Index for Volume 389continued
A Al As B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Eu F Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Le Ll M Ma Me Mi Mo Mu N Nu O Or P Pl Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Si So Sq Sw T Th Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Ladyman, Dr Stephen
Debates etc.
Criminal proceedings (17.07.02) 301
Cancer, Medical treatments 1100w
Lait, Mrs Jacqui
Basle Concordat, Scotland 76w
Constituencies, Scotland 76-7w
Electoral systems, Scotland 77w
Lamb, Norman
Arms trade, Export controls 780w
Disabled, Village halls 263-4w
Members, Correspondence 1091w
Train operating companies, Finance 969w
Laming Inquiry
see Victoria Climbie Death Inquiry
Lammy, David, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Hospitals, Somerset (23.07.02) 243-6wh
Accident and emergency departments, Standards 659-60w
Ambulance services, Standards 1410-1w
Beta-interferon, Derbyshire 203w
Cannabis, Clinical trials 1431w
Chronic fatigue syndrome 210-1w
Commission for Health Improvement 210w
Commission for Health Improvement, Pay 1427-8w
Community health councils 1410w
Contraceptives, Clinical trials 1383-4w
Cystic fibrosis, Prescriptions 200-1w
Dental services, Fees and charges 662w
Dental services, Gloucestershire 1396w
Dental services, Pensioners 1438w
Dietary supplements, EC action 1440-1w
Generic prescribing 1383w
Health services, Cooperatives 212w
Health services, USA 208w
Hospitals, Industrial health and safety 1418w
Hospitals, Public appointments 127w
Hydrofluorocarbons, Refrigeration 1438w
London Ambulance Service, Body armour 1410w
Medical Devices Agency, Annual reports 537-8w
Medical records, Data protection 688w
Members, Correspondence 1379w
Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust, Waiting lists 129-30w
Multiple sclerosis, Medical treatments 1424w
National Institute for Clinical Excellence 208w, 1410w
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency, Annual reports 875w
NHS trusts, Public appointments 1413w
Oxygen, Medical equipment 1383w
Prescription drugs, Imports 1403-4w
Prescriptions, Fees and charges 121w, 659w
Prescriptions, Information technology 213w, 1420w
Primary care trusts, Barnsley 1386w
Solihull Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 209-10w, 660w
World Health Organisation, Taiwan 117w
Written questions, Administrative delays 1431w
Land mines
Land use
Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002
Landing rights
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Criminal Records Bureau (23.07.02) 181-3wh
Flood control (16.07.02) 32-4wh
Greenbelt, Cambridge (17.07.02) 133-4wh
Law Commission
Law Society
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie
Debates etc.
Textiles, Wales (18.07.02) 550
Court Service, Wales 319w
Double taxation, Lithuania 959w
Insurance, Terrorism 960w
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 781-2w
Laws, Mr David
Debates etc.
Audit and Accounting Coordinating Group (24.07.02) 1016
Public expenditure (23.07.02) 914-5
Armed forces, Recruitment 13-4
Crime prevention, Standards 852-4w
Crown Prosecution Service, Advocacy 619w
Defence Procurement Agency 160-1w
Energy, Conservation 479w
Food Standards Agency 429w
Gulf War syndrome, Compensation 490-1w
Higher education, Student numbers 184-7w
Literacy, Primary education 369w
Members, Correspondence 1065w
Parliament Square, Demonstrations 554w
Police, Emergency calls 100-2w
Pre-school education 994w
Public sector, Sick leave 820w
Rapid reaction forces, EC countries 26w
Standards, Dept for Education and Skills 651w
Standards, Dept for Work and Pensions 521w
Standards, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2w
Statistics, Dept for Education and Skills 1365w
Statistics, Dept for Work and Pensions 1024w
Statistics, Home Office 397-8w
10 Downing Street, Repairs and maintenance 1368-9w
Laxton, Mr Bob
New deal for communities 277-8
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Audit and Accounting Coordinating Group (24.07.02) 1014
Proceeds of Crime Bill, Money res and Lords amendts (18.07.02) 497, 518, 523
Child Benefit Centre, Telephone services 266w
Civil servants, Accidents 335w
Debts, Developing countries 464w
Ferries, EC countries 1233w