealth Development Corporation
Commonwealth Games
Communications Bill (Draft)
Community care grants
Community Champions Fund
Community councils
Community development
Dept for International Development 898w
Northern Ireland Office 1202w
Community Development Venture Fund
Community health councils
Community health services
Community Punishment and Rehabilitation Service
see National Probation Service for England and Wales
Disclosure of information 788-9w
Companies Act 1985
Company law
Complaints Audit Committee
Public appointments 1448w
Complementary medicine
Chronic fatigue syndrome 538w
Comptroller and Auditor General
see National Audit Office
Compulsory purchase
Computer software
Educational institutions 651-2w
Government departments 725w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 499w
Dept for Education and Skills 651w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 37w
Dept for International Development 893w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 13w
Dept for Work and Pensions 294w
Dept of Trade and Industry 781w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 884w
Lord Chancellor's Dept 607w
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 244w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1378w
Social Security Contributions Agency 295w
Computers within reach programme
Conditions of employment
General practitioners 1393w
Higher education (24.07.02) 1072-80
Congo (Kinshasa)
see Democratic Republic of Congo
Connarty, Mr Michael
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Liquefied petroleum gas, Scotland 502w
Termination of employment 348w
Dept for International Development 893-4w
Consultation papers
Advocate General for Scotland 381w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 937-42w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 13-4w, 1266-7w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 885-6w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1375w
President of the Council 5w
Consumer Credit Act 1974
Contact orders
Voluntary organisations 525-6w
Contracting Out (Functions of Local Authorities: Income-Related Benefits) Order 2002
Debates etc.
British Nuclear Fuels 782w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 961w
Contributions Agency
see Social Security Contributions Agency
Control of Fireworks (No 2) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
2R order read (19.07.02) 638
Convention on the Future of Europe
Cook, Frank
Debates etc.
Criminal proceedings (17.07.02) 298
South East Asia, Disease control 281
Cook, Rt Hon Robin, President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
Debates etc.
Select committees (22.07.02) 729-32
Consultation papers, President of the Council 5w
Electronic government, Democracy 182-3w
Information officers, President of the Council 712w
Internet, President of the Council 453w
Ministerial policy advisors, President of the Council 1168w
Public expenditure, President of the Council 5-6w
Visits abroad, President of the Council 414w
Cooper, Ms Yvette, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Lord Chancellor's Dept
"Code of Practice on Access to Government Information Monitoring Report 2001" 1288w
Computers, Lord Chancellor's Dept 607w
Data protection, Business 1326w
Data protection, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1303w
Elections, Expenditure 1080w
European Parliament elections, Gibraltar 1291w
Freedom of Information Act 2000, Government departments 272w
Limitation of actions 272w
Magistrates, Resignations 796w
Magistrates' courts, Closures 1305w
Magistrates' courts, Information technology 1288-90w
Magistrates' courts committees 1293w
Members' interests, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1278w
Referendums, Departmental responsibilities 1305w
Standards, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1293-9w
Trials, Administrative delays 81w
Written questions, Administrative delays 1299w
Coordinating Group on Audit and Accounting
see Audit and Accounting Coordinating Group
Copyright Etc and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Royal Assent (24.07.02) 1080
Corbyn, Jeremy
Debates etc.
Pesticides Safety Directorate, Annual reports 709w
Western Sahara, Peace negotiations 609w
Cormack, Sir Patrick
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries (22.07.02) 685-6
Northern Ireland government (24.07.02) 999
Corporate hospitality
Corporate manslaughter
Corporate Responsibility Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
2R order read (19.07.02) 634
Correctional Services Board
Cotter, Brian
Regulatory Accountability Panel 345w
Special educational needs, Finance 1354w
Council for Excellence in Management and Leadership
Council housing
Council tax
Council tax benefits
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
Countryside stewardship scheme
County Durham Health Authority
Court Service
Cousins, Mr Jim
Information technology, Dept for Work and Pensions 512-4w
Pensions, Public sector 416
Cox, Mr Tom
Asylum, Greater London 90-1w
Criminal investigation 832w
Cyprus, Peace keeping operations 180w
Hannay of Chiswick, Lord 179w
Human trafficking, Greater London 685w
Life imprisonment, Sexual offences 832w
Metropolitan Police 1479w
Metropolitan Police, Manpower 1488w
Prison governors, Ethnic groups 835w
Prison governors, Females 834w
Prostitution, Children 1059w
Segregation of prisoners 1075w
Turkey, Human rights 387w