Index for Volume 391continued
A Am Au B Bh Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Eq F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Jo K Kn L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo Mu N O P Pr Q R Ri Ru S Si So Sr T To Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Ruane, Chris
Debates etc.
Sinn Fein, House of Commons services (28.10.02) 562, 590-2
Multiple occupation, Accidents 290w
Nuclear power stations, Safety 775-6w
Sellafield, Decommissioning 973w
Speed limits, Driving offences 304-5w
Ruddock, Joan
Debates etc.
House of Commons, Reform (29.10.02) 725
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Ruffley, Mr David
Debates etc.
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (21.10.02) 42, 45, 51-3
Rulings and statements
Amendments and new clauses (30.10.02) 899
Parliamentary procedure (23.10.02) 274, (29.10.02) 688
Scope of debate (23.10.02) 348
Standing Order No 24 applications (28.10.02) 558
Twelve minutes rule (28.10.02) 625, (29.10.02) 714
Rural areas
Departmental coordination 427-8w
Rail passenger partnership scheme 990w
Starter home initiative 389w
Rural bus challenge
Rural Payments Agency
Rural transport partnership scheme
Rusling, Shaun
Russell, Bob
Debates etc.
Football banning orders 103w
Maintenance, Children 17-8
Road traffic offences 858w
Radioactive materials 201w