Index for Volume 390continued
A Am B Bi Br C Ci Cr D Di E Es F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I It J K L Li M Me Mi Mu N O P Pr Q R Ri S Si So Sq T To U V W Wo X Y Z
Jack, Rt Hon Michael
Common agricultural policy, Reform 917w
Excise duties, Diesel fuel 611w
Foot and mouth disease, Military aid 458-9
Telecommunications, Standards 157-8w
Jackson, Ms Glenda
Debates etc.
Housing benefit (17.10.02) 487
Jackson, Helen
Debates etc.
Northern Ireland government (15.10.02) 203
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Speed limits (17.10.02) 152wh
Competitiveness Council 847-8w
Railways, Northern region 704w
Jamieson, Mr David, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Airports, South East region (16.10.02) 92-5wh
Air traffic, South East region 707w
Airports, Severn estuary 725w
Airports, South East region 726w
British Transport Police, Arrests 711w
British Transport Police, Manpower 711w
Connex, Rolling stock 704w
Dart Harbour Navigation Authority 906w
Exhaust emissions, Complaints 719-20w
General Lighthouse Fund 719w
General Lighthouse Fund, Republic of Ireland 719-20w
Great Eastern Railway, Investment 705w
Handy Cross Junction, Repairs and maintenance 707-8w
Lighthouses, Ireland 893w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 235w
London Underground, Repairs and maintenance 235w
M25, Repairs and maintenance 718w
National Air Traffic Services, British Airports Authority 721w
National Air Traffic Services, Finance 721w
Ports, Northern Ireland 708w
Public transport, Disabled 712-3w
Public transport, Pensioners 703w
Public transport, Sight impaired 703w
Public transport, South East region 712w
Railways, Repairs and maintenance 705w
South West Trains, Finance 707w
Speed limits, Cameras 707w
Swanwick Air Traffic Control Centre, Industrial health and safety 235w
Thames Trains, Franchises 707w
Thameslink railway line 710w
Transport, Consultation papers 906w
Transport, Environment protection 234w
Transport, Radioactive materials 709-10w
Virgin Rail, Compensation 715-6w
Jenkin, Mr Bernard
Debates etc.
Unmanned air vehicles 327w
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Restaurants, Nutrition 355w
Johnson, Alan, Minister of State for Employment Relations and Regions, Dept of Trade and Industry
Business, South East region 689w
Enterprise grant scheme 154-5w
Foreign investment in UK, Grants 145w
Learning and Skills Council for Surrey 688w
Manufacturing industries, Coventry 147w
Manufacturing industries, Wales 156w
Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 167w
Regional development agencies, Compulsory purchase 166w
Working hours, Scotland 170w
Wycombe, Dept of Trade and Industry 203w
Johnson, Miss Melanie, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept of Trade and Industry
Accountancy, EC action 694w
Audit and Accounting Coordinating Group 154w
Competitiveness Council 847-8w
Consumer Credit Act 1974 188w
Furniture, Fire prevention 676-7w
Members, Correspondence 909w
Social rented housing 680w
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
Jones, Helen M
Jones, Mr Jon Owen
Debates etc.
Jones, Mr Kevan
Debates etc.
Oversight Commissioner 870w
Jones, Dr Lynne
Mental health review tribunals 390-1w
Muscular dystrophy, Statistics 361w
National Asylum Support Service, Standards 933-4w
Registration of births deaths and marriages, Transsexualism 601w
Social services, Birmingham 334w
Jones, Mr Martyn David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Crime, Wales (15.10.02) 66wh
Jones, Mr Nigel
Jowell, Rt Hon Ms Tessa, Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport