Index for Volume 392continued
A As B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ep F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O Ow P Po Ps Q R Ri Rw S Si So Sq T To U V W Wo X Y Z
Labour turnover
Dept for Work and Pensions 675w
Ladyman, Dr Stephen
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 437
Laing, Mrs Eleanor
Lamb, Norman
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 441
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Local government finance, Norfolk (06.11.02) 127wh, 130wh
Afghanistan, Bomb disposal 39w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Arms trade 70-1w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Multinational companies 70w, 72w
India, Hawk aircraft 40-1w
Power failures, Norfolk 385w
Secondment, Ministry of Defence 59w
Tuberculosis, Vaccination 256w
Laming Inquiry
see Victoria Climbie Death Inquiry
Lammy, David, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health
Ambulance services, Crimes of violence 120-1w
Child protection registers, Accident and emergency departments 123w
Hospital beds, South East region 121w
Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust, Waiting lists 129w
NHS Direct, Administrative delays 129w
Organs, Leicestershire 132w
Patients, Prospectuses 134w
Patients' forums, Manpower 133-5w
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Manpower 128w
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Pay 128w
Written questions, Administrative delays 540w
Air ambulance services 446w
Land mines
Landfill tax
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, Lords amendts (04.11.02) 32, 40, 82-6, 104
Sittings in Westminster Hall
General Chiropractic Council 542w
Railways, Accidents 282-3
Latin America
Law and Order Action Group
Law enforcement
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie
Laws, Mr David
Administration, Dept for Education and Skills 725w
Antisocial behaviour orders 809w
Armed forces, Health insurance 393w
Fire services, Industrial disputes 603-4w
Health and Safety Executive, Inquiries 647w
Health insurance, Ministry of Defence 393w
Health professions, Manpower 265-6w
Health services, Equality 260w
Heart diseases, Waiting lists 521w
Manpower, Dept for Education and Skills 719-20w
Members, Correspondence 552w
Pay, Ministry of Defence 484w
Public service, Ministry of Defence 494w
Welfare tax credits, Publicity 427
Laxton, Mr Bob
Police, Speed limits 115w
Standard spending assessments 424w
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Peace keeping operations, Training 489w
Learning and skills councils
Learning disability
Leasehold valuation tribunals
Legal aid
Leicester Royal Infirmary
Leigh, Mr Edward
Burma, International assistance 636-7w
Leslie, Mr Christopher, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Local government finance, Norfolk (06.11.02) 129-32wh
British Irish Council 608w
Business, West Midlands 43-4w
Charities, Tax allowances 286-7w
Civil service agencies, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 45-6w
Contracts, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 46w
Equal opportunities, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 605w
Fire services, Industrial disputes 47w
Fire services, Lancashire 46w
Fire services, Training 421w
Housing, Fire prevention 606w
Manpower, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 212-3w
Ministerial policy advisors, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 624w
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Civil service agencies 207w
Older workers, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 50-1w
Parliamentary questions, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 625w
Public participation, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 633w
Visits abroad, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 613w
Letwin, Rt Hon Oliver
Debates etc.
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, Lords amendts (05.11.02) 147, 163-6, 217, 232-6, (07.11.02) 457-9
Levitt, Mr Tom
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries (06.11.02) 297
Cayman Islands, Constitutions 249w
Lewis, Mr Ivan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills
Individual learning accounts 407-8w
Modern apprenticeships 722w
Skilled workers, Information technology 722-3w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 444
Afghanistan, International assistance 336w
Civil defence, Terrorism 62-3w
Prosthetics, Finance 554w
Welfare tax credits, Publicity 427
Liabilities Management Authority
Liabilities Management Unit
Libyan Arab Republic
Licensing laws
Liddell, Rt Hon Mrs Helen, Secretary of State for Scotland
Fire services, Industrial disputes 692w
Internet, Scotland Office 378-9w
Parliamentary questions, Scotland Office 692-3w
Skilled workers, Scotland 692w
Unemployment, Scotland 693w
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Debates etc.
Animal Health Bill, Lords amendts (06.11.02) 342
Audit Commission, Public appointments 205w
Farms, Digital mapping 7w, 704w
Guided weapons, Bristol Channel 63w
Pensions, Post offices 196w
Public Health Laboratory Service 269w
Social security benefits, Post offices 82w
Lidington, Mr David
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries (06.11.02) 288-9
Animals, Disease control 583w
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 363w, 368w
Countryside Agency, Finance 369w
Domestic wastes, Recycling 364w
Environment Agency, Licensing 364-5w
Fire services, Buckinghamshire 207-8w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 585-6w
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries 361w
Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Correspondence 832w
Poultry meat, Imports 261w
Sheep meat, Contamination 522w
Thames Valley Police, Manpower 852w
Thames Valley Police, Resignations 852w
Transmissible encephalopathies 367w
Waste disposal, EC action 367w
Young offender institutions, Fire prevention 333w
Lilley, Rt Hon Peter
Local government finance 49w
Linton, Martin
Children, Disadvantaged 185w
Work permits, Information technology 154w
Liquefied petroleum gas