Index for Volume 389continued
A Al As B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Eu F Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Le Ll M Ma Me Mi Mo Mu N Nu O Or P Pl Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Si So Sq Sw T Th Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Dairy farming
Dalyell, Mr Tam
Debates etc.
Audit and Accounting Coordinating Group (24.07.02) 1012
Chinook helicopters, Accidents (22.07.02) 699
Education, Finance (16.07.02) 167
Lockerbie, Bombings (23.07.02) 956-7, 962
Public expenditure (15.07.02) 37
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Packaging, Waste disposal (24.07.02) 254-5wh
Afghanistan, International assistance 258w, 1126w
Immigration controls, France 229w
Iraq, Armed conflict 981-2
Lockerbie, Bombings 843-4
Dangerous mental patients
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Secretary of State for Transport
Debates etc.
Airports, Ministerial statements (23.07.02) 847-68
Data protection
Lord Chancellor's Dept 1303w
Data Protection Act 1998
Data Protection (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
2R order read (19.07.02) 636
Immigration and Nationality Directorate 565-6w
Davey, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
Commonwealth Bill, 3R (19.07.02) 604, 608
Housing Benefit (Withholding of Payment) Bill, Rep adjourned (19.07.02) 611-21, 630
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Davey, Mrs Valerie
Debates etc.
Education Bill, Lords amendts (15.07.02) 109
Trade, Petitions (16.07.02) 260-1
Employment schemes, Asperger's syndrome 113-4w
International Criminal Court, USA 846
David, Mr Wayne
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Disadvantaged, Public participation (24.07.02) 290-3wh
Common agricultural policy, Reform 917w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept, Trading funds 779-80w
Foreign investment in UK, Wales 317w
Manufacturing industries, Trade competitiveness 417-8
Winter fuel payments, European economic area 599w
Davidson, Mr Ian
Debates etc.
Defence equipment, Procurement (17.07.02) 317, 329-30
Proceeds of Crime Bill, Money res and Lords amendts (18.07.02) 481, 490-2, 513, 521-2
Armed forces, Recruitment 1107w
Social security benefits, Voluntary work 1554-5w
Unemployment, Young people 522-3w
Davies, Rt Hon Denzil
Debates etc.
Public expenditure (23.07.02) 920-2
Davies, Geraint
Debates etc.
Housing Benefit (Withholding of Payment) Bill, Rep adjourned (19.07.02) 626-7
Patients Without Legal Capacity (Safeguards) Bill, 2R order read (19.07.02) 636
Computer software, Government departments 725w
Davies, Mr Quentin
Debates etc.
Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill, Lords amendts (16.07.02) 206
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Debates etc.
Elderly, Social services (23.07.02) 883
Sudan, Armed conflict 838-9
Day care
Dean Hill
Princess Royal Barracks 7-9
Death rate
Debit cards
Debt Management Office
see UK Debt Management Office
Commonwealth Development Corporation 450w
Defence Aviation Repair Agency
Defence equipment
Defence Estates
Defence Fire Service
Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency
Defence Housing Executive
Defence Medical Services
Defence Munitions
Defence Procurement Agency
Defence review
Ministerial statements (18.07.02) 460-75
Defence Storage and Distribution Agency
Defence Test and Evaluation Organisation
Defence Transport and Movements Agency
Deferred divisions
Rulings and statements (18.07.02) 537-8, (19.07.02) 556, (24.07.02) 1044
Democratic Republic of Congo
International assistance 584-5w
Denham, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Home Office
Debates etc.
Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Bill (HL), 2R (22.07.02) 706-11, 725-8
Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Bill (HL), Rem stages (24.07.02) 1066-70
Police Reform Bill (HL), Lords amendts (24.07.02) 1060, 1063-4
Antisocial behaviour orders, Hampshire 558w
Antisocial behaviour orders, South Tyneside 830-2w
Antisocial behaviour orders, South Yorkshire 557-8w
Antisocial behaviour orders, West Sussex 1466-7w
Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Finance 1477-8w
Cheshire Constabulary, Sick leave 1538-9w
Children, Departmental coordination 1342w
Cleveland Constabulary, Inquiries 99-100w
Crime prevention, Cellular phones 1485w
Crime prevention, Northamptonshire 1469w
Crime prevention, Standards 852-4w
Crimes of violence, Retail trade 683w
Criminal Records Bureau, Complaints 1481w
Criminal Records Bureau, Standards 1481-2w
Data protection, Home Office 1495w
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Manpower 563w
Domestic violence, Convictions 849-50w
Driving offences, Speed limits 105w, 827w
Driving under influence 827w
Emergencies, Chemical and biological warfare 748w
Emergency services, Radio 1470w
Emergency services, Sick leave 1053w
Forensic Science Service 1077w
Forensic Science Service, Annual reports 231-2w
Hampshire Police Authority 560w
Heathrow Airport, Theft 859w
Hertfordshire Constabulary, Manpower 1491w
HM Inspectorate of Constabulary, Public appointments 1487-8w
Immobilisation of vehicles, Regulation 1473w
Leicestershire Police 96w
Leicestershire Police Authority, Public appointments 560w
Mentally incapacitated, Protection 563w
Metropolitan Police, Complaints 1476-7w
Metropolitan Police, Criminal records 1050w
Metropolitan Police, Disciplinary proceedings 856w, 1054w
Metropolitan Police, Housing 671-2w
Metropolitan Police, Manpower 1488w
Metropolitan Police, Sick leave 1049-50w
Metropolitan Police, Training 848-9w
Ministerial Group on Domestic Violence 1340w
Neighbourhood nuisance, Sheltered housing 687w
Neighbourhood wardens, Chorley 1485w
Offences against children, Northumbria 859w
Parliament Square, Demonstrations 554w
Police, Conditions of employment 1046w
Police, Domestic violence 850w
Police, Emergency calls 100-2w
Police, Greater London 830w
Police, North West region 850-1w
Police, Private finance initiative 560-2w
Police Reform Bill and Implementation Unit 561w
Police stations, Greater London 1475w
Prostitution, Children 1059w
Robbery, Greater London 1474w
Security guards, Licensing 688w
Special constables, Buckinghamshire 672w
Special constables, Manpower 855-6w
Speed limits, Cameras 687w
Sussex Police, Early retirement 835w
Sussex Police, Finance 1459w
Tobacco, Young people 1456w
Vetting, Foreign workers 1482w
Vetting, Voluntary work 555w
West Mercia Constabulary, Finance 675w
West Midlands Police, Recruitment 1050-3w
Written questions, Administrative delays 1505w
Yarls Wood Detention Centre 684w
Young offenders, Lancashire 558w
Young people, Advisory services 204w
Dental health
Dental services
Departmental coordination
Departmental expenditure limits
Departmental responsibilities
Lord Chancellor's Dept 1081w
Depleted uranium
Deprivation indicators
Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Public participation 974w
Dept for Education and Skills
Information officers 988w
Republic of Ireland 1363w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Information officers 1139w
Dept for International Development
Community development 898w
Information officers 721w
Public participation 1135w
Dept for Transport
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Gender impact assessment 236w
Ministerial policy advisors 1263w
Republic of Ireland 1262w
Temporary employment 1264w
Dept for Work and Pensions
Green Ministers Committee 811-2w
Ministerial policy advisors 1596w
Public participation 1542w
Regional planning and development 1578w
Regulatory impact assessments 524-5w
Temporary employment 1587w
Dept of Health
Consultation papers 1429w
Public participation 1094w
Dept of Trade and Industry
Official hospitality 790w
Regional planning and development 792w
Regulatory impact assessments 437w
Deregulation Task Force
Derelict land
Developing countries
see also Heavily indebted poor countries initiative
Agricultural products 1126w
Development aid
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary