Index for Volume 392continued
A As B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ep F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O Ow P Po Ps Q R Ri Rw S Si So Sq T To U V W Wo X Y Z
C17 aircraft
Cabinet Office
Public participation 451w
Cable, Mr Vincent
Debates etc.
Enterprise Bill, Lords amendts (05.11.02) 247-8, 252-3
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Post offices (05.11.02) 16-8wh
British Printing Industries Federation 164-5w
British Trade International, Manpower 151-2w
Contracts, Ministry of Defence 487w
Criminal Records Bureau, Administrative delays 804-5w
Democratic Republic of Congo 33-4w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Overseas aid 33w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Peace negotiations 342-3w
Export Market Information Centre 147-8w
Exports, Advisory services 147w
Foreign investment in UK 145-6w
Garages and petrol stations, Licensing 381w
Health and Safety Executive, Manpower 85w
Industrial health and safety, Building sites 85w
Information services, Cornwall 146-7w
Information technology, EC grants and loans 149-50w
International Energy Agency 166w
International organisations, Contributions 745-6w
Internet, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 715w
Internet, Dept for Work and Pensions 306w
Internet, Scotland Office 378-9w
Iron and steel employees readaptation benefits scheme 151w
"Money and Machines" 168w
Motor vehicles, Productivity 152w
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Inspections 167w
Post offices, Leicestershire 169w
Post offices, Rural areas 153w
Shipbuilding, Government assistance 741-2w
Support for exhibitions and seminars abroad scheme 147w
Training, Dept of Trade and Industry 763w
Caborn, Rt Hon Richard, Minister of State for Sport, Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Independent Football Commission 79w
National Lottery, Village halls 79-80w
National Lottery, Young people 80w
New Opportunities Fund, Nutrition 78-9w
New Opportunities Fund, Scotland 80w
New Opportunities Fund, Sports 80w
Olympic Games, Disabled 80-1w
Sports, Disadvantaged 556w
Cairns, David
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 14
Calton, Mrs Patsy
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Cancer, Medical treatments (06.11.02) 84-7wh, 92wh
Care homes, Northern Ireland 682w
Community care grants 198w
Social security benefits 84w
Sports, Departmental coordination 193w
Sports, Disadvantaged 556w
Taxation, Overseas residence 772w
Cambridgeshire Constabulary
Doctors' list of patients 519w
General practitioners 519w
Cameron, Mr David
National Lottery, Village halls 79-80w
Tax burden, Pensioners 428
Campbell, Mrs Anne
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 446
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Defence equipment, Procurement 11
Evangelical Lutheran Church of England, Charities 829w
Campbell, Rt Hon Menzies
Arms trade, Export controls 760w
Transport, Hazardous substances 459w
Campbell, Mr Ronnie
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries (06.11.02) 294
Medical treatments (06.11.02) 73-96wh
Cancer Care Action Group
Employment tribunals 165w
Government contracts 165w
Car sharing
Carbon dioxide
Care homes
Carmichael, Mr Alistair
Casale, Roger
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 450-1
Caton, Mr Martin
Health and Safety Executive 648w
Health and Safety Executive, Inspections 646-7w
Health and Safety Executive, Prosecutions 647w
Inland Revenue, Information technology 221w, 788w
Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate, Annual reports 799-800w
Private finance initiative 796w
Students, Fees and charges 409w
Winter fuel payments, Overseas residence 314w, 665w
Cawsey, Mr Ian
Local government finance, East Riding 49w
Local government finance, Rural areas 48-9w, 51w
Cayman Islands
CDC Capital Partners
Cellular phone masts
Cellular phones
Public Record Office 138w
Central Police Training and Development Authority
Central Railway
Challenger tanks
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Chapman, Mr Ben
Debts, Developing countries 782w
Chapman, Sir Sydney
Developing countries, Sanitation 270
Charitable donations
Evangelical Lutheran Church of England 829w
Charter of Fundamental Rights (EU)
Chaytor, Mr David
Developing countries, Sanitation 269-70
World Summit on Sustainable Development 592-3w
Chidgey, Mr David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Chief of Defence Logistics
see Defence Logistics Organisation
Child benefit
Child minding
Child prostitution
Child protection committees
Young offender institutions 853-4w
Child protection registers
Accident and emergency departments 123w
Child Support Agency
Child tax credit
Children in care
Children's Fund
Children's Rights Director
Chope, Mr Christopher
Contracts, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 46w
Housing, Fire prevention 606w
Naturalisation, Applications 107w
Post offices, Closures 281
Chronic fatigue syndrome