Session 2001-2002

Commons Journal 258

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Page 251            2001-2002      Volume 258      

[No. 68.]

Monday 10th December 2001.

The House met at half-past Two o'clock.


1Income Tax,—The Vice Chamberlain of the Household reported to the House, That its Addresses of 28th November had been presented to Her Majesty; and that Her Majesty had been pleased to receive the same very graciously and to give the following Answer:

I have received your Addresses praying that the Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Lithuania) Order 2001 and the Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) Order 2001 be made in the form of the drafts laid before your House on 14th November.

I will comply with your request.

2Death of a Member,—The Speaker made the following communication to the House:

I regret to have to report to the House the death of Sir Raymond Powell, Member for Ogmore. I am sure that Members on all sides will join me in mourning the loss of a colleague and in extending our sympathy to the honourable Member's family and friends.

3First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr James Cran reported from the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the Government's Assessment as set out in the Pre-Budget Report 2001 for the purposes of section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

4Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr James Cran reported from the Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the draft Local Authorities (Contracting Out of Highway Functions) (England) Order 2001 and the draft Street Works (Charges for Occupation of the Highway) (England) Regulations 2001.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

5Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr Nigel Beard reported from the Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the draft Social Security (Loss of Benefit) Regulations 2001.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

6European Standing Committee B,—Mr Win Griffiths reported from European Standing Committee B the following Resolution:

That the Committee takes note of European Union Document No. 13425/01, Draft Council Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures between the Member States; and supports the Government's active participation in the debate on the draft Framework Decision and the Government's intention to ensure that extradition within the European Union takes place on the basis of the principles of mutual recognition.

Report, together with Resolution, to lie upon the Table.

7Message from the Lords,—A Message was brought from the Lords, as follows:

National Heritage Bill [Lords],—The Lords have passed a Bill to make further provision in relation to the functions of the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England; and for connected purposes; to which the Lords desire the concurrence of this House.

8Tax Credits Bill,—The Tax Credits Bill was, according to Order, read a second time.

9Tax Credits Bill (Programme),—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Order [28th June], That the following provisions shall apply to the Tax Credits Bill:


(1) The Bill shall be committed to a Standing Committee.

Programming of proceedings

(2) All proceedings on the Bill (including any proceedings on consideration of Lords Amendments or on any further messages from the Lords) shall be programmed.

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Proceedings in Standing Committee

(3) Proceedings in the Standing Committee shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion on Thursday 24th January 2002.

(4) The Standing Committee shall have leave to sit twice on the first day on which it meets.

Consideration and Third Reading

(5) Proceedings on consideration shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion at Nine o'clock on the day on which those proceedings are commenced or, if that day is a Thursday, at Six o'clock on that day.

(6) Proceedings on Third Reading shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion at Ten o'clock on the day on which proceedings on consideration are commenced or, if that day is a Thursday, at Seven o'clock on that day.

(7) Sessional Order B (Programming Committees) made on 28th June 2001 shall not apply to proceedings on consideration and Third Reading—(Mr John Heppell);

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Fraser Kemp, Mr John Heppell: 314.

Tellers for the Noes, Mrs Cheryl Gillan, Mr Julian Brazier: 155.

So the Question was agreed to.

10Tax Credits Bill [Money],—Her Majesty's Recommendation having been signified to the proposed Motion relating to Tax Credits Bill [Money];

A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 52 (Money and ways and means resolutions in connection with bills), That, for the purposes of any Act resulting from the Tax Credits Bill, it is expedient to authorise—

(1) the deduction of payments for or in respect of tax credits from the gross revenues of the department of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue,

(2) the payment out of money provided by Parliament of—

(a) any expenditure of a Minister of the Crown or that department under or by virtue of the Act, and

(b) any increase attributable to the Act in sums payable out of money provided by Parliament under any other Act, and

(3) the payment of sums into the Consolidated Fund—(Angela Smith):—It was agreed to.

11Road Traffic,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Driving Licences (Disqualification until Test Passed) (Prescribed Offence) Order 2001, which was laid before this House on 15th November, be approved—(Angela Smith):—It was agreed to.

12Civil Aviation,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Transport Act 2000 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2001, which was laid before this House on 15th November, be approved—(Angela Smith):—It was agreed to.

13Electricity,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Electricity and Gas (Energy Efficiency Obligations) Order 2001, which was laid before this House on 14th November, be approved—(Angela Smith):—It was agreed to.

14Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,—Ordered, That Mr Andrew Hunter be discharged from the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee and Mr Keith Simpson be added to the Committee.—(Mr Keith Hill, on behalf of the Committee of Selection.)

15Public Petitions,—A Public Petition from residents of Billericay and district and others urging the Home Secretary to increase the resources available to Essex police was presented and read; and ordered to lie upon the Table and to be printed.

16Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Angela Smith.)

And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till nineteen minutes to Eleven o'clock, adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 10.41 p.m.

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Papers delivered to the Votes and Proceedings Office on Friday 7th December 2001 (Non-sitting Friday, S.O. No. 12) pursuant to Standing Order No. 159 (Presentation of statutory instruments):

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

1Countryside,—Peak District National Park Authority (Restriction of Agricultural Operations) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3913), dated 6th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

2Electricity,—Electricity from Non-Fossil Fuel Sources (Locational Flexibility) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3914), dated 6th December 2001 [by Act] [Ms Secretary Hewitt].

3Local Government,—Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions and Directions) (England) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3915), dated 7th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Byers].

4Public Health,—Motor Fuel (Composition and Content) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3896), dated 5th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Byers].

5Road Traffic,—Drivers' Hours (Goods Vehicles) (Milk Collection) (Temporary Exemption) (Revocation) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3908), dated 6th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Byers].

6Statistics of Trade,—Statistics of Trade (Customs and Excise) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3887), dated 5th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Paul Boateng].

Papers presented or laid upon the Table on Monday 10th December 2001:

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

7Agriculture,—(1) England Rural Development Programme (Project Variations) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3900),

(2) Rural Development Grants (Agriculture and Forestry) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3897), and

(3) Slaughter Premium (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3906),

dated 6th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

8Banks and Banking,—Protection of the Euro against Counterfeiting Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3948), dated 10th December 2001 [by Act] [Ruth Kelly].

9Designs,—(1) Registered Designs (Amendment) Rules 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3950), and

(2) Registered Designs (Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3951),

dated 8th December 2001 [by Act] [Ms Secretary Hewitt].

10Education,—(1) Education (Induction Arrangements for School Teachers) (Consolidation) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3938), dated 6th December 2001; and

(2) Education (Special Educational Needs Code of Practice) (Appointed Day) (England) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3943), dated 5th December 2001

[by Act] [Secretary Estelle Morris].

11European Communities,—Rural Development Grants (Local Communities) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3899), dated 6th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

12Medicines,—Prescription Only Medicines (Human Use) Amendment (No. 2) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3942), dated 9th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Milburn].

13Rating and Valuation,—(1) Non-Domestic Rating Contributions (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3944), dated 10th December 2001; and

(2) Non-Domestic Rating (Designation of Rural Areas) (England) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3916), dated 7th December 2001

[by Act] [Mr Secretary Byers].

14Pesticides,—Plant Protection Products (Payments) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3898), dated 4th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

15Water,—Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3911), dated 7th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Murphy].

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Other Papers:

16Public Petitions,—Observations by the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions on the Petition [20th November] from the residents of Canvey Island against the proposed erection of a mobile telephone antenna and cabin [by Standing Order]; to be printed [Clerk of the House].


Standing Committees

1Education Bill (Programming Sub-Committee),—The Speaker has appointed Mr Graham Brady, Mr Vernon Coaker, Dr Hywel Francis, Mr John Heppell, Mr Stephen O'Brien, Mr Stephen Timms and Mr Phil Willis members of the Programming Sub-Committee of Standing Committee G in respect of the Bill.

2Government's Assessment as set out in the Pre-Budget Report 2001 for the purposes of section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993,—The Committee of Selection has discharged Harry Cohen, Clive Efford, Mr Barry Gardiner and Joan Ryan from the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation (nominated in respect of the Assessment); and nominated in substitution Lawrie Quinn, Mr Terry Rooney, Ms Gisela Stuart and Ms Claire Ward.

3Draft Local Authorities (Contracting Out of Highway Functions) (England) Order 2001 and the draft Street Works (Charges for Occupation of the Highway) (England) Regulations 2001,—The Committee of Selection has discharged Glenda Jackson and David Wright from the Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation (nominated in respect of the draft Order and draft Regulations); and nominated in substitution Alan Howarth and Syd Rapson.

4Draft Social Security (Loss of Benefit) Regulations 2001,—The Committee of Selection has discharged Mr James Wray from the Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation (nominated in respect of the draft Regulations); and nominated in substitution Mr Anthony D. Wright.


Reports from Select Committees

1Education and Skills,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Education and Skills Committee [Post-16 Student Support]; to be printed [No. 445-i] [Mr Barry Sheerman].

2Public Accounts,—(1) Eleventh Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [Office of Gas and Electricity Markets: Giving Domestic Customers a Choice of Electricity Supplier]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 446];

(2) Twelfth Report from the Committee [The Radiocommunications Agency's joint venture with CMG]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 447]; and

(3) Part of the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee [Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2001]; to be printed [No. 448-i]

[Mr Edward Leigh].

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[No. 69.]

Tuesday 11th December 2001.

The House met at half-past Two o'clock.


1Deregulation and Regulatory Reform Committee,—Mr Peter Pike reported from the Deregulation and Regulatory Reform Committee the following Resolution:

That the draft Deregulation (Disposals of Dwelling-Houses by Local Authorities) Order 2001, which was laid before this House on 20th November, should be approved.

The Committee came to this Resolution without a Division.

2Civil Defence (Grant) Bill,—Mr Win Griffiths reported from Standing Committee E, That it had gone through the Civil Defence (Grant) Bill, and made an Amendment thereunto.

Bill, as amended in the Standing Committee, to be considered to-morrow; and to be printed [Bill 67].

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to be printed [No. 450].

3Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr John Cummings reported from the Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the Variation of Stamp Duties Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3746).

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

4Message from the Lords,—A Message was brought from the Lords, as follows:

The Lords have agreed to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, with Amendments; to which the Lords desire the concurrence of this House.

5Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill,—Lords Amendments to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill to be considered to-morrow; and to be printed [Bill 68].

6Sex Discrimination (Amendment),—Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the Sex Discrimination Act 1975; to make provision with respect to discrimination concerning the provision of goods, facilities, services and access to governance by private member clubs; and to continue to permit wholly single-sex clubs and sporting events: And that Mr Robert Walter, Mr Anthony Steen, Joan Ruddock, Mr John Burnett, Mr David Curry and Derek Wyatt do prepare and bring it in.

7Sex Discrimination (Amendment) Bill,—Mr Robert Walter accordingly presented a Bill to amend the Sex Discrimination Act 1975; to make provision with respect to discrimination concerning the provision of goods, facilities, services and access to governance by private member clubs; and to continue to permit wholly single-sex clubs and sporting events: And the same was read the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Friday 15th March and to be printed [Bill 66].

8Estimates [1st allotted day],—The House proceeded, pursuant to Resolution [26th November], to consider the Estimates appointed for consideration under Standing Order No. 145 (Liaison Committee).

Vote on Account, 2002–03,—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That resources, not exceeding £1,489,011,000, be authorised, on account, for use during the year ending on 31st March 2003, and that a sum, not exceeding £1,488,290,000, be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund, on account, for the year ending on 31st March 2003 for expenditure by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport—(Mr Richard Caborn);

The Debate was concluded, and the Question necessary to dispose of the proceedings was deferred, pursuant to paragraph (4) of Standing Order No. 54 (Consideration of Estimates).

Vote on Account, 2002–03,—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That resources, not exceeding £955,500,000, be authorised, on account, for use during the year ending on 31st March 2003, and that a sum, not exceeding £993,621,000, be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund, on account, for the year ending on 31st March 2003 for expenditure by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs—(Mr Michael Meacher);

And it being Ten o'clock, the Speaker interrupted the proceedings, and the Question necessary to dispose of those proceedings was deferred, pursuant to paragraph (4) of Standing Order No. 54 (Consideration of Estimates).

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The Speaker, pursuant to paragraph (5) of Standing Order No. 54 (Consideration of Estimates), put the deferred Questions on Vote on Account, 2002–03.

Resolved, That resources, not exceeding £1,489,011,000, be authorised, on account, for use during the year ending on 31st March 2003, and that a sum, not exceeding £1,488,290,000, be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund, on account, for the year ending on 31st March 2003 for expenditure by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

Resolved, That resources, not exceeding £955,500,000, be authorised, on account, for use during the year ending on 31st March 2003, and that a sum, not exceeding £993,621,000, be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund, on account, for the year ending on 31st March 2003 for expenditure by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

9Estimates,—The Speaker then put the Questions required to be put, pursuant to paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 55 (Questions on voting of estimates, &c.).

Supplementary Estimates, 2001–02

Resolved, That further resources, not exceeding £6,469,599,000, be authorised for use for defence and civil services for the year ending on 31st March 2002, and that a further sum, not exceeding £7,238,134,000, be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund to meet the cost of defence and civil services for the year ending on 31st March 2002, as set out in House of Commons Paper No. 391.

Estimates, 2002–03 (Vote on Account)

Resolved, That further resources, not exceeding £122,901,958,000, be authorised, on account, for use for defence and civil services for the year ending 31st March 2003, and that a sum, not exceeding £122,332,660,000, be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund, on account, to meet the costs of defence and civil services for the year ending on 31st March 2003, as set out in House of Commons Papers Nos. 392, 393, 394 and 395.

Ordered, That a Bill be brought in upon the foregoing Resolutions relating to Supplementary Estimates and Vote on Account: And that the Chairman of Ways and Means, Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Andrew Smith, Dawn Primarolo, Mr Paul Boateng and Ruth Kelly do prepare and bring it in.

10Consolidated Fund Bill,—Mr Paul Boateng accordingly presented a Bill to authorise the use of resources for the service of the years ending on 31st March 2002 and 2003 and to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on 31st March 2002 and 2003: And the same was read the first time; and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow and to be printed [Bill 65].

11Contracting Out,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Local Authorities (Contracting Out of Highway Functions) (England) Order 2001, which was laid before this House on 21st November, be approved—(Mr Nick Ainger):—It was agreed to.

12Highways,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Street Works (Charges for Occupation of the Highway) (England) Regulations 2001, which were laid before this House on 21st November, be approved—(Mr Nick Ainger):—It was agreed to.

13Social Security,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Social Security (Loss of Benefit) Regulations 2001, which were laid before this House on 22nd November, be approved—(Mr Nick Ainger):—It was agreed to.

14Section 5 of the European Communities Amendment Act 1993,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Order [3rd December] and Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That this House takes note with approval of the Government's assessment as set out in the Pre-Budget Report 2001 for the purposes of section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993—(Mr Nick Ainger):—It was agreed to.

15European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures between Member States,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 119 (European Standing Committees), That this House takes note of European Union Document No. 13425/01, Draft Council Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures between the Member States; and supports

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  the Government's active participation in the debate on the draft Framework Decision and the Government's intention to ensure that extradition within the European Union takes place on the basis of the principles of mutual recognition—(Mr Nick Ainger);

And the Speaker's opinion as to the decision of the Question being challenged, the Division was deferred till to-morrow, pursuant to Order [28th June].

16Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Nick Ainger.)

And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till twenty-eight minutes to Eleven o'clock, adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 10.32 p.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

1Agriculture,—Environmental Impact Assessment (Uncultivated Land and Semi-natural Areas) (England) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3966), dated 10th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

2Animals,—The BSE Monitoring (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3960), dated 10th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

3Betting, Gaming and Lotteries,—(1) Gaming Act (Variation of Monetary Limits) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3971), and

(2) Gaming Machines (Maximum Prizes) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3970),

dated 8th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Tessa Jowell].

4Cultural Objects,—Return of Cultural Objects (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3972), dated 10th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Tessa Jowell].

5Disabled Persons,—(1) Rail Vehicle Accessibility (C2C Class 357/0 Vehicles) Exemption Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3955),

(2) Rail Vehicle Accessibility (Croydon Tramlink Class CR4000 Vehicles) Exemption Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3952),

(3) Rail Vehicle Accessibility (Gatwick Express Class 460 Vehicles) Exemption (Amendment) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3954), and

(4) Rail Vehicle Accessibility (ScotRail Class 170/4 Vehicles) Exemption Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3953),

dated 10th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Byers].

6Income Tax,—(1) Friendly Societies (Modification of the Corporation Tax Acts) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3975),

(2) Friendly Societies (Provisional Repayments for Exempt Business) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3973), and

(3) Individual Savings Account (Insurance Companies) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3974),

dated 11th December 2001 [by Act] [Ruth Kelly].

7Local Government,—Local Authorities (Arrangements for the Discharge of Functions) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3961), dated 11th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Byers].

8Medicines,—Medicines (Pharmacies) (Applications for Registration and Fees) Amendment Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3964), dated 6th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Milburn].

9National Health Service,—National Health Service (General Dental Services) Amendment (No. 7) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3963), dated 10th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Milburn].

10Police,—Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (Consequential Amendments) (Police Ranks) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3888), dated 4th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Blunkett].

11Sea Fisheries,—Sea Fishing (Enforcement of Community Satellite Monitoring Measures) Order 2000 Amendment Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3912), dated 19th November 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

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Other Papers:

12Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors,—Account of the National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland for 2000–01 [by Act]; to be printed [No. 404] [Mrs Secretary Liddell].

13Sport,—Report and Summary Accounts of UK Sport for 2000–01 [by Command] [Secretary Tessa Jowell].

14Transport, Local Government and the Regions,—Paper, entitled, Strong Local Leadership—Quality Public Services [by Command] [Cm. 5327] [Mr Secretary Byers].


Standing Committees

1Land Registration Bill [Lords],—The Committee of Selection has discharged Rob Marris from Standing Committee D (nominated in respect of the Bill); and nominated in substitution Chris Mole.

2Variation of Stamp Duties Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3746),—The Committee of Selection has discharged Mr David Clelland and Paul Flynn from the Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation (nominated in respect of the Regulations); and nominated in substitution Dr Brian Iddon and Jim Knight.


Reports from Select Committees

1Deregulation and Regulatory Reform,—Third Report from the Deregulation and Regulatory Reform Committee [The Draft Deregulation (Disposals of Dwelling-Houses by Local Authorities) Order 2001]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 449] [Mr Peter Pike].

2Foreign Affairs,—Second Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee [British-US Relations], together with Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 327] [Donald Anderson].

3Home Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Home Affairs Committee [The Government's Drugs Policy: Is it Working?] [No. 318-v] [Mr Chris Mullin].

4Modernisation of the House of Commons,—Memorandum laid before the Select Committee on Modernisation of the House of Commons [Modernisation of the House of Commons: A Reform Programme for Consultation]; to be printed [No. 440] [Mr Robin Cook].

5Statutory Instruments,—Thirteenth Report from the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments, together with Memoranda laid before the Committee; to be printed [No. 135-xiii] [Mr David Tredinnick].

6Trade and Industry,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Trade and Industry Committee [Consignia]; to be printed [No. 453-i] [Mr Martin O'Neill].

7Treasury,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Treasury Committee [2001 Pre-Budget Report]; to be printed [No. 430-iii] [Mr John McFall].

8Welsh Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Welsh Affairs Committee [Farming and food prices in Wales]; to be printed [No. 427-ii] [Mr Martyn Jones].

[No. 69; WH, No. 35.]

Tuesday 11th December 2001.

The House sitting in Westminster Hall [pursuant to Order of 20th November 2000].

The sitting commenced at half-past Nine o'clock.

Adjournment,—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That the sitting be now adjourned—(Mr Tony McNulty);

And it being Two o'clock, the sitting was adjourned without Question put, till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 2 p.m.

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[No. 70.]

Wednesday 12th December 2001.

The House met at half-past Two o'clock.


1Greenham and Crookham Commons Bill,—The House proceeded to consider the Greenham and Crookham Commons Bill, as amended in the Committee.

Bill to be read the third time.

2Food Poverty (Eradication),—Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish and implement a strategy for abolishing food poverty; to require the setting of targets for the implementation of that strategy; and for connected purposes: And that Mr Alan Simpson, Mr Don Foster, Mr David Amess, Alice Mahon, Mr David Drew, Tom Brake, Dr Howard Stoate, Peter Bottomley, Ms Diane Abbott, Dr Ian Gibson, Mr Tony Colman and Mr David Chaytor do prepare and bring it in.

3Food Poverty (Eradication) Bill,—Mr Alan Simpson accordingly presented a Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish and implement a strategy for abolishing food poverty; to require the setting of targets for the implementation of that strategy; and for connected purposes: And the same was read the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Friday 19th July and to be printed [Bill 69].

4Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill (Programme No. 3),—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Order [28th June], That the following provisions shall apply to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill for the purpose of supplementing the Order of 19th November:

Consideration of Lords Amendments

1.—(1) Proceedings on consideration of Lords Amendments shall be completed at today's sitting and shall be brought to a conclusion (so far as not previously concluded) at midnight.

(2) Those proceedings shall be taken in the order shown in the following Table and shall be brought to a conclusion (so far as not previously concluded) at the time specified in the second column of the Table.

Lords AmendmentsTime for conclusion of proceedings
Amendments to Parts 3, 10, 11 and 13 8.15 p.m.
Amendments to Part 4 9.30 p.m.
Amendments to Part 5 10.45 p.m.
Amendments to Part 14 11.30 p.m.
Remaining Amendments midnight

Subsequent stages

2.—(1) Any further Message from the Lords on the Bill shall be considered forthwith without any Question put.

(2) The proceedings on any further Message from the Lords on the Bill shall be brought to a conclusion (so far as not previously concluded) one hour after their commencement—(Mr Nick Ainger);

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Ian Pearson, Mr Phil Woolas: 324.

Tellers for the Noes, Tom Brake, Mr Peter Atkinson: 195.

So the Question was agreed to.

5Adjournment (International Terrorism),—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House do now adjourn—(Mr Nick Ainger);

The Motion was, with leave of the House, withdrawn.

6Deferred Divisions,—The Deputy Speaker announced the results of the Division which had been deferred to this day, pursuant to the Order of the House [28th June]:

European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures between Member States,—That this House takes note of European Union Document No. 13425/01, Draft Council Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures between the Member States; and supports the Government's active participation in the

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debate on the draft Framework Decision and the Government's intention to ensure that extradition within the European Union takes place on the basis of the principles of mutual recognition.

Ayes: 333.

Noes: 146.

So the Question was agreed to.

7Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill,—The House, according to Order, proceeded to consider the Lords Amendments to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill.

Lords Amendment No. 5.

A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment—(Mr Secretary Blunkett);

And it being a quarter past Eight o'clock, the Deputy Speaker, pursuant to Order [this day], put the Question already proposed from the Chair:—It was agreed to.

The Lords Amendment was accordingly disagreed to.

The Deputy Speaker then put the Questions necessary to dispose of the business to be concluded at that hour.

Lords Amendment No. 48.

Amendments ((a) and (b)) were made to the Lords Amendment.

The Lords Amendment, as amended, was agreed to.

Lords Amendment No. 6.

A Motion was made, and the Question being put, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment—(Mr Secretary Blunkett);

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Fraser Kemp, Mr Tony McNulty: 320.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr Andrew Stunell, Mr Charles Hendry: 213.

So the Question was agreed to.

The Lords Amendment was accordingly disagreed to.

Lords Amendments Nos. 8, 38, 40 and 44 were disagreed to.

Lords Amendments Nos. 7, 39, 41 to 43, 45 to 47 and 49 to 64 were agreed to, the Commons being willing to waive their privileges in respect of Lords Amendment No. 43.

Lords Amendment No. 9.

A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House agrees with the Lords in their Amendment—(Mr Secretary Blunkett);

And it being half-past Nine o'clock, the Deputy Speaker put the Question already proposed from the Chair:—It was agreed to.

The Lords Amendment was accordingly agreed to.

The Deputy Speaker then put the Questions necessary to dispose of the business to be concluded at that hour.

Lords Amendments Nos. 10 to 22 were agreed to.

A Motion was made, and the Question being put, That Amendment ((a)) be made to the Bill instead of words left out of the Bill by Lords Amendments Nos. 21 and 22, and consequential Amendments ((b) to (f)) be made to the Bill—(Mr Secretary Blunkett);

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Ivor Caplin, Mr Graham Stringer: 294.

Tellers for the Noes, Tom Brake, Bob Russell: 85.

So the Question was agreed to.

Lords Amendment No. 23.

A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment—(Beverley Hughes);

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And it being a quarter to Eleven o'clock, the Speaker put the Question already proposed from the Chair.

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Ivor Caplin, Mr Graham Stringer: 307.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr David Wilshire, Tom Brake: 236.

So the Question was agreed to.

The Lords Amendment was accordingly disagreed to.

The Speaker then put the Question necessary to dispose of the business to be concluded at that hour.

An Amendment ((a)) was made to the words so restored to the Bill.

Lords Amendment No. 65 was agreed to.

Lords Amendment No. 66.

A Motion was made, and the Question being put, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment—(Mr Secretary Blunkett);

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Nick Ainger, Mr John Heppell: 322.

Tellers for the Noes, Tom Brake, Mr Charles Hendry: 215.

So the Question was agreed to.

The Lords Amendment was accordingly disagreed to.

It being after half-past Eleven o'clock, the Deputy Speaker put the Question necessary to dispose of the business to be concluded at that hour.

An Amendment ((a)) was made to the Bill in lieu of Lords Amendment No. 66 disagreed to.

Lords Amendment No. 1.

A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House agrees with the Lords in their Amendment—(Mr Secretary Blunkett);

Thursday 13th December 2001

And it being midnight, the Deputy Speaker put the Question already proposed from the Chair:—It was agreed to.

The Lords Amendment was accordingly agreed to.

The Deputy Speaker then put the Questions necessary to dispose of the business to be concluded at that hour.

Lords Amendments Nos. 2 to 4, 24 to 37 and 67 to 70 were agreed to.

A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Order [28th June], That a Committee be appointed to draw up Reasons to be assigned to the Lords for disagreeing to their Amendments Nos. 5, 6, 8, 38, 40 and 44;

That Paul Goggins, Mr Dominic Grieve, Beverley Hughes, Simon Hughes and Mrs Anne McGuire be members of the Committee;

That Beverley Hughes be the Chairman of the Committee;

That three be the quorum of the Committee;

That the Committee do withdraw immediately—(Mrs Anne McGuire):—It was agreed to.

8Consolidated Fund Bill,—The Order of the day being read, for the Second Reading of the Consolidated Fund Bill;

And a Motion being made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 56 (Consolidated Fund Bills), That the Bill be now read a second time:—It was agreed to.

The Bill was accordingly read a second time.

And the Question being put forthwith, That the Bill be now read the third time:—It was agreed to.

The Bill was accordingly read the third time, and passed.

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9Consolidation, &c., Bills,—Ordered, That Mr Russell Brown, Mr John Burnett, David Cairns, Mr Martin Caton, Mr Colin Challen, Sir Patrick Cormack, Jim Dobbin, Paul Farrelly, Mr Barry Gardiner, Mr John MacDougall, Mr Nicholas Soames and Mr Anthony Steen be members of the Select Committee appointed to join with a Committee of the Lords as the Joint Committee on Consolidation, &c., Bills.—(Mr Graham Stringer.)

Message to the Lords to acquaint them therewith.

10Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill,—Beverley Hughes reported from the Committee appointed to draw up Reasons to be assigned to the Lords for disagreeing to certain of their Amendments to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, That it had drawn up the following Reasons, which it had directed her to report to the House:

The Commons disagree to Amendments Nos. 5, 6, 8, 40 and 44 made by the Lords, for the following Reason:—

Because it is not appropriate to limit the power conferred by this Clause in the manner proposed by the Amendment.

The Commons disagree to Amendment No. 38 made by the Lords, for the following Reason:—

Because it is not appropriate to limit the power conferred by this Part of the Bill in the manner proposed by the Amendment.

The Reasons were agreed to.

Message to the Lords to communicate the said Reasons with the Bill and Amendments.

11Public Petitions,—Public Petitions from—

(1) residents of Leominster for Herefordshire Council to relocate Travellers in Leominster to a dedicated site and increase police funding,

(2) residents of the villages in the south sector of the borough of Rugby for an increase in the number of policemen on the beat in the southern sector of the borough of Rugby, and

(3) Margaret Edgington of Colchester, schoolteachers, parents and others for measures to facilitate the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum

were presented and read; and ordered to lie upon the Table and to be printed.

12Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Ian Pearson.)

And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till twenty-six minutes to One o'clock on Thursday morning, adjourned till this day.

[Adjourned at 12.34 a.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

1Education (Wales),—Special Educational Needs Tribunal (Time Limits) (Wales) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3982), dated 8th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Estelle Morris].

2Environmental Protection,—Noise Emission in the Environment by Equipment for use Outdoors (Amendment) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3958), dated 9th December 2001 [by Act] [Ms Secretary Hewitt].

3Legal Aid, Advice and Assistance,—Legal Aid in Criminal Proceedings (Costs) (Amendment No. 2) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2001 (S.R. (N.I.), 2001, No. 426), dated 10th December 2001 [by Statutory Instrument] [Ms Rosie Winterton].

4Libraries,—Public Lending Right Scheme 1982 (Commencement of Variations) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3984), dated 11th December 2001 [by Act] [Secretary Tessa Jowell].

5Public Health,—Private and Voluntary Health Care (England) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3968), dated 11th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Milburn].

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6Social Care,—(1) Care Homes Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3965), and

(2) National Care Standards Commission (Registration) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3969),

dated 11th December 2001; and

(3) National Care Standards Commission (Fees and Frequency of Inspections) Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3980), dated 12th December 2001

[by Act] [Mr Secretary Milburn].

7Social Welfare,—Children's Homes Regulations 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3967), dated 11th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Milburn].

Other Papers:

8Covent Garden Market,—Report and Accounts of the Covent Garden Market Authority for 2000–01 [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

9Inland Revenue,—Consolidated Resource Accounts of the Department of Inland Revenue for 2000–01, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 425] [Mr Paul Boateng].

10Museums and Galleries,—Account of the Natural History Museum for 2000–01, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 451] [Clerk of the House].

11National Lottery,—Accounts of the Film Council Lottery Distribution for 2000–01, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 455] [Clerk of the House].

12Telecommunications,—Resource Accounts of the Office of Telecommunications for 2000–01, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 416] [Mr Paul Boateng].

13United Nations,—(1) High Court of Judiciary (Proceedings in the Netherlands) (United Nations) (Variation) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3918), dated 11th December 2001 [by Act] [Mrs Secretary Liddell]; and

(2) United Nations (International Tribunal) (Rwanda) (Amendment) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3920), dated 11th December 2001 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Blunkett].


Standing Committees

1Tax Credits Bill:

(1) The Speaker has allocated the Bill to Standing Committee A; and

(2) the Committee of Selection has nominated eighteen Members to serve on the Committee: Vera Baird, Ms Karen Buck, Roger Casale, Mr James Clappison, Jon Cruddas, Mr Hilton Dawson, Mr Howard Flight, Mr Mark Hoban, Mrs Joan Humble, Mr Peter Luff, Mr Chris Pond, Dawn Primarolo, James Purnell, Helen Southworth, Mr Gerry Sutcliffe, Mr Hugo Swire, Steve Webb and Richard Younger-Ross.

2Copyright, etc. and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Bill,—The Committee of Selection has nominated sixteen Members to serve on Standing Committee C in respect of the Bill: Mr Nigel Beard, Mr Chris Bryant, Dr Vincent Cable, David Cairns, Mrs Anne Campbell, Brian Cotter, Ross Cranston, Michael Fabricant, Miss Melanie Johnson, Mr Peter Luff, Mr Andrew Miller, Mr Stephen Pound, Paddy Tipping, Mr Mark Todd, Mr Nigel Waterson and Mr Nicholas Winterton.

3Education Bill,—The Speaker has appointed Mr Win Griffiths an additional Chairman of Standing Committee G in respect of the Bill.

4Local Government Finance (England) Special Grant Report (No. 89) (House of Commons Paper No. 415) on Children's Services (Quality Protects) Special Grant for 2000–01 and 2001–02:

(1) The Speaker has allocated the Report to the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation and has appointed Mr Bill O'Brien Chairman; and

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(2) the Committee of Selection has nominated sixteen Members to serve on the Committee: Mr Graham Allen, Sir Paul Beresford, Mrs Patsy Calton, Mr David Chaytor, Ross Cranston, Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas, Jeff Ennis, Jim Fitzpatrick, Paul Flynn, Miss Julie Kirkbride, Tim Loughton, Mr Andrew Love, Mr Gordon Prentice, Dr John Pugh, Jacqui Smith and Mr David Wilshire.

Grand Committees

5Northern Ireland Grand Committee,—The Committee of Selection has discharged Mr James Cran, Mr Andrew Mackay and Mr John Taylor from the Northern Ireland Grand Committee and nominated in substitution Mr Crispin Blunt, Mr Quentin Davies and Mr John Hayes.

Standing Committee on Regional Affairs

6The Speaker has appointed Mr Jimmy Hood Chairman of the Standing Committee on Regional Affairs in respect of its meeting on Tuesday 18th December.

European Standing Committees

7Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 5th December 2001, submitted by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, relating to Fisheries: Total Allowable Catches and Quotas 2002, has been referred to European Standing Committee A.

8The Speaker has appointed Miss Ann Widdecombe Chairman of European Standing Committee B in respect of European Union Documents Nos. 8261/01 and 9326/01 concerning Broad Economic Guidelines.


Reports from Select Committees

1Defence,—(1) Second Report from the Defence Committee [The Threat from Terrorism], together with Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 348]; and

(2) Memoranda laid before the Committee [The Threat from Terrorism]

[Mr Bruce George].

2Education and Skills,—(1) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Education and Skills Committee [Department for Education and Skills: the next four years]; to be printed [No. 304-vi]; and

(2) Memoranda laid before the Committee [Individual Learning Accounts]

[Mr Barry Sheerman].

3European Scrutiny,—(1) Tenth Report from the European Scrutiny Committee; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 152-x];

(2) First Special Report from the Committee [Government Observations on the Fifth Report from the Committee, on the Convention to prepare for the 2004 Inter-Governmental Conference]; to be printed [No. 457]; and

(3) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee [Democracy and Accountability in the EU and the Role of the National Parliaments]; to be printed [No. 347-ii]

[Mr Jimmy Hood].

4Foreign Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Foreign Affairs Committee [Zimbabwe]; to be printed [No. 456-i] [Donald Anderson].

5Northern Ireland Affairs,—Fourth Special Report from the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee [Government Observations on the Third Report of the Committee, Session 2000–01, on Relocation following Paramilitary Intimidation]; to be printed [No. 461] [Mr Michael Mates].

6Public Accounts,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee of Public Accounts [Managing the relationship to secure a successful partnership in PFI projects] [No. 460-i] [Mr Edward Leigh].

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7Science and Technology,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Science and Technology Committee [Cancer Research—A Follow-Up]; to be printed [No. 444-i] [Dr Ian Gibson].

8Scottish Affairs,—Second Report from the Scottish Affairs Committee [Job Creation Potential of the Modernised Forth, Clyde and Union Canal], together with Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 424] [Mrs Irene Adams].

9Trade and Industry,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Trade and Industry Committee [The Reviews of the DTI structure and business support]; to be printed [No. 454-i] [Mr Martin O'Neill].

10Transport, Local Government and the Regions,—(1) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Transport, Local Government and the Regions Committee [Empty Homes]; to be printed [No. 240-v] [Andrew Bennett]; and

(2) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Transport Sub-Committee of the Committee [Departmental Estimates and Annual Report 2001 and Recent Policy Developments]; to be printed [No. 373-iii] [Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody].

11Work and Pensions,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Work and Pensions Committee [‘ONE' Pilots: Lessons for Jobcentre Plus]; to be printed [No. 426-ii] [Mr Archy Kirkwood].


 The Speaker certified that the Consolidated Fund Bill is a Money Bill within the meaning of the Parliament Act 1911.

[No. 70; WH, No. 35.]

Wednesday 12th December 2001.

The House sitting in Westminster Hall [pursuant to Order of 20th November 2000].

The sitting commenced at half-past Nine o'clock.

Adjournment,—Resolved, That the sitting be now adjourned.—(Mr Fraser Kemp.)

And accordingly the sitting was adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 1.59 p.m.

[No. 71.]

Thursday 13th December 2001.

The House met at half-past Eleven o'clock.


1National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill,—Miss Ann Widdecombe reported from Standing Committee A, That it had gone through the National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, and made Amendments thereunto.

Bill, as amended in the Standing Committee, to be considered on Monday 17th December; and to be printed [Bill 71].

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to be printed [No. 466].

2Land Registration Bill [Lords],—Mr Eric Illsley reported from Standing Committee D, That it had gone through the Land Registration Bill [Lords], and made an Amendment thereunto.

Bill, as amended in the Standing Committee, to be considered on Monday 17th December.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to be printed [No. 467].

3Message from the Lords,—A Message was brought from the Lords, as follows:

Christmas Day (Trading) Bill [Lords],—The Lords have passed a Bill to prohibit trading on Christmas Day in certain cases; and for connected purposes; to which the Lords desire the concurrence of this House.

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Office of Communications Bill [Lords],—The Lords have passed a Bill to establish a body corporate to be known as the Office of Communications; and to confer functions in relation to proposals about the regulation of communications on that body, on certain existing regulators and on the Secretary of State; to which the Lords desire the concurrence of this House.

4Office of Communications Bill [Lords],—The Office of Communications Bill [Lords] was read the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday 17th December and to be printed [Bill 73].

Ordered, That the Explanatory Notes relating to the Office of Communications Bill [Lords] be printed [Bill 73–EN].

5Euro and Sterling Choice Bill,—Mr Graham Allen presented a Bill to permit the use of the euro as well as the pound sterling as legal tender in the performance of financial obligations at or above a certain value; to provide for dual pricing of goods and services at or above that value; and for connected purposes: And the same was read the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Friday 11th January and to be printed [Bill 70].

6Animal Health Bill,—The House, according to Order, proceeded to consider the Animal Health Bill, not amended in the Standing Committee.

A Clause (Annual report on animal diseases)—(Mrs Ann Winterton)—brought up, and read the first time.

Question put, That the Clause be read a second time.

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Laurence Robertson, Mrs Cheryl Gillan: 195.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr Fraser Kemp, Mr Gerry Sutcliffe: 318.

Another Clause (Officials: biosecurity)—(Mrs Ann Winterton)—brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time:—Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Clause (Duty of Ministers to dispose of carcasses)—(Mr Keith Simpson)—brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time:—Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Clause (Transport of animals destined for slaughter)—(David Taylor)—brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time:—Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Clause (National Contingency Plan)—(Mr Peter Ainsworth)—brought up, and read the first time.

Question put, That the Clause be read a second time.

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Laurence Robertson, Mr Stephen O'Brien: 191.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr Gerry Sutcliffe, Mr Fraser Kemp: 332.

And it being after Six o'clock, the Deputy Speaker brought proceedings on consideration to a conclusion, pursuant to Order [yesterday].

A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That the Bill be now read the third time;

And it being Seven o'clock, the Deputy Speaker put the Question, pursuant to Order [yesterday].

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Fraser Kemp, Mr Ian Pearson: 331.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr Laurence Robertson, Mr Stephen O'Brien: 189.

So the Question was agreed to.

The Bill was accordingly read the third time, and passed.

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7Message from the Lords,—A Message was brought from the Lords, as follows:

The Lords insist on certain of their Amendments to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill to which this House has disagreed, for which insistence they assign their Reasons; they insist on a Lords Amendment and agree to an Amendment by this House in lieu; they do not insist on certain of their Amendments to which this House has disagreed but propose Amendments in lieu thereof, to which they desire the concurrence of this House; they agree to an Amendment made by this House instead of words left out of the Bill by certain Lords Amendments and to the consequential Amendments made by this House; they agree to an Amendment by this House to a Lords Amendment, with an Amendment, to which they desire the concurrence of this House; and they do not insist on the remaining Amendment to which this House has disagreed.

8Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill,—Lords Amendments in lieu of Amendments to which this House has disagreed, Lords Reasons for insisting on certain of their Amendments to which this House has disagreed, and Lords Amendments to Amendments made by this House to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill to be printed [Bill 72].

9Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill,—The House, pursuant to Order [yesterday], proceeded forthwith to consider the Lords Amendments in lieu of Amendments to which this House has disagreed, Lords Reasons for insisting on certain of their Amendments to which this House has disagreed, and Lords Amendments to Amendments made by this House to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill.

Lords Amendment No. 5.

Lords Amendment No. 5B in lieu of Lords Amendment No. 5 was agreed to.

Lords Amendment No. 8.

Lords Amendment No. 8B in lieu of Lords Amendment No. 8 was agreed to.

Lords Amendment No. 23.

Resolved, That this House does not insist on its disagreement to the Lords Amendment.—(Mr Tony McNulty.)

Lords Amendment No. 38.

Lords Amendment No. 38C in lieu of Lords Amendment No. 38 was disagreed to.

Lords Amendment No. 40.

Resolved, That this House does not insist on its disagreement to the Lords Amendment.—(Mr Tony McNulty.)

Lords Amendment No. 44.

Resolved, That this House does not insist on its disagreement to the Lords Amendment.—(Mr Tony McNulty.)

Lords Amendment No. 48.

Lords Amendment No. 48D to the Amendment made by this House to Lords Amendment No. 48 was agreed to.

Lords Amendment No. 66.

A Motion was made, and the Question being put, That this House insists on its disagreement with the Lords in their Amendment—(Mr Tony McNulty);

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Nick Ainger, Mr Gerry Sutcliffe: 330.

Tellers for the Noes, John Thurso, Annette Brooke: 64.

So the Question was agreed to.

Resolved, That this House insists on its disagreement with the Lords in their Amendment.

And it being more than one hour after the commencement of proceedings on the Lords Message, the Deputy Speaker put the remaining Questions necessary to dispose of those proceedings, pursuant to Order [yesterday].

An Amendment ((a)) in lieu of Lords Amendment No. 66 was made, in page 72, line 17, at the end, by inserting the following new Clause—

Effect of report

(1) A report under section (Review of Act) (4) may specify any provision of this Act as a provision to which this section applies.

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(2) Subject to subsection (3), any provision specified under subsection (1) ceases to have effect at the end of the period of 6 months beginning with the day on which the report is laid before Parliament under section (Review of Act) (5).

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if before the end of that period a motion has been made in each House of Parliament considering the report.'.—(Mr Tony McNulty.)

A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Order [28th June], That a Committee be appointed to draw up Reasons to be assigned to the Lords for disagreeing to their Amendment No. 38C;

That Paul Goggins, Mr Dominic Grieve, Beverley Hughes, Simon Hughes and Mrs Anne McGuire be members of the Committee;

That Beverley Hughes be Chairman of the Committee;

That three be the quorum of the Committee;

That the Committee do withdraw immediately—(Mr Tony McNulty):—It was agreed to.

10Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill,—Beverley Hughes reported from the Committee appointed to draw up Reasons to be assigned to the Lords for disagreeing to one of their Amendments to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill, That it had drawn up the following Reason, which it had directed her to report to the House:

The Commons disagree to Amendment No. 38C made by the Lords for the following Reason:—

Because it is not appropriate to limit the powers conferred by this Part of the Bill in the manner proposed by the Amendment.

The Reason was agreed to.

Message to the Lords to communicate the said Reason, with the Bill.

Friday 14th December 2001

11Message from the Lords,—A Message was brought from the Lords, as follows:

The Lords do not insist on their Amendment to the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill to which this House has disagreed; and they agree, without Amendment, to the Amendment proposed by this House in lieu of the remaining Lords Amendment.

12Royal Assent,—The Deputy Speaker notified the House, in accordance with the Royal Assent Act 1967, That Her Majesty had signified her Royal Assent to the following Act, agreed upon by both Houses:

Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001.

13Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Ivor Caplin.)

And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till One o'clock on Friday morning, adjourned till Monday 17th December.

[Adjourned at 1 a.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Other Papers:

1Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Executive Agencies,—Report and Accounts of the Farming and Rural Conservation Agency for 2000–01, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 354] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

2Immigration and Asylum,—Report by the Independent Monitor of the entry clearance system appointed under section 23 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Straw].

3Local Government (Scotland),—Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics for 1999–2000 [by Act] [Mrs Secretary Liddell].

4National Lottery,—Account of the Sports Council for Northern Ireland Lottery Distribution for 2000–01, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 462] [Clerk of the House].

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5Registration Service,—Birth Statistics: Review of the Registrar General on births and patterns of family building in England and Wales for 2000 [by Act] [Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer].

6Regulatory Reform,—Proposal for a draft Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England and Wales) Order 2002, together with a statement by the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions [by Act] [Mr Secretary Byers].

7School Standards and Framework,—Account of the Greenwich Education Action Zone for 1999–2000, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 458] [Clerk of the House].

8Science and Technology,—Government Response to the Second Report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, Session 2000–01, on Therapeutic Uses of Cannabis [by Command] [Cm. 5332] [Mr Secretary Milburn].

9Statutory Instruments (Notification),—Communications declaring that the undermentioned Statutory Instruments had come into operation before copies were laid before Parliament, and explaining why such copies had not been so laid before the Instruments came into operation:

Peak District National Park Authority (Restriction of Agricultural Operations) Order 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3913), and

Registered Designs (Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2001 (S.I., 2001, No. 3951)

[by Standing Order] [The Speaker].


Standing Committees

1Tax Credits Bill,—The Committee of Selection has discharged James Purnell from Standing Committee A (nominated in respect of the Bill); and nominated in substitution Mr Paul Boateng.

2Copyright, Etc. and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Bill,—The Committee of Selection has discharged Paddy Tipping, Mr Mark Todd and Mr Andrew Miller from Standing Committee C (nominated in respect of the Bill); and nominated in substitution Richard Burden, Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas and Dr Desmond Turner.


Reports from Select Committees

Public Administration,—(1) Third Report from the Select Committee on Public Administration [Special Advisers: Boon or Bane?: The Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2000–01], together with an Appendix; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 463];

(2) Fourth Report from the Committee [Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions: The Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2000–01], together with an Appendix; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 464]; and

(3) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee [Public Service Reform]; to be printed [No. 263-vii]

[Tony Wright].

[No. 71; WH, No. 36.]

Thursday 13th December 2001.

The House sitting in Westminster Hall [pursuant to Order of 20th November 2000].

The sitting commenced at half-past Two o'clock.

Adjournment (Public Health—Second Report from the Health Committee, Session 2000–01, and the Government's Response thereto),—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That the sitting be now adjourned—(Mr Ivor Caplin);

And the sitting having continued for three hours, it was adjourned without Question put, till Tuesday 18th December.

[Adjourned at 5.45 p.m.

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