Index for Volume 389continued
A Al As B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Eu F Fr G Gr Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Le Ll M Ma Me Mi Mo Mu N Nu O Or P Pl Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Si So Sq Sw T Th Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Secondary education
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 32-4w
Dept of Trade and Industry 790w
Security guards
Seeds (National List of Varieties) Regulations 2001
Segregation of prisoners
Select committees
Selous, Andrew
Debates etc.
Criminal proceedings (17.07.02) 301
Housing Benefit (Withholding of Payment) Bill, Rep adjourned (19.07.02) 628
Road traffic, Petitions (16.07.02) 260
Totternhoe, Petitions (19.07.02) 555
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Child Support Agency (16.07.02) 52-5wh
Africa, International assistance 833-4
Rescue services, Portland 11w
Ringfenced funding, Home Office 1055-6w
Dept for Work and Pensions 605w
Serious Fraud Office
Information technology 612w
Set-aside schemes
Sex Offenders Act 1997
Sexual offences
Shadow cabinet
Shaw, Mr Jonathan
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Packaging, Waste disposal (24.07.02) 249-52wh
After school clubs, Inspections 1341-2w
Dyslexia, Hyperactivity 990w
Special educational needs, Teachers 646w
Student Loans Company 642w
Sheep meat
Sheep premiums
Sheerman, Mr Barry
Airports, South East region 1236w
Audit and Accounting Coordinating Group 1327w
Design, Environment protection 1333w
Electronic equipment, Waste disposal 1332w
Enterprise investment scheme 1184w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 1153w
General practitioners, Conditions of employment 1393w
House of Commons, Manpower 1167w
Housing, Planning permission 1008-9w
New businesses, Rural areas 1330-1w
Public transport, Fuels 1177w
Rural areas, New businesses 929-30w
Small businesses, Accountancy 1332-3w
Sports, Young people 974w
Waste management, Ministry of Defence 907w
World Summit on Sustainable Development 1123-4w
Sheikh, Ahmed Omar Saeed
Sheltered housing
Neighbourhood nuisance 687w
Sheridan, Mr Jim
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Shipley, Ms Debra
British Nuclear Fuels, Contracts 782w
British Nuclear Fuels, Finance 782w
Contact orders, Voluntary organisations 525-6w
Criminal Records Bureau, Complaints 1481w
Criminal Records Bureau, Standards 1481-2w
Nuclear power stations, Security 862w
Police, Private finance initiative 560-2w
Regional development agencies, Planning 952-3w
Regional planning and development, Finance 1020-1w
Vacant land, Property development 353w
Vetting, Foreign workers 1482w
Victoria Climbie Death Inquiry 119-20w
Shipman, Harold
Shops Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
2R order read (19.07.02) 636
Short, Rt Hon Clare, Secretary of State for International Development
Afghanistan, Politics and government 966-8
Albania, Environment protection 588-9w
Annual reports, Dept for International Development 594w
Baltic states, Regional planning and development 589-90w
Burundi, Armed conflict 587w
Cameroon, Ethnic groups 1124w
Central Africa, International assistance 591w
Central African Republic, Education 716-7w
Central African Republic, HIV infection 717w
Central African Republic, Politics and government 717w
Commonwealth, Education 713-4w
Commonwealth Development Corporation, Debts 450w
Commonwealth Development Corporation, Publicity 583w
Commonwealth Development Corporation, Redundancy 576w
Commonwealth Development Corporation, Sub-Saharan Africa 449w, 576-7w
Community development, Dept for International Development 898w
Computers, Dept for International Development 893w
Consultants, Dept for International Development 893-4w
Consultation papers, Dept for International Development 40-1w, 591-2w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Armed conflict 585w
Democratic Republic of Congo, International assistance 584-5w
Developing countries, Agricultural products 1126w
Developing countries, AIDS 719w
Developing countries, Arms trade 1138w
Developing countries, Children 1137-8w
Developing countries, Common agricultural policy 261w, 1129w
Developing countries, Debts 971
Developing countries, Disease control 719w
Developing countries, Drugs 593-4w
Developing countries, EC external trade 1125-6w
Developing countries, Human rights 720w
Developing countries, Microfinance 293w
Developing countries, Multinational companies 1134-5w
Developing countries, Overseas companies 720w, 970-1
Developing countries, Renewable energy 1130-1w
Developing countries, Trade 261w
Directors, Dept for International Development 1129w
Eastern Europe, Iron and steel 1130w
Eastern Europe, Overseas aid 1128w
Environment protection, International cooperation 39-40w
Ethiopia, Overseas aid 1126w
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EC enlargement 1132w
Group of Eight, Kananaskis Summit 896-7w
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative 715w, 1131w
India, Overseas aid 1129w
Information officers, Dept for International Development 721w
International Development Association 899w
Internet, Dept for International Development 900w
Know-How Fund, Environment protection 720w
Knowledge for Development Challenge Fund 44w
Liberia, Armed conflict 260-1w
Liberia, Overseas aid 715w
Manpower, Dept for International Development 1133w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for International Development 900w, 1132w
Overseas aid, Health education 1128-9w
Overseas aid, Health services 1124-5w
Overseas aid, HIV infection 894-6w
Overseas aid, Water supply 1134w
Papua New Guinea, Forests 591w
Public expenditure, Dept for International Development 290w
Public participation, Dept for International Development 1135w
Publicity, Dept for International Development 721-2w
Romania, Regional planning and development 590w
Romania, Sustainable development 589w
Scotland, Dept for International Development 1138w
Sierra Leone, Health services 1137w
Sierra Leone, Overseas aid 717w
Sierra Leone, Politics and government 1136-7w
Somalia, International assistance 41w
South Africa, HIV infection 291w
Southern Africa, Famine 587w
Southern Africa, Overseas aid 1124w
Sub-Saharan Africa, Overseas aid 1125w
Sub-Saharan Africa, Water 291-2w
Syrian Arab Republic, Overseas aid 43w
Tanzania, Overseas aid 44w
Temporary employment, Dept for International Development 1132-3w
Visits abroad, Dept for International Development 43-4w
World Summit on Sustainable Development 258w, 1131w
Zimbabwe, Agriculture 586w