Index for Volume 390continued
A Am B Bi Br C Ci Cr D Di E Es F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I It J K L Li M Me Mi Mu N O P Pr Q R Ri S Si So Sq T To U V W Wo X Y Z
Tami, Mark
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Crime, Wales (15.10.02) 65wh
Tapsell, Sir Peter
Debates etc.
Disability living allowance 646-7w
General practitioners 805w
Local government services 647w
Tax allowances
Tax avoidance
Tax credit
Tax yields
Taylor, Mr David
Debates etc.
Local government finance (15.10.02) 277, 280
Post offices, Urban areas (15.10.02) 247-8
Animal products, EC action 349w
Electronic government 680w
Private finance initiative 311
Taylor, Mr Ian
Debates etc.
Taylor, Mr John
Hospitals, Waiting lists 332w
Northern Ireland Assembly 314-5
Taylor, Matthew
Bank of England, Public appointments 602w
British overseas territories, Terrorism 226w
Customs and Excise, Information technology 591w
Customs and Excise, Standards 600w, 617w
Diesel fuel, Aviation 610w
Excise duties, Fuels 617w
Freedom of information, Ministry of Defence 305w
Government departments, Accountancy 609w
Government departments, Standards 618w
National insurance contributions 596w
NHS, Information technology 819-22w
Pensions, Public sector 609w
Prescriptions, Information technology 800-1w
Public appointments, Treasury 615-7w
Republic of Ireland, Cabinet Office 219w
Republic of Ireland, Dept of Trade and Industry 162w
Secondment, Dept of Trade and Industry 199w
Tax avoidance, Insurance companies 937w
Taylor, Dr Richard
Taylor, Sir Teddy
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Common agricultural policy 454-5
Mental health services 389w
Teenage pregnancy
Telecommunications masts
Telephone exchanges
Telephone services
Accident and emergency departments 397w
Immigration and Nationality Directorate 67w
Telephone systems
Temporary employment
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 132w
Dept of Trade and Industry 686-7w
Ten minutes rule
Rulings and statements (24.09.02) 26, (15.10.02) 227
British overseas territories 226w
Departmental coordination 731w
Terrorism Act 2000 (Information) Order 2002
Thames Trains
Thameslink railway line
Thomas, Mr Gareth, (Harrow West)
Chronically sick, Employment 828w
Metropolitan Police, Housing 757w
Mount Vernon Hospital 347w
Northwick Park Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 822-3w
Renewable energy, Export credit guarantees 674-5w
Wind power, Derelict land 911w
Thomas, Simon
Debates etc.
Entry clearances, Egypt 457w
General Agreement on Trade in Services, Water supply 687-8w
Oral questions, Home Office 47-8w
World Summit on Sustainable Development 918w
Throckmorton airfield
Timms, Mr Stephen, Minister of State, E-Commerce and Competitiveness, Dept of Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Communications Bill (Draft) 217w
Consignia, Redundancy pay 184w
Consignia, Subsidiary companies 690-1w
EC action, Dept of Trade and Industry 449w
Electronic government 680w
Office of Communications 159w
Office of Communications, Contracts 159w
Post offices, Bank services 154w
Post offices, Huntingdon 683w
Post offices, Leicestershire 666w
Post offices, Pilot schemes 163w
Post offices, Rural areas 186-7w
Post offices, Taunton 684w
Postal services, Small businesses 186w
Royal Mail, Lost working days 185w
Serials, Postal rates 160w
Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 161w, 187w
Telecommunications, Standards 157-8w
Telephone exchanges, Somerset 165w
Telephone services, Prize money 691w
Textiles, Government assistance 151-2w
Tipping, Mr Paddy
Debates etc.
Local government finance (15.10.02) 277
Industrial diseases, Compensation 164w
Refrigerators, Waste disposal 294w
Tipping of waste