WALTER, Robert (North Dorset) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
|  | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000) |
| | Occasional opinion survey fees paid direct to charity. |
| | Occasional fees from broadcasting and journalism. |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | Car parking pass provided by South West Trains for use on parliamentary businesses. (Registered 23 July 2001) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Farmland with attached moorland grazing rights in Devon. |
WARD, Claire (Watford) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional fees from public speaking, writing articles and other media work. |
| | Occasional participation in surveys and opinion poll research. Any monies received are passed to local charities and voluntary organisations. |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | June 2001, membership of gym provided by Sportz Academy, Watford. (Registered 21 June 2001) |
| | 4 December 2001, visit to York to speak at the 100th anniversary dinner of the Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionary Alliance as Chair of All-Party Parliamentary Group. Travel, dinner and accommodation paid for by the BCCCA. (Registered 12 December 2001) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 7-10 January 2002, to Norway to meet Norwegian Parliamentarians to discuss economic, security, foreign policy and public service reform issues. Flights, accommodation and hospitality funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy. (Registered 4 February 2002) |
| | 24 February 2002, two match tickets and hospitality at the Worthington Cup Final, Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, courtesy of the Football League. (Registered 21 March 2002) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Non-remunerated director of Tribune Publications Ltd. |
WAREING, Robert N. (Liverpool, West Derby) |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | 9-10 November 2001, to Potsdam, Germany to attend a conference on Asylum and Immigration policy. Hotel and hospitality and part of the airfares paid by the Berlin-Brandenburgishe Auslands Gesellshaft. (Registered 3 December 2001) |
WATERSON, Nigel (Eastbourne) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc. |
| | Consultant to firm of Solicitors, Messrs. Watson, Farley and Williams, London. |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000). Fee paid direct to the Multiple Sclerosis Society (Eastbourne Branch). |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | Honorary membership of the Baltic Exchange. (Registered 20 December 2000) |
WATKINSON, Angela (Upminster) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 31 March-5 April 2002, study tour to Egypt, accompanied by my husband, at the invitation and expense of the Egyptian Government. (Registered 24 April 2002) |
WATSON, Tom (West Bromwich East) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional fees for opinion surveys. Fees are paid to charity. |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | 20 February 2002, two complimentary tickets to the Brit Awards from the British Phonographic Institute. (Registered 21 March 2002) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 2-10 February 2002, to Japan for a conference with Japanese Parliamentarians. Half of the cost was met by the Japanese Government and half by the British Government. (Registered 8 March 2002) |
WATTS, David (St. Helens North) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 29 November 2001, to Calais on behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group, paid for by the Group. (Registered 18 December 2001) |
WEBB, Steven (Northavon) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional journalism. |
WEIR, Mike (Angus) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | I was a partner in the firm of J & DG Shiell, Solicitors, Brechin, until my resignation on 31 July 2001. |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000) Payment made direct to local charities. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 14-19 March 2002, to Pakistan, paid for by Mr Yaqub Ali OBE, in connection with the establishment of an Educational Trust in Pakistan which is being funded by Mr Ali and other Scottish Pakistani businessmen. (Registered 4 April 2002) |
WHITE, Brian (North East Milton Keynes) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional fees for opinion polls which are donated to local charities. |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Director (unpaid) of Milton Keynes Energy Association. |
| | Member of Information Commissioner's Advisory Committee - no remuneration. |
| | Chair of EURIM; non-profit-making company interested in information technology issues and providing briefings for MPs, MEPs, companies and civil servants on IT issues. |
WHITEHEAD, Dr. Alan (Southampton Test) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | UNISON constituency development agreement. |
| | Provision of website support by Total Connectivity Providers, Southampton. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 12-17 July, to China, as joint leader of trade delegation. Air fare and hotel accommodation paid for by Southampton Chamber of Commerce. (Registered 24 October 2001) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Holiday home in Vendée, France. |
| | Share in flat inhabited by parents in Southampton. |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | Abbotts House Residents Ltd.; management company for flat block in which parents' flat is situated.. |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Governor, Cantell School, Southampton. |
WHITTINGDALE, John (Maldon and East Chelmsford) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000) |
| | Member of Political Panel of BPRI (Business Research and Planning International). (£1-£1,000) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | Donation of £2500 to election expenses at the 2001 General Election from Mr Patrick Whittingdale of Much Hadham, Hertfordshire. (Registered 11 July 2001) |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | 21 September 2001, I participated in Lords and Commons clay pigeon shoot at Highclere Castle, sponsored by the Tobacco Manufacturers Association. (Registered 25 October 2001) |
| | 20 February 2002, my wife and I were guests of the British Phonographic Industry Limited at the Brit Awards at Earls Court. (Registered 20 March 2002) |
WICKS, Malcolm (Croydon North) |
| Nil. |
WIDDECOMBE, Rt. Hon. Ann (Maidstone and The Weald) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional income from broadcasting/writing/lecturing. |
| | Contract with Weidenfeld and Nicolson (£100,000) for publication of a novel. |
| | Fee for a speaking engagement at Tonbridge School on 8 June 2001. (Registered 20 June 2001) |
| | Fee of £3000 for filming Louis Theroux documentary. (Registered 1 September 2001) |
| | Fee of £1000 for appearance on the Parkinson Show on 29 September. (Registered 13 September 2001) |
| | 16 November 2001, fee of £568.00 received from Women in Business for a speaking engagement. The cheque was made out to ZOCS, a charity in Zambia which I support, and was deposited with them. (Registered 17 December 2001) |
| | 12 December 2001, fee of £566.00 received from Beths Grammar School for a speaking engagement. The cheque was made out to ZOCS, and was deposited with them. (Registered 17 December 2001) |
| | January 2002, fee of £500 for an unpublished article for the Daily Mail. (Registered 14 January 2002) |
| | Fee of £2,000 from W.H. Smith for judging a category for the W.H. Smith Awards. At my request the cheque was issued and sent to the Aylesford Friars for their Restoration Appeal. (Registered 29 January 2002) |
| | Fee of £3,000 from Flame Television for appearance in 'Crime Team'. (Registered 26 February 2002) |
| | Fee of £750 from BBC for appearance on 'Ready Steady Cook'. (Registered 26 February 2002) |
| | Fee of £1,000 for article for the Daily Mail. (Registered 26 February 2002) |
| | Fee of £600 for article for Good Housekeeping magazine. (Registered 26 February 2002) |
| | Fee of £800 for an article commissioned by the Mail on Sunday but not published. (Registered 13 March 2002) |
| | Fee of £500 for a television programme entitled 'Let's Meet Ann Widdecombe', for Meridian TV. (Registered 18 March 2002) |
| | Advance of £100,000 plus performance bonuses from Weidenfeld & Nicholson for third and fourth books. (Registered 28 March 2002) |
| | Fee of £450 for article in Observer Travel Section. (Registered 23 April 2002) |
| | Fee from London Weekend Television for appearance on Celebrity Fitness, together with a payment to charity. (Registered 14 May 2002) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | A contribution of more than 25% of my election expenses at the 2001 General Election was made by Mr. M. Williams (a former officer of the Conservative Association) to Maidstone Conservative Association. (Registered 20 June 2001) |
| | Provision of a student for nine or ten months to carry out research and provide general assistance by Hull University Politics Course. (Registered 20 June 2001) |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | Cheque for £721.48 from Women in Business to ZOCS, a charity in Zambia which I support, in respect of a speaking engagement on 12 November 2001 (see category 2 above). The money was raised from an auction of a tea with me at the House of Commons. (Registered 14 January 2002) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Prison Fellowship Honorary Parliamentary Adviser. |
| | Member of the Society of Authors. |
WIGGIN, Bill (Leominster) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Provision of advice on parliamentary affairs to Commerzbank. (£1,001-£5,000) |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 1-4 February 2002, to Kuwait as guest of Kuwait Information Office. (Registered 14 May 2002) |
7. | Overseas benefits and gifts |
| | Gift of a watch from the Kuwait Information Office. (Registered 14 May 2002) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | My wife owns a flat in London SW10, which is currently for sale. |
WILKINSON, John (Ruislip-Northwood) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc. |
| | Occasional journalism, radio and T.V. |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000) |
| | Very occasional MORI polls. |
| | Occasional opinion polls for Business Planning and Research International. |
7. | Overseas benefits and gifts |
| | Entrance to International Aviation and Space show in Santiago which I attended from 1-3 April 2002 provided by Government of Chile together with official car and driver for the duration of the Show. (Registered 15 April 2002) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Commonwealth War Graves Commissioner (unpaid). |
| | President, London Green Belt Council (no financial interest). |
WILLETTS, David (Havant) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc. |
| | Author. |
| | My employment as the Senior Adviser to Monitor Company Management Consultants ceased in May 2001. The company has indicated that it may in future seek my assistance from time to time with individual projects, for which payment could be made. No such payment has been received by me to date. |
| | Economic Adviser to Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, Merchant Bank. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 28 October-4 November 2001, to Washington DC, to deliver two public lectures and to visit think tanks. Two fees and accommodation in Washington DC paid for by the Russell Kirk Centre of America. I paid for my own plane tickets. (Registered 19 December 2001) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Flat in West London, from which rental income is received. |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | Two hundred shares in Sensor-Tec Limited; a company developing biosensors. |
WILLIAMS, Rt. Hon. Alan (Swansea West) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc. |
| | Occasional broadcasting and lecturing fees and fees for articles. |
| | Lecturer at the Civil Service College. (£1-£1,000) |
| | I have a consultancy arrangement with The Mail on Sunday, to advise them in connection with the publication of a special supplement this will also involve the writing of an article for the newspaper. (£1,001-£5,000) |
WILLIAMS, Betty (Conwy) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000). The fees are paid to recipients of my choice and are intended to be used for a charitable purpose. |
WILLIAMS, Hywel (Caernarfon) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | I write a weekly article for a local newspaper (unpaid). |
WILLIAMS, Roger (Brecon and Radnorshire) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Partner in R. H. Williams; a farming partnership. |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Farmland at Tredomen Court, Wales. |
| | Three houses in Tredomen, Brecon, from which rental income is received. |
| | One house in Exmouth, Devon, owned by my spouse, from which rental income is received. |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Membership of Powys County Council (basic allowance terminated on 30 June 2001). |
| | Membership of Brecon Beacons National Park. |
| | Chairman of Mid-Wales Agri-Food Partnership. |
| | (Membership of the above bodies to be terminated in next three months (from 11 July 2001). |
WILLIS, Phil (Harrogate and Knaresborough) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Chairman, Harrogate International Centre Board (unremunerated). |
| | Chairman, Insight Model Agency (unremunerated); company owned by daughter. |
| | Director, Kennineton Enterprises Ltd. (unremunerated); company owned by daughter. |
WILLS, Michael (North Swindon) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | My constituency campaign fund received the following donations in 2001: |
| | TGWU | £4,100 |
| | Oxford and Swindon Co-operative Society | £2,000 |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Commercial premises in London NW1 from which rental income is received. |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | To comply with the Ministerial Code, my financial interests and those of my wife are in a blind trust , the details of which have been laid in the House. |
WILSHIRE, David (Spelthorne) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc. |
| | Partner, MRS (Moorlands Research Service). |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000) |
| | Member of Political Opinion Panel of Business Planning and Research International (BPRI). (£1-£1,000) |
| | Occasional earnings from media appearances and articles. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | September 2001, to the Netherlands as part of a delegation inquiring into the Dutch Police Service, organised by the Police Service Parliamentary Scheme. (Registered 5 May 2002) |
| | 4-7 March 2002, to Hong Kong as a guest of the Government of the Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. (Registered 19 March 2002) |
| | 31 March-5 April 2002, to Egypt. The costs of the visit for two people were paid by the Egyptian Government. (Registered 15 April 2002) |
WILSON, Brian (Cunninghame North) |
| Nil. |
WINNICK, David (Walsall North) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc. |
| | Very occasional fees received for press articles, broadcasting etc. |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Member of GMB Union, who made a contribution of less than 25% to my election expenses at the 2001 General Election. |
WINTERTON, Ann (Congleton) |
| Nil. |
WINTERTON, Nicholas (Macclesfield) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | MSB Ltd. (marketing consultancy and the provision of strategic advice and training) (non-executive). |
| | Emerson International Inc. (overseas commercial development) (non-executive). |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc. |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000). |
| | Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International). (£1-£1,000). Fees from both panels are sent to voluntary or charitable organisations nominated by me. |
| | Fees from occasional broadcasting, writing and speaking engagements. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 8 November 2001, a day's visit to Astrium in Toulouse, which is the engineering centre for Astrium France, at the invitation of Astrium (which has a site at Poynton in my constituency). (Registered 9 November 2001) |
WINTERTON, Rosie (Doncaster Central) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Three articles for Guardian Unlimited during the period of the 2001 General Election. (£1-£1,000) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | A contribution of more than 25% of my election expenses at the 2001 General Election was made by the TGWU. (Registered 19 July 2001) |
WISHART, Peter (North Tayside) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Runrig Touring Limited; company which oversees the touring activities of the rock group Runrig. |
| | Runrig Merchandise Limited; company which oversees the commercial activities of Runrig. |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | I receive limited returns for my published works from the Performing Rights Society. |
| | I expect to receive limited funds for some of my recorded works. |
WOOD, Mike (Batley and Spen) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International). (£1-£1,000) |
| | Occasional payments from opinion poll surveys. |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | A contribution of more than 25% of my election expenses at the 2001 General Election was made by GMB Union. (Registered 26 October 2001) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Terraced house in Greater Manchester, from which rental income is received. |
WOODWARD, Shaun (St. Helens South) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional media appearances. |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | Funding for a research assistant in my House of Commons office provided by Mr. E.W. Davidson, Chairman of property development company. |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Estate in Oxfordshire containing agricultural land and rented accommodation. |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (b) | My wife and I hold shares in J. Sainsbury PLC. |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Director, English National Opera and Chairman of their Redevelopment Committee (unpaid). |
| | Director, Childline (unpaid). |
| | Trustee, Woodward Charitable Trust. |
| | Director, Marine Stewardship Council. |
| | Trustee, Royal Shakespeare Company Development Board. |
| | Trustee, The Victoria History of Oxfordshire Trust. |
| | Trustee, The Institute of Continuing Professional Development. |
| | Trustee, The Mulberry Bush. |
| | Patron, Bath International Music Festival. |
| | Patron, Macmillan Cancer Relief - Oxfordshire. |
| | Patron, Cancer Research Campaign - Oxfordshire. |
| | Patron, Sobell House, Oxfordshire. |
| | Vice-President, St. Helen's Council of Voluntary Services. |
| | Vice-President, St. Helen's Millennnium Centre. |
WOOLAS, Phil (Oldham East and Saddleworth) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Fees for occasional journalism. |
| | Fee from for advice in establishing company. |
| | Fees from opinion polls (donated to constituency party). |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | A contribution of 25% of my election expenses at the 2001 General Election was made by GMB trade union. (Registered 1 August 2001) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 3-14 January 2001, to Asad Kashmir, Pakistan, on educational visit. Accommodation provided by the Government of Asad Kashmir. (Registered 1 August 2001) |
WORTHINGTON, Tony (Clydebank and Milngavie) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | A donation of £1437.77 was made by the Scottish Trade Unions for Labour Committee at the General Election 2001. This sum paid for a newspaper advert congratulating me as parliamentary candidate (and Clydebank Asbestos Group) for success in campaigning for asbestos sufferers for compensation justice. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 24-27 January 2002, to Stockholm organised by Parliamentarians for Global Action. (Registered 4 February 2002) |
WRAY, James (Glasgow Baillieston) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | A contribution of more than 25% of my election expenses at the 2001 General Election was made by the TGWU. (Registered 5 August 2001) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Holiday home in France, from which rental income is received. |
WRIGHT, Tony (Great Yarmouth) |
| Nil. |
WRIGHT, Dr. Anthony (Cannock Chase) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc. |
| | Writing and broadcasting. |
| | Joint Editor of Political Quarterly (honorarium only). |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000). Fee paid direct to my constituency party. |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | Annual car parking pass at the airport provided by Birmingham Airport. (Registered 16 July 2001) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Director (unremunerated) of the Political Quarterly Publishing Company. |
WRIGHT, David (Telford) |
| Nil. |
WYATT, Derek (Sittingbourne and Sheppey) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Non-executive Chairman of Spafax (media company serving the airline industry). |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Joint partner with wife in Mount Pleasant Partners, a partnership specialising in software i.e. TV production and consultancy. |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | From time to time software and hardware companies lend me equipment to try out. |
| | Payment towards my office expenses received from Mr. M. Watt. (Registered 17 April 2002) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | January 2002, to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, paid for by Council for the Advancement of British Arab Understanding (CAABU). (Registered 17 April 2002) |
7. | Overseas benefits and gifts |
| | January 2002, gift of a watch from the Zayed Centre for Co-ordination and Follow Up, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. (Registered 17 April 2002) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Rent received occasionally from lease of London flat during Parliamentary recess. |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | Fair Play Productions Ltd. (not trading). |
| |  | Fair Play Television Ltd. (not trading) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Director (unremunerated), Fair Play Television Ltd., Fair Play Productions Ltd. |
| | Member of advisory board of: |
| | |; an on-line incubator service for start-ups. |
| | Trustee (unremunerated), PIN (Parents Information Network) |
| | Executive Committee Member (unremunerated), Sporting Chance. |
| | Member of Development Council (unremunerated), St. Catherine's College, Oxford. |
| | Member of Chancellor's Advisory Council of University of Exeter (unremunerated). |
| | Member of the International Advisory Board of the Research Centre for the Learning Society (unremunerated). |