Chapter 4: Support for other organisations
4.1 The support the National Audit Office
provides to Parliament means that the Office has valuable experience
which it can share with other organisations. These include a significant
international role as one of the leading state audit institutions,
and the provision of services to the Auditor General for Wales
in his work on behalf of the National Assembly for Wales.
4.2 A variety of international and overseas
commitments arise from the National Audit Office's position as
a leading state audit institution. On behalf of the United Kingdom,
the National Audit Office seeks to play a full part in the development
of public sector audit around the world. The Comptroller and Auditor
General is currently:
a member of the United Nations Panel
of External Auditors;
a member of the Governing Board of
the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions;
a member of the International Organisation
of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Development Initiative
Chairman of the working group of
INTOSAI on the audit of privatisation and regulation;
observer to the Governing Board of
the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI),
and a member of the EUROSAI Training Committee; and
a member of the Contact Committee
of the European Court of Auditors and the Heads of National Audit
Institutions in the European Community.
4.3 The National Audit Office provides services
and advice to a range of international and overseas bodies, such
as training, and assurance to significant donors that their funds
have been well spent.
4.4 International and overseas activities
over the Plan period will include:
assistance in providing training
for Commonwealth, East European and other audit offices, for example,
training in the audit of Department for International Development
aided projects; and training in value for money audit methodologies
for the State Audit Office of Estonia;
arranging secondments of staff to
provide a broader range of experience and effective liaison with
other state audit offices, overseas governments and international
organisations, including the European Commission, the European
Court of Auditors, and NATO (24 staff were on secondment overseas
at the end of March 2002);
participating as members of INTOSAI,
EUROSAI and the European Union Contact Committee in technical
standing committees and working groups;
conducting co-ordinated studies of
areas of work with other overseas audit offices, such as the French
Cour des Comptes, the German Bundesrechnungshof, the Italian Corte
dei Conti and the Spanish Tribunal de Cuentas on studies of European
defence projects; and
playing a key role in reporting on
the use of the European Union budget in the United Kingdom through
the National Audit Office's report on the work of the European
Court of Auditors.
4.5 In 2001-02, the National Audit Office
received some 570 visitors from 62 countries and handled numerous
international enquiries. In many cases, this gives the Office
the chance to indicate the range of financial services available
in the United Kingdom, and encourages overseas enquirers to look
to British firms for further assistance. The Office website is
designed to provide information about National Audit Office work
to a wide audience, including other Supreme Audit Institutions.
4.6 The Comptroller and Auditor General
is the appointed external auditor of two Specialised Agencies
of the United Nationsthe International Atomic Energy Agency
and the International Labour Organisation. In addition, he is
the external auditor of several International Bodies, including
the Pan American Health Organisation, the International Oil Pollution
Compensation Funds, and the Preparatory Commission for the Nuclear
Test Ban Treaty Organisation. The costs of all international audits
are reimbursed. This work brought the National Audit Office some
£1 million in audit fees in 2001-02.
4.7 The National Audit Office has been extremely
successful in securing contracts under the EU PHARE programme
to provide pre-accession advisors, project leaders and other staff
resources to European State Audit Institutions to advise and provide
training on issues relating to the European Community (for example,
the Common Agricultural Policy) prior to their country's accession
to the European Community. This work is expected to generate almost
£2 million income in 2002-03.
4.8 The work involves providing advice and
assistance on audit methodologies and approach, and assisting
the Supreme Audit Institutions of those countries seeking accession
to the Union to develop their capabilities to undertake an effective
independent scrutiny of their public finances.
4.9 Many of the projects are undertaken
with other European partners, including the audit offices of Denmark,
France, Greece, the Netherlands and Bavaria. The Audit Commission
and District Audit have also partnered the National Audit Office
in this work.
4.10 The current programme will be completed
over the course of the Plan period. With Parliament's encouragement,
the National Audit Office will be seeking to develop and continue
this type of work with overseas organisations on projects funded
by the European Community, the Department for International Development,
and the World Bank, for example, in support of their strategies
for improving performance and accountability in developing countries.
4.11 In addition to these larger types of
project, the National Audit Office has a long history of providing
support to audit institutions in developing countries on a smaller
scale. For example, the Office currently has two staff working
with the Ghanaian Audit Office on a Swedish-funded project and
in the last year provided input to projects in Georgia and Ethiopia.
4.12 The Government of Wales Act 1998 includes
a presumption that the Auditor General for Wales will use the
services of the National Audit Office in providing assurance and
advice to the National Assembly for Wales. The estimated cost
of these services amounts to some £2.2 million in 2002-03
and is fully reimbursed by the Auditor General for Wales. Income
is expected to remain at around this level in real terms over
the Plan period.
4.13 The work of the Public Accounts Committee
is of course the main stimulus for improvements in accountability
and value for money for the taxpayer. Often lessons from National
Audit Office reports will have a wide application, for example
in electronic service delivery, on Private Finance Initiative
projects, or across the National Health Service. In selected cases,
the Office promotes good practice through running conferences
and issuing guidance, normally working closely with the departments
concerned. The content of the National Audit Office's conference
programme, which is self-financing, will depend on what reports
are issued over the Plan period, but it is likely to include services
to the elderly and health and safety in the NHS. The Office intends
to continue to develop ways to support the Public Accounts Committee's
work to secure value for money.
4.14 Chapter 3 of the Plan refers to the
advice, support and assistance provided to Members of the Public
Accounts Commission, the Public Accounts Committee and other Members
of Parliament through looking into issues of concern raised by
individual members. The National Audit Office also receives correspondence
and calls from members of the public on a whole range of issues
from defence, education and taxation to questions about social
security, such as child support. The Office follows up each item
of correspondence and aims to provide prompt and helpful replies
to members of the public. Alternatively, the Office may be able
to use its knowledge of government departments and programmes
to put the correspondent in contact with the relevant person in
the department concerned or relay their concerns to the department
and check that they receive a satisfactory response.
Several members of the public expressed concerns
about the Public Private Partnership deal for London Underground.
The National Audit Office used the information provided in its
financial analysis of the project produced in December 2001.
4.15 In carrying out its work programmes,
the National Audit Office seeks to help the nation spend wisely
and to promote the highest standards in financial management and
reporting, the proper conduct of public business and beneficial
change in the provision of public services. Such aims need to
be backed by professional support services and effective recruitment
and development of staff. Central activities include:
External and internal communications.
Technical assistance on financial
audit and value for money work.
Finance and accounting services.
Facilities and information support
Information and communication technology
support services.
4.16 Central activities are subject to the
same rigorous pressure as the audit functions to make efficiency
savings through, for example, the operation of benchmarking, reviews
by internal audit and other external experts, and contracting
out. At the present time, the tuition of trainees for professional
qualifications; provision of management training; catering services;
building security; maintenance of information technology; and
the internal audit function are contracted out. In addition, a
full facilities management contract, incorporating reprographics,
reception facilities, building maintenance, cleaning and the porter/messenger
service is in place.
4.17 The National Audit Office has occupied
its present London headquarters since 1986. In recent years, there
have been significant developments in working practices which
require greater flexibility in accommodation than the building
can currently offer, for example in meeting the needs of value
for money work, where different combinations of skills are required
for each investigation. The Office is therefore reviewing its
accommodation requirements to identify options that will meet
its needs now and into the future. In practice, the options to
be considered are likely to be staying in the present building
and carrying out modifications, or moving elsewhere. As regards
any relocation, the Office would need to remain within close proximity
to the Houses of Parliament.
4.18 The National Audit Office is committed
to quality and to the continuous improvement of its practices
and the development of its people. The quality of the Office's
work is dependent on staff having technical and management skills
and knowledge that are appropriate and up to date. The Office
therefore ensures that staff are supported by providing appropriate
induction, training and development opportunities, in line with
business goals.
4.19 As part of its programme of continuous
improvement, the National Audit Office continues to use the nationally
recognised framework for benchmarking training and development
activities, known as Investors in People (IIP). The Office achieved
Investor in People accreditation in October 1999 and was reaccredited
in 2002. Over the past year the National Audit Office has also
been using the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)
Excellence Model to improve the way it works.