Index for Volume 389continued
A Al As B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Eu F Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Le Ll M Ma Me Mi Mo Mu N Nu O Or P Pl Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Si So Sq Sw T Th Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Hughes, Beverley, Minister of State, Home Office
Annual reports, Home Office 1078-9w
Asylum, Administrative delays 1042w
Asylum, HIV infection 1041w
Asylum, Identity cards 548w
Asylum, Maternity payments 1043w
British nationality, Children 552w
Buildings, Home Office 546w
Campsfield House Detention Centre 1448w
Community development, Grants 226w
Community development, Standards 402w
Complaints Audit Committee, Annual reports 1043-4w
Complaints Audit Committee, Public appointments 1448w
Deportation, Injuries 400w
Dungavel Detention Centre 232w
Entry clearances, Genetics 1446w
Entry clearances, India 1532w
Entry clearances, Macedonia 402w
Equal opportunities, Home Office 555w
Gender impact assessment, Home Office 556w
Green Ministers Committee, Home Office 547w
Human trafficking, Greater London 685w
Identity cards, Transsexualism 555-6w
Illegal immigrants, Channel tunnel 393w
Illegal immigrants, Lorries 552w
Immigration and Nationality Directorate 229w
Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Databases 565-6w
Immigration controls, Fixed penalties 220w
Immigration officers, Czech Republic 685-6w
Immigration rules, Domestic violence 229w
Industrial diseases, Home Office 547w
Islam, Ministers of religion 686-7w
National Asylum Support Service, Standards 1043w
Official hospitality, Home Office 545w
Orders and regulations, Home Office 565w
Public expenditure, Home Office 546w
Public private partnerships, Home Office 543-4w
Publicity, Home Office 1067w
Repairs and maintenance, Home Office 1065-7w
Retirement, Home Office 394w
Statistics, Home Office 556-7w
United Kingdom Passport Agency, Annual reports 553w
Vetting, Voluntary work 97w
Visits abroad, Home Office 545-6w
Voluntary organisations, Grants 226-7w
Work permits, Information technology 107w, 831w
Written questions, Home Office 106w, 686w
Hughes, Mr Kevin Michael
Debates etc.
Hospitals, Consultants 138-9
Hughes, Simon
Debates etc.
Criminal proceedings (17.07.02) 291-2
Police Reform Bill (HL), Lords amendts (24.07.02) 1061-4
Private Members' bills, Points of order (19.07.02) 635
Armed forces, Ethnic groups 14-5
Crime prevention, Finance 858w
National Probation Service for England and Wales, Information technology 1517-8w
Police custody, Standards 1445w
Prisons, Per capita costs 1534w
Religious broadcasting, Licensing 410w
Thameslink railway line 971w
Young offenders, Children in care 1463-5w
Zimbabwe, Entry clearances 4w
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
Human rights
Developing countries 720w
Young offender institutions 1443w
Human Rights Act 1972
Human Rights Act 1998
Human trafficking
Humble, Mrs Joan
Mental health services, Hospital beds 140
Hunter, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Northern Ireland government (16.07.02) 217, 232, (24.07.02) 997
Alzheimer's disease, Prescription drugs 1399-400w
Child benefit, Foreign students 263w
Maintenance, Children 267w
Public sector, Regulation 170w
Small businesses, Regulation 351-2w
Hurst, Mr Alan
Housing, Construction 1019w
Hutton, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Dept of Health
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Complementary medicine (17.07.02) 84-8wh
Beta-interferon, Sutton 423w
Care homes, Fees and charges 1400-1w
Chiropody, Recruitment 425w
Dental services, Gloucestershire 141-2
Dermatology, Manpower 122w
Diagnostic treatment centres 1086w
Doctors, Reserve forces 422w
General practitioners, Conditions of employment 1393w
General practitioners, Finance 424w
General practitioners, Recruitment 201w, 1393w
General practitioners, Standards 1411-2w
General practitioners, Waiting lists 418-9w
Health professions, Disciplinary proceedings 1091w
Health services, Greater London 873w
Hospitals, Crimes of violence 536w
Hospitals, Rural areas 535w
Hospitals, Sexual offences 536w
Junior doctors, Working hours 1102w
Medical treatments, Radiation exposure 1434w
Members, Correspondence 878w
Mental health services, Manpower 539w
Mental health services, Physiotherapy 875-6w
Mental health services, Private finance initiative 877w
Mental health services, Vacancies 1097-8w
NHS, Foreign workers 1101w
NHS, Public appointments 865-7w
NHS Direct, Recruitment 421w
NHS Estate Management and Health Building Agency, Annual reports 217w
NHS Pensions Agency, Annual reports 1083w
NHS Pensions Agency, Standards 1083w
NHS trusts, Mergers 1087w
Nurses, Foreign workers 419w
Nurses, HIV infection 537w
Primary care trusts, Derbyshire 1382-4w
Primary care trusts, International cooperation 419w
Queen Alexandra Hospital, Private finance initiative 425w, 1090-1w
Surgery, Private sector 202w
West Surrey Health Authority, Per capita costs 1398w