Index for Volume 392continued
A As B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ep F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O Ow P Po Ps Q R Ri Rw S Si So Sq T To U V W Wo X Y Z
Wales Office
see Office of the Secretary of State for Wales
Walley, Ms Joan
Debates etc.
Animal Health Bill, Lords amendts (06.11.02) 372-3
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Post offices (05.11.02) 15-6wh
Employment tribunals, Staffordshire 757-8w
Financial services, Disadvantaged 295-7w
Financial services, Low incomes 296w
Jobcentre Plus, Stoke on Trent 84w
Pay, Dept for Work and Pensions 663w
Personal savings, Low incomes 296w
Regional planning and development, EC grants and loans 857-8w
Temporary employment, EC action 757w
Wood, Government departments 711-2w
Walter, Mr Robert
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, Lords amendts (04.11.02) 27, 51-2
Prisoner escorts, Greater London 837w
Walton Group
War pensions
Ward, Ms Claire
Public participation, Home Office 847w
Repairs and maintenance 68w
Waste disposal
Waste management
Water companies
Water supply
Waterson, Mr Nigel
Eastbourne Hospital, Hospital beds 443w
Eastbourne Hospital, Waiting lists 278-9w
Social security benefits 84w
Tax allowances, Pensions 766w
Watkinson, Angela
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, Lords amendts (04.11.02) 27, 29
Watson, Mr Tom
Closed circuit television, Shops 848w
Watts, Mr Dave
Education, Standard spending assessments 20-4w
Middle East, Peace negotiations 244w
Webb, Mr Steve
Asymmetric digital subscriber line 164w
Child benefit, Pay methods 311-2w
Child Support Agency, Maladministration 655w
Crime, Social security benefits 854w
Inland Revenue, Information technology 220w
National insurance contributions, Armed forces 143-4w
National insurance contributions, Females 770w
Pensions, Armed forces 490w
Pensions, Employers' contributions 665-6w
Pensions, Ministry of Defence 490w
Social security benefits, Interviews 657-8w
Social security benefits, Maladministration 658-9w
Social security benefits, Take-up 202-3w
Social Security Contributions Agency, Computers 791-2w
Weeds Act 1959
Weir, Mr Michael
General Agreement on Trade in Services, Scotland 148-9w
Italy, Ministry of Defence 490w
Liquefied petroleum gas, Scotland 389-90w
Shipping, Radioactive materials 19w
Welfare tax credits
West Midlands
West Sussex
Antisocial behaviour orders 816w
Western Sahara
Self-determination of states 637-8w
White, Brian
Non-Food Uses of Crops Government-Industry Forum 239-40w
Somalia, Peace negotiations 251-2w
White fish
Whitehead, Dr Alan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Taxation, Incinerators 418
Whittingdale, Mr John
Film, Hearing impaired 560w
Wicks, Malcolm, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Work and Pensions
Child benefit, Pay methods 311-2w
Child Support Agency 309w
Child Support Agency, Complaints 656w
Child Support Agency, Finance 204w
Child Support Agency, Maladministration 655w
Community care grants 198w
Data protection, Dept for Work and Pensions 203w
Fire services, Dept for Work and Pensions 84-5w
Habitual offenders, Dept for Work and Pensions 308w
Housing benefit, Arrears 651w
Housing benefit, Islington 86w
Internet, Dept for Work and Pensions 306w
Pensions, Post offices 196w
Research, Dept for Work and Pensions 312w
Social security benefits 84w
Social security benefits, Citizens' advice bureaux 310-1w
Social security benefits, Maladministration 658-9w
Social security benefits, Pay methods 200w
Social security benefits, Take-up 202-3w
Social security benefits, Truancy 194-5w
Social security benefits, Wales 659-60w
Social Security Benefits Agency, Manpower 197-8w
Wiggin, Mr Bill
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries (06.11.02) 293-4
Fire services, Industrial disputes 602w
Members, Correspondence 6w, 229w
Middle East, Peace negotiations 250-1w
Power failures, Herefordshire 390w, 758w
Rapid reaction forces, EC countries 477w
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Willetts, Mr David
Severe disablement allowance 194w
Social Security Benefits Agency, Manpower 197-8w
Telephone services, Dept for Work and Pensions 668-9w
Winter fuel payments, Overseas residence 89w
Williams, Hywel
Middle East, Water supply 340w
Williams, Mr Roger
Debates etc.
Animal Health Bill, Lords amendts (06.11.02) 320, 346-8, (07.11.02) 478-9
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries (06.11.02) 299
Willis, Mr Phil
Debates etc.
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, Lords amendts (05.11.02) 157-8, 161, 167-8
Aerials, Planning permission 608w
Criminal Records Bureau, Capita 804w
Education, Assessments 24w
Governing bodies, Vetting 721-2w
Planning permission, Appeals 50w
Standards Fund, Non-teaching staff 409-11w
Wills, Mr Michael, Minister for Information Technology and Criminal Justice, Home Office
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Sexual offences, Children (05.11.02) 58-63wh
Administration of justice, Information technology 802w
Wilson, Mr Brian, Minister of State for Industry and Energy, Dept of Trade and Industry
British Energy, Government assistance 747w
Coal, Government assistance 382-3w
Coal fired power stations 151w
Engineers, Overseas workers 750w
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, Public appointments 388w
Liabilities Management Authority 738w
Liquefied petroleum gas, Scotland 389-90w
Magnox reactors, Decommissioning 744w
Motor sports, Environment protection 380-1w
Nuclear power stations, Security 754w
Office for Civil Nuclear Security, Finance 754w
Power failures, Gloucestershire 387-8w
Power failures, Herefordshire 390w, 758w
Power failures, Norfolk 385w
Power failures, Weather 379w
Radioactive materials, Barrow in Furness 333w
Radioactive wastes, EC action 753-4w
Renewables obligation 753w
Wind power, Planning permission 739-40w
Wylfa power station, Radioactive wastes 739w
Wind power
Winnick, David
Debates etc.
Iraq, Weapons (07.11.02) 443-4
Trials, Points of order (04.11.02) 21
Ministers, Codes of practice 455-6w
Northern Ireland government 277
Palace of Westminster, Access 163-4w
Winter fuel payments
Winterton, Ann
Excise duties, Petrol alternatives 781w
Fisheries, Regional assemblies 7w
Local government finance 629w
Winterton, Sir Nicholas
Armed forces, Uniforms 469w
Local government finance 213-4w
Roads, Repairs and maintenance 6w
Schools, Repairs and maintenance 26w
Social rented housing, Standards 215w
Zimbabwe, Food supply 328w
Zimbabwe, Foreign investment 329w
Zimbabwe, Human rights 328w
Winterton, Ms Rosie, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, Lords amendts (04.11.02) 108-9, 113-4
Alternative dispute resolution 217-8w
Buildings, Lord Chancellor's Dept 800-1w
Courts, Northern Ireland 797w
Fire services, Lord Chancellor's Dept 138w
Magistrates, Recruitment 798w
Older workers, Lord Chancellor's Dept 798w, 801w
Public Record Office, Census 138w
Recruitment, Lord Chancellor's Dept 140w
Wishart, Pete
Capita, Employment tribunals 165w
Capita, Government contracts 165w
Contracts, Ministry of Defence 392w
Discretionary trusts 140w
Thalidomide, Compensation 291-2w