Index for Volume 392continued
A As B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ep F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O Ow P Po Ps Q R Ri Rw S Si So Sq T To U V W Wo X Y Z
Jack, Rt Hon Michael
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries (06.11.02) 297-8
Future offensive aircraft 52w
Students, Fees and charges 789w
Jackson, Ms Glenda
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 443
Jackson, Helen
Tax burden, Pensioners 428
Jamieson, Mr David, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Regional airports, Midlands (05.11.02) 51-4wh
Rescue services, Portland (06.11.02) 137-40wh
Bletchley-Bicester railway line 460w
Bus services, Greater London 157-9w
Buxton-Matlock railway line 460w
Central Railway, Freight 461w
Colne-Skipton railway line 2w
Cycling, Greater London 460w
Fire services, Dept for Transport 3w
"Future Development of Air Transport in the United Kingdom Consultation Paper" 457-9w
Gatwick Airport, Air routes 158w
Invalid vehicles, Parking 4w
London Underground, Accidents 162w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 315-6w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 462w
Motor vehicles, Registration 318-9w
National Air Traffic Services, Internet 160w
Older workers, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 162w
Parliamentary questions, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 462w
Public buildings, Dept for Transport 461w
Public participation, Dept for Transport 462-3w
Public transport, Disabled 5w
Railway track, Lancashire 5w
Railways, Franchises 461w
Railways, Greater London 161-2w
Railways, West Midlands 163w
Regional airports, Midlands 1-2w
Road traffic, Greater London 459-60w
Roads, Repairs and maintenance 6w
Secondment, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 162w
Shipping, Radioactive materials 19w
Vehicle number plates, Crime prevention 157-8w
Radioactive materials 19w
Jenkin, Mr Bernard
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 446
Armed forces, Opening of Parliament 499w
Armed forces, Personnel management 65w
Armed forces, Uniforms 485w
Future large aircraft, France 464-5w
Future large aircraft, Germany 465w
Helicopters, Training 394w
Macedonia, Peace keeping operations 182w
Military bases, Germany 488w
NATO, EC external relations 60w
Rapid reaction forces, EC countries 60w
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Equal opportunities, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 605w
Equal opportunities, Treasury 289-90w
Magistrates, Ministry of Defence 488w
Older workers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 557w
Older workers, Dept for Education and Skills 719w, 729w
Older workers, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 15w, 364w
Older workers, Dept for International Development 344w, 688w
Older workers, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 162w
Older workers, Dept for Work and Pensions 305w, 666-7w
Older workers, Dept of Trade and Industry 750w, 763-4w
Older workers, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 328w, 636w
Older workers, Home Office 808w
Older workers, Lord Chancellor's Dept 798w, 801w
Older workers, Ministry of Defence 472-3w
Older workers, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 50-1w
Older workers, Treasury 290w
Schools, Staffordshire 23w
Job satisfaction
Jobcentre Plus
Johnson, Alan, Minister of State for Employment Relations and Regions, Dept of Trade andIndustry
Advantage West Midlands, Public appointments 600w
Business, West Midlands 165w
Employment tribunals, Staffordshire 757-8w
Iron and steel employees readaptation benefits scheme 151w
Manufacturing industries, North West region 384-5w
Regional planning and development, EC grants and loans 857-8w
Shipbuilding, Government assistance 741-2w
South East England Development Agency 380w
Temporary employment, EC action 757w
Johnson, Mr Boris
Johnson, Miss Melanie, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept of Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Alcoholic drinks, Measurement 381-2w
Biotechnology, Patents 382w
Citizens' Advice Scotland 146w
Fireworks, Animal welfare 746w
Garages and petrol stations, Licensing 381w
Insolvency Service, Pay 752w
Joint strike fighter aircraft
Jones, Helen M
Finland, Foreign relations 245w
Kashmir, Human rights 245w
Jones, Mr Jon Owen
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 450
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, Lords amendts (05.11.02) 156, (07.11.02) 454
Jones, Mr Kevan
Jones, Dr Lynne
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 444-5
Community health services 440-1w
Correspondence, Home Office 834w
Hormone replacement therapy 510-1w
Incapacity benefit, Medical examinations 82w
Private finance initiative 775w
Research, Dept for Work and Pensions 312w
Jones, Mr Martyn David
Defence equipment, Procurement 470w
Joint strike fighter aircraft, Procurement 470w
Quality protects programme 442-3w
Jones, Mr Nigel
Dietary supplements, EC action 119w
Joyce, Mr Eric
Debates etc.
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, Lords amendts (05.11.02) 183