Index for Volume 390continued
A Am B Bi Br C Ci Cr D Di E Es F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I It J K L Li M Me Mi Mu N O P Pr Q R Ri S Si So Sq T To U V W Wo X Y Z
Dairy farming
Dalyell, Mr Tam
Debates etc.
Disclosure of information, Points of order (15.10.02) 222-3
Parliamentary procedure, Points of order (24.09.02) 24
Common fisheries policy 573w
Common fisheries policy, Mauritania 572-3w
Developing countries, Drugs 905w
Opium poppies, Hampshire 28w
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Secretary of State for Transport
Roads, Construction 167-9
Dart Harbour Navigation Authority
Data protection
Government Communications Headquarters 527-8w
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 841w
Data Protection Act 1988
Data Protection Act 1998
David, Mr Wayne
Common agricultural policy, Reform 925w
Trans-European networks 161-2
Davidson, Mr Ian
Common agricultural policy 455
Economic and monetary union 935w
Nuclear power stations 205w
Nuclear power stations, Accidents 205w
Passports, British overseas territories 36w
Radioactive fallout, Chernobyl 303w
Treaty of Nice, Republic of Ireland 226w
Davies, Geraint
Debates etc.
Davies, Mr Quentin
Debates etc.
Northern Ireland government (15.10.02) 194-6
Davis, Rt Hon David
Consultants, Cabinet Office 734w
Consultants, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 619w
Consultants, Dept for Education and Skills 767w
Consultants, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 575w
Consultants, Dept of Trade and Industry 683w
Consultants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 663w, 911-2w
Consultants, Home Office 933w
Consultants, Ministry of Defence 866-7w
Consultants, Treasury 938w
Davis, Rt Hon Terry
Debates etc.
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Debates etc.
Day care
Dean Hill
Defence Bills Agency
Defence equipment
Defence Intelligence Staff
Defence Munitions
Denham, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Home Office
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Aerials, Health hazards 22w
Airwave service, Costs 20-1w
Antisocial behaviour orders 25w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Hertfordshire 746w
Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Emergency calls 25-6w
Closed circuit television 50w
Commonwealth Games, Manchester 470w
Crime, Motorway service areas 756w
Crime prevention, Buckingham 53-4w
Crime prevention, Finance 466-7w
Crime prevention, Wirral 3-4w
Criminal Records Bureau, Standards 23w
Emergency services, Greater London 12w
Hertfordshire Constabulary, Manpower 745-6w
Identification of criminals 4w
Metropolitan Police, Housing 757w
Motorcycles, Nuisance 458w
Offences against children 127w
Police, Ethnic groups 53w
Police, Freemasonry 13-4w
Police, Greater London 40w
Police national computer 748w
Police stations, Telephone services 77w
Pornography, Children 75-7w
Prisons, Alcoholic drinks 754-5w
Public order, Standards 70w
Security guards, Training 471-2w
West Midlands Police, Finance 18w
Departmental coordination
Departmental responsibilities
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 225w
Depleted uranium
Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Information officers 130w
Ministerial policy advisors 130w
Regional planning and development 129-30w
Temporary employment 132w
Dept for Education and Skills
Community development 120w
Ministerial policy advisors 105w
Public participation 104w
Regional planning and development 125-6w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Community development 280w
Gender impact assessment 249w
Ministerial policy advisors 284w
Regional planning and development 271-2w
Dept for International Development
Repairs and maintenance 438w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Dept for Work and Pensions
Dept of Health
Information officers 412w
Ministerial policy advisors 494w
Parliamentary questions 940-1w
Regional planning and development 490w
Dept of Trade and Industry
Ministerial policy advisors 200w
Orders and regulations 202w
Derelict land
Detection rates
Developing countries
World Trade Organisation 417w
Development aid