Administration and Inspection of the Register
The Register is compiled and maintained by the Office of the Parliamentary
Commissioner for Standards (tel: 020 7219 0401). Anyone whose
details are entered on the Register is required to notify that
office of any change in their registrable interests within 28
days of such a change arising.
The Register is usually updated and published each month (except
during months when the House is not sitting). It is not printed
by The Stationery Office and is not available in bookshops, but
a copy of the most recent edition is put:
- on the internet at (select 'Index', then
the letter 'R', then 'Register of Interests of Members' Secretaries
and Research Assistants')
- in hard copy form for public inspection in the Committee Office
of the House of Commons (please call 020 7219 6615 to make an
- in hard copy form in the Oriel Room at the House of Commons
for inspection by Members of either House.
Changes to the rules governing the Register are determined by
the Committee on Standards and Privileges, although where such
changes are substantial they are put by the Committee to the House
for approval before being implemented.
Any suggestion that the requirement to register has not been met
in a particular case should be made in writing to the Parliamentary
Commissioner for Standards, House of Commons, London SW1A OAA.
In minor cases of infringement, the Commissioner may, at his discretion,
apply the rectification procedure. Under this, a late entry is
printed in bold italics in the Register for 12 months from its
first appearing. More major cases may be the subject of formal
investigation and will be reported to the Committee on Standards
and Privileges.