Chapter 3: Support for ParliamentValue
for Money work
3.1 The primary objective of value for money
work is to provide Parliament with independent information and
advice about economy, efficiency and effectiveness in major fields
of revenue, expenditure and in the management of resources. In
addition to enhancing accountability to Parliament by publishing
the results of investigations, the National Audit Office also
aims to encourage audited bodies to improve their own performance
in achieving value for money. The Office's aim is to identify
lessons of good practice while providing independent scrutiny
and assurance about the proper conduct of public business and
to encourage well-managed risk taking.
3.2 The main factors influencing the resources
needed for value for money work include:
Increasing government expenditure on education,
health, transport and tackling crime
3.3 Public expenditure is set to increase
by an average of just under 8 per cent in 2003-04 and at around
6 per cent in 2004-05 and 2005-06, with the increase concentrated
in the priority fields of education, health, transport and criminal
justice. This will have implications for the Office's audit work,
in particular in focusing on the extent to which these increases
in expenditure are delivering sustainable improvements in public
Greater focus on improving public services
3.4 The National Audit Office has produced
a series of reports focusing on public service delivery. For example,
the Office's reports have examined the length of time which patients
have to wait for hospital treatmentInpatient and Outpatient
waiting in the NHS (HC 221, 2001-02), and Inappropriate adjustments
to NHS waiting lists (HC 452, 2001-02); the achievements of the
higher education sectorWidening participation in higher
education in England (HC 485, 2001-02) and Improving student
achievement in English higher education (HC 486, 2001-02);
and initiatives to improve law and orderReducing Prisoner
Reoffending (HC 548, 2001-02).
3.5 Current studies are examining services
provided to the elderly, transport issues, including the sale
of National Air Traffic Services and the collapse of Railtrack,
and the use of call centres by departments to make a range of
services more quickly and easily accessible by the public. The
Office also has a series of studies focusing on fraud prevention
so that public money is used for its intended purpose and not
misappropriated and revenue is properly assessed and collected.
New ways of delivering public services
3.6 Increasingly services are being delivered
through a range of different providers from the private and voluntary
sectors and local government often involving complex contractual
arrangements. As well as providing potential to deliver both better
public services and value for money such approaches also carry
3.7 The National Audit Office's studies
have assessed the extent to which planned improvements are being
achieved and how well associated risks are managed. The Office
has for example, published a series of reports on how information
technology is being used to improve both service delivery and
departments' efficiencye-Revenue (HC 492, 2001-02),
NHS Direct in England (HC 505, 2001-02), and Better
Public Services through e-Government (HC 704, 2001-02). The
involvement of the private sector through public private partnerships
and the increasing application of commercial approaches to public
sector activities including the disposal of state assets are important
subjects which the Office's value for money work will need to
continue to focus on.
Services provided by non-departmental public bodies
3.8 The Government has accepted the recommendation
of Lord Sharman's Report "Holding to Accountthe
Review of Audit and Accountability for Central Government"
that the Comptroller and Auditor General should audit all non-departmental
bodies. As a result more than 20 new organisations will become
subject to financial audit and value for money scrutiny by the
Comptroller and Auditor General, including English Heritage, the
Housing Corporation and the Environment Agency.
Continuing quality and efficiency improvements.
3.9 The National Audit Office will need
to continue to develop the value for money methodologies it uses
to deal with the increasingly complex issues raised by public
service delivery. This will involve using a wider range of qualitative
and quantitative diagnostic and analytical techniques to analyse
the cost benefit and cost effectiveness of departments and agencies
use of taxpayers' money.
Focusing on beneficial impact
3.10 The National Audit Office aims to identify
ways in which departments and agencies can achieve annual savings
of eight times the value of the Office's net costs measured over
a three year period. Savings identified through value for money
work account for most of this figure. In addition to this financial
impact, there is also a wider stimulus to value for money that
comes from departments' awareness of the programme of studies
covering all major areas of expenditure and the likelihood of
a subsequent examination by the Committee of Public Accounts.
The Office increasingly uses conferences and seminars to follow
up reports to highlight where value for money can be improved
and to spread good practice. In 2001-02 for example, the Office
held conferences to promote widespread awareness of the good practice
in our reports on Modernising Construction (HC 87, 2000-01)
and Tackling Obesity in England (HC 220, 2000-01).
3.11 The value for money field is diverse
and complex. It covers annual cash flows of around £650 billion
and assets of much greater value. The National Audit Office can
carry out VFM examinations in all central Government departments
and executive agencies. It can also carry out such reviews at
most of the public bodies where it has inspection rights. For
example the reports The Millennium Dome (HC 936, 1999-2000)
and The Winding-up of the New Millennium Experience Company
Limited (HC 749, 2001-02) were based on using the Office's
rights to inspect the New Millennium Experience Company.
3.12 To achieve the objectives for value
for money work, the National Audit Office undertakes monitoring
and analytical work to select topics for examination. It then
carries out the investigative and other work necessary to collect,
verify and secure departments' acceptance of the evidence which
underpins the Office's conclusions. In selecting studies, the
Office will continue to take account of suggestions from Members
of Parliament as to possible lines of inquiry, and consider the
materiality of expenditure, the rate of innovation and assess
the potential risks to value for money.
2. Studies selected for value for money
examinations are designed to:
lead to reports on ways of achieving
better services to the public by focusing on the results achieved;
follow up previous National Audit
Office and Committee of Public Accounts reports to ensure that
action promised by departments and agencies has been taken;
identify the scope for improving
economy, efficiency and effectiveness through analysis of inputs,
processes and programme outputs;
review managerial operations which
have a material effect on achieving value for money;
support well thought through risk-taking
and innovation and identify and promote good practice so that
experience can be shared and risks minimised;
examine the acquisition of assets
and services, joint ventures and other forms of commercialisation,
and the redeployment and disposal of assets so that best value
is promoted and achieved;
deliver beneficial impacts, including
financial savings.
3.13 In carrying out studies, the National
Audit Office will consult extensively with audited bodies, and
other audit and regulatory bodies to ensure that, where appropriate,
audit and inspection programmes complement one another. For example
the fieldwork underpinning the report on Better Public Services
through e-government (HC 704, 2001-02) involved joint visits
with the Audit Commission to private sector companies and a conference
in July 2002 will promote the key messages from the National Audit
Office and Audit Commission reports on electronic government.
3.14 Thematic studies such as Purchasing
Professional Services (HC 400, 2000-01) have also looked at
a range of procurement issues across government and building on
this work the National Audit Office has produced joint guidance
with the Office of Government Commerce on Getting Value for
Money from ProcurementHow auditors can help.
3.15 The Office will continue to consult
widely with many other organisations and individuals, including
the customers and beneficiaries of services and other interested
parties. For example, the fieldwork leading to the report on Improving
Student Achievement in English Higher Education (HC 486 2001-02)
involved focus groups with staff, quantitative analysis of the
Funding Councils' performance indicators and benchmarking data,
qualitative research amongst current and ex-students and a postal
survey of 123 higher education institutions.
3.16 The main outputs of value for money
work are some 50 published reports to Parliament each year. In
2001-02 the National Audit Office investigated a wide range of
value for money issues and achieved its planned level of outputs.
Reports examined matters as diverse as reducing prisoner reoffending,
agricultural fraud, the New Deal for Young People, NHS Direct,
and the commercialisation of public sector science.
3.17 The National Audit Office also responds
to enquiries from Members of Parliament which can lead to significant
investigations of important value for money issues and in some
cases to Comptroller and Auditor General's reports to Parliament.
3. Members of Parliament raise matters which
lead to National Audit Office Investigations:
Two Members of Parliament wrote to
the Comptroller and Auditor General raising concerns about the
Individual Learning Accounts scheme. The National Audit Office
initiated an investigation and expects to report to Parliament
later this year.
A Member of Parliament raised concerns
about the administrative costs of the 2001 Census and the omission
of some of his constituents from the Census. A visit to the Member's
constituency was incorporated into the fieldwork and an investigation
was carried out into the omission of his constituents. A report
on the 2001 Census will be published in 2002.
A Member of Parliament wrote to the
Comptroller and Auditor General about the costs of suspending
medical staff. The issues raised were included in work on clinical
governance aimed at identifying issues for a study, the results
of which will be presented to the Comptroller and Auditor General
in summer 2002, prior to starting work on the investigation.
3.18 In 2001-02, the average cost of a major
investigation was £195,000 against the target of £196,000,
at 2002-03 prices. Despite the increasing complexity of work to
assess the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of programmes,
the National Audit Office has progressively reduced the average
cost of studies by strengthening planning and management and aims
to continue this over the Plan period. Where studies require special
knowledge or expertise, it is often more economical to acquire
these from the private sector or universities on a consultancy
4. Average costs of major VFM outputs
| Target | Achieved
1995-96 | 221
| 219 |
1996-97 | 217
| 207 |
1997-98 | 205
| 203 |
1998-99 | 201
| 195 |
1999-2000 | 200
| 200 |
2000-01 | 198
| 193 |
2001-02 | 196
| 195 |
At 2002-03 prices in £000
IN 2001-02
Agriculture | Agricultural fraud: The case of Joseph Bowden
Cross Government Reports | Modern Policy-Making: Ensuring Policies Deliver Value for Money
| Joining Up to Improve Public Services
| Purchasing Professional Services
| Better Public Services through e-government
| Better Regulation: Making Good Use of Regulatory Impact Assessments Resource Accounting
Culture, Media and Sport | Winding-up The New Millennium Experience Company Limited
| Awarding the new licence to run the National Lottery
| The BBC: Collecting the television licence fee
Defence | Non-Competitive Procurement in the Ministry of Defence
| Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2001
| The Joint Services Command and Staff College
| Combat Identification |
| Implementation of Integrated Project Teams
| Major Repair and Overhaul of Land Equipment
Education | Widening participation in higher education in England
| Improving student achievement in English higher education
Employment | The New Deal for Young People
Environment | Policy Development: Improving Air Quality
| The operation and wind up of Teesside Development Corporation
| Regulating Housing Associations' Management of Financial Risk
HM Customs & Excise | Losses to the Revenue from Frauds on Alcohol Duty
| The Misuse and Smuggling of Hydrocarbon Oils
| Customs & Excise Accounts 2000-01
Inland revenue | Income Tax Self-Assessment
| NIRS 2: Contract Extension
| e-Revenue |
| Inland Revenue Accounts 2001-02
Law, Order & General | Reducing Prisoner Reoffending
| Collection of fines and other financial penalties in the criminal justice system
| The Implementation of the National Probation Service Information Systems Strategy
| Financial Management of the European Union
National Health Service | Inpatient and Outpatient Waiting in the NHS
| Inappropriate adjustments to NHS waiting lists
| NHS Direct in England |
| The Management of Surplus Property by Trusts in the NHS in England
| Handling Clinical Negligence Claims in England
Overseas Affairs | Performance MeasurementHelping to Reduce World Poverty
Privatisation/Asset Sales/
| The Auction of Radio Spectrum for the Third Generation of Mobile Telephones
| Delivering the Commercialisation of Public Sector Science
Public Private Partnerships | Innovation in PFI Financing: The Treasury Building Project
| Managing the relationship to secure a successful partnership in PFI projects
Redevelopment of MOD Main Building
Regulation | Giving Confidently: The role of the Charity Commission in regulating charities
| Opening the Post: Postcomm and postal servicesthe risks and opportunities
Pipes and Wires
Transport | Royal Travel by Air and Rail
| Ship Surveys and Inspection
Work & Pensions | Fraud and Error in Income Support
6. The National Audit Office has a range of quality mechanisms
to ensure continuous improvement in its VFM outputs
Staff independent of those managing the study
review progress, provide advice about VFM issues, methodology
and drafting.
Expert panels drawn from staff internally and
technical experts externally quality review reports in draft.
Independent reviews, currently undertaken by the
London School of Economics, are completed for all published reports,
focusing on technical content, presentation and quality of analysis[8].
Audited bodies are invited to comment on performance
following the completion of each study.
Lessons learned from quality reviews are disseminated
to staff and incorporated into the internal training programme.
3.19 The National Audit Office's value for money teams
require the right mix of experience and to be trained in the range
of analytical and diagnostic techniques needed to undertake such
studies. Staff who qualify through the chartered accountancy training
scheme and accountancy trainees' scheme, contribute skills in
financial and business management. The Office also recruits skills
from the wider market, for example in operational research, statistics,
economics and evaluation. In addition, the Office employs graduates
who have recently completed their masters degree and have appropriate
trainingoften with research experience.
3.20 In many of the main subject areas, these skills
are supplemented by staff with considerable knowledge of the audit
field under scrutiny, for example, from the health service, the
armed forces, merchant banking and the Treasury. These skills
enable the National Audit Office to choose from a wide range of
analytical techniques, identify and make more effective use of
external consultancy and academic expertise, and enhance the impact
of its work. The need to maintain current and relevant skills
is reflected in the period contract terms on which some staff
are employed.
3.21 The National Audit Office also networks into the
expertise in academia and the wider private and public sectors
and has a Private Finance Initiative panel to bring in external
specialist knowledge. Consultants are also employed to support
individual studies, when appropriate, and whole studies are sometimes
contracted out. For example the report on Government on the Web
II (HC 764 2001-02) was contracted out to a team from the London
School of Economics and University College London. Two further
studies will be contracted out in 2002-03.
3.22 There are often specific improvements in value for
money which flow from changes made to procedures on the specific
programmes that the National Audit Office examines (or on similar
programmes elsewhere in the public sector). Analysis of the impact
of the Office's work shows that in 2001, departments made 220
significant improvements to their procedures, all of which should
lead to improved value for money. In selecting areas for scrutiny,
the Office aims to continue to secure a financial impact of at
least £8 for every £1 spent.
3.23 In addition, a measure of the National Audit Office's
impact is given by the response of the Government in Treasury
Minutes to recommendations of the Committee of Public Accounts.
The seven Treasury Minutes issued in 2001-02, covering 27 Committee
reports, accepted 94 per cent of the Committee's recommendations.
Action by departments to implement earlier recommendations led
to identifiable savings or economies in 2001 of some £410
million. Benefits are still being achieved from continuing savings
reported in earlier Corporate Plans.
3.24 The impact of value for money work depends on departments
implementing the changes which flow from the Office's work. This
can mean that departments have to review the way in which they
deliver services and manage major projects and programmes. These
changes can take time to implement and so the impacts can arise
some years after the work was completed.
3.25 Some examples of such impacts are:
As a result of 27 reports on Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
and Public/Private Partnership (PPP) subjects, the National Audit
Office has continued to have a major influence on savings arising
from successful PFI projects. These have generated savings of
£162 million in 2001, which included £30 million in
respect of new contracts let in 2001.
The National Audit Office report on Military Operations in
Kosovo (HC 530, 1999-2000) followed up previous work on Bosnia
which found that information on assets and stock held in theatre
was flawed. Following the Public Accounts Committee's recommendations
on the need for better information on assets in theatre, the Ministry
of Defence introduced new asset tracking systems and recovered
£75 million from the United Nations for the United Kingdom
contribution to Bosnia peace-keeping activities.
In line with National Audit Office and Committee of Public
Accounts recommendations on the reports on the Flotation of
the National Grid (HC 651, 1997-98), once the Secretary of
State for Trade and Industry had decided to surrender special
shares in PowerGen and National Power, he sought additional consumer
benefits from the companies. PowerGen announced that from 1 April
2001 it would reduce surcharges paid by customers using prepayment
meters and eliminate the surcharge partly by the staged introduction
of new technology by 2005. The company valued these concessions
at £14 million, of which the reduced surcharge represents
£6.4 million over four years. The company would also invest
£800,000 in energy efficiency measures. National Power (now
Innogy plc) announced that they would invest £5.7 million
on energy efficiency measures for potentially 20,000 "fuel
poor" households under the "health through warmth"
banner. The total value of the impact is £20.5 million over
four years.
Following the National Audit Office report on the Gaming Board
(HC 537, 1999-2000) the Committee of Public Accounts recommended,
and the Government accepted, that licensing fees charged to the
gaming industry and to lotteries should recover the full costs
of the Gaming Board's licensing work. The Minister for Sport announced
new fees in March 2002 which will result in an extra £400,000
being recovered. The Minister also announced that the Gaming Board
and the Government had accepted all 26 of the National Audit Office's
recommendations and to date 23 had been implemented.
3.26 Reports also identify examples of waste and lead
to improvements in procedures:
The National Audit Office report into Accepting Equipment
Off-Contract and into Service (HC 204, 1999-2000) noted that the
Ministry of Defence had paid £60 million in additional costs
to rectify problems on equipment that it had accepted but which
did not meet its requirements.
Following the National Audit Office examination Educating
and training the future health professional workforce for England
(HC 277, 2000-01), the Department of Health and the Higher Education
Funding Council for England accepted the need for a better understanding
of the variations in price and quality between different education
providers. A joint working group led by the Department and Universities
UK, with the involvement of the Funding Council and other key
stakeholders, was set up in September 2001 and is currently reviewing
the principal issues raised by the National Audit Office examination.
Acute Trusts in England hold some £3 billion of medical
equipment which is sometimes involved in adverse incidents which
produce, or have the potential to produce, unwanted effects involving
the safety of patients, users, or other persons. The National
Audit Office report The Management of Medical Equipment in NHS
Acute Trusts in England (HC 475, 1998-99) identified several ways
of reducing these risks including: fuller reporting of adverse
incidents; promulgation of best practice; better user training;
and standardisation of makes and models of equipment.
The National Audit Office now share the London School of Economics
quality assessments with audited bodies. Back