Index for Volume 391continued
A Am Au B Bh Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Eq F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Jo K Kn L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo Mu N O P Pr Q R Ri Ru S Si So Sr T To Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
SA80 rifle
Safety barriers
Safety belts
Alcohol and Drugs Advisory Service 668w
Mental health services 746w
Salmond, Mr Alex
Debates etc.
Asbestos, Industrial health and safety (24.10.02) 484
British Energy (22.10.02) 214
European Council, Brussels Summit (EC) (28.10.02) 552
Fisheries, Points of order (23.10.02) 274-5, (31.10.02) 1017
Broadband, Aberdeenshire 975w
Fishing vessels, Accidents 113
Insurance, Small businesses 996w
Members, Correspondence 839w
Natural gas, Scotland 449w
Salter, Mr Martin
Debates etc.
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (21.10.02) 78
Sanders, Mr Adrian
Debates etc.
Housing, Construction 275w
Members, Correspondence 411w
Planning Housing and Growth Unit 274-5w
Savidge, Mr Malcolm
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Devolution, Scotland 206w
Pensioners, Scotland 206w
Sawford, Phil
Aerials, Rates and rating 75-6w
Stakeholder pensions 111w
School meals
Scope of debate
Rulings and statements (23.10.02) 348
Common agricultural policy 207w
Scotland Office
Scots Gaelic language
Scottish Islands
Scottish Parliament
Seaside and country homes scheme
Second homes
Secondary education
Standard spending assessments 461-2w
Dept for International Development 560-1w
Security guards
Select committees
Selous, Andrew
Debates etc.
Herbal medicine, Petitions (22.10.02) 244
Northern Ireland government 365w
Social security benefits, Pensioners 114w
Serious Fraud Office
Severn tunnel
Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act 2002
Sex Offenders Act 1997
Sexual offences
Shaw, Mr Jonathan
Debates etc.
Air Weapons Bill, 1R (29.10.02) 685-7
Sheep quota purchase scheme
Sheerman, Mr Barry
Teachers, Working hours 389-90
Waste management, Finance 688w
Shephard, Rt Hon Gillian
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Agriculture, Norfolk (22.10.02) 1-6wh
Sheridan, Mr Jim
Debates etc.
House of Commons, Reform (29.10.02) 701
Shoreham Port Authority
Short, Rt Hon Clare, Secretary of State for International Development
Afghanistan, International assistance 191w, 322-4w
Afghanistan, Overseas aid 195w
Afghanistan, Water supply 29w
Africa, HIV infection 196w
Africa, International assistance 559-60w
Aviation, Dept for International Development 191-2w
Botswana, Health services 192-3w
Burundi, Peace negotiations 948w
Central Africa, Natural resources 947-8w
Commission on Intellectual Property Rights 546-7w, 950w
Developing countries, Administration of justice 557-8w
Developing countries, Banks 558w
Developing countries, Debts 30-1w
Developing countries, Industrial development 326w
Developing countries, International assistance 549w, 559w
Developing countries, Mass media 558w
Developing countries, Politics and government 193w
Developing countries, Poverty 191w
Developing countries, Public sector 556-7w
Developing countries, Trade 318-9w
Fire services, Dept for International Development 560w
General Agreement on Trade in Services 564w
Indonesia, Overseas aid 950w
Internet, Dept for International Development 320-1w
Ivory Coast, Armed conflict 948-9w
Ivory Coast, Overseas aid 559w
Libyan Arab Republic 560w
Malawi, Health services 548-9w
Recruitment, Dept for International Development 473w
Rwanda, Armed forces 187w
Secondment, Dept for International Development 560-1w
Southern Africa, Debts 323w
Southern Africa, Famine 321w
Southern Africa, Farms 188w
Southern Africa, Food aid 188-9w
Sudan, Peace negotiations 951w
Vacancies, Dept for International Development 949w
Visits abroad, Dept for International Development 953-4w
Western Sahara, Food aid 952-3w