Register of Interests of Members' Secretaries and Research Assistants Contents

SECTION 1: List of Staff

Hackett - Lyons

PaulHACKETT RichardCabornSpecial Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister, Cabinet Office; Visiting Fellow, Cranfield School of Management.
WilliamHADDOCK CliveEffordNone.
ShananaHAFIZ KeithVazNone.
AdelaineHAIN PeterHainNone.
Robert HALFON MichaelFabricantNone.
AlexanderHALL NigelEvansNone.
FionaHALL AlanBeithWorks part-time on self-employed basis for Berwick Constituency Liberal Democrats to provide organisational support, and Electoral Reform International Services to provide occasional overseas election supervision/observation.
JessicaHALL KevanJonesNone.
MalcolmHALL IainColemanNone.
PhillipHALL JonathanShawNone.
ThomasHALL JohnWhittingdaleNone.
JuliaHAMES NickGibbNone.
DanielHAMILTON RogerGaleNone.
JoanHAMMELL JohnPrescottSpecial Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister.
SallyHAMMOND TimLoughtonNone.
WendyHAMPTON JohnButterfillNone.
KatherineHARBOUR CarolineSpelmanNone.
KarlHARDER ColinBreedNone.
JohnHARDY KevinHughesDistrict Councillor, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council.
MaryHARDY DavidKidneyNone.
GeoffreyHARPER MalcolmMossNone.
DanielHARRIS JimSheridanNone.
DavidHARRIS SiônSimonNone.
EleanorHARRIS HenryBellinghamNone.
HilaryHARRIS GeorgeMudieNone.
MargaretHARRIS BobSpinkIndependent Distributor, Forever Living Products (aloe vera and beehive products).
MargaretHARRISON JohnThursoNone.
AnnaHARTROPP TheresaMayEmployed by the Conservative Party as Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Conservative Party.
SamuelHARTY TomClarkeNone.
NicolaHARWIN MargaretMoranDirector, Women's Aid Federation of England (national domestic violence charity).
IreneHARWOOD AlanJohnsonNone.
JamesHATT AndrewRobathanNone.
AlisonHAWKER SueDoughtyNone.
JenniferHAWKINS NickHawkinsNone.
SusanHAY DavidAmessNone.
AlunHAYES HarrietHarmanCouncillor, London Borough of Southwark.
SusanHAYES StephenMcCabeNone.
SusanHAYLOCK JohnPrescottNone.
JosephHAYMAN BobBlizzardNone.
SueHAYMAN Michael JohnFoster Produces newsletters for National Fire Sprinkler Network (a charity).
AshleyHAYNES GrahamBradyNone.
JillHAYS PeterHainNone.
EmmaHAYWOOD JulianBrazierNone.
MichaelHAYWOOD MargaretHodgeCouncillor, Swale Borough Council.
ChristineHEALD OliverHealdNone.
DavidHEALD IanDavidsonProfessor of Accountancy, University of Aberdeen.
HannahHEDGES TomBrakeNone.
JaneHEGGIE JohnMannNone.
ArminkaHELI BernardJenkinNone.
RichardHELLER DenzilDaviesArticles for The Times, The Guardian, BBC History, Punch, Public Finance, High Life. Associate of Clarity, a think tank and communications consultancy (personal clients: Accenture consultancy, Department for Transport). Author of 'High Impact Speeches', published by Prentice Hall.
JonathanHELLEWELL IainDuncan SmithNon-Executive Director, City Gateway Limited (a Christian charity which runs work training courses).
CarolineHENDERSON MalcolmBruceNone.
ValerieHENDERSON JoyceQuinNone.
JillHENDEY FrankFieldNone.
DianeHENDRICK MarkHendrickNone.
PatrickHENEGHAN IvanLewisNone.
MadeleineHEPBURN StephenHepburnNone.
AlexandraHERNÁNDEZ MichaelMooreNone.
AdrianHEWITT TonyWorthingtonDirector of the ODI Fellowship Scheme, Overseas Development Institute.
KatieHEYWOOD TomBrakeActing Faculty Officer, University of Kent.
RebeccaHICKMAN VernonCoakerPolitical Adviser, Save the Children.
KathleenHICKS MichaelPortilloNone.
LauraHIGGS JohnDenhamLabour Party Officer.
WilliamHIGHAM ShaunWoodwardNone.
AngelaHILL JohnAustinNone.
JaneHILL RichardOttawayWebmaster, Tibet Information Network; Wesbsite design for David Curry MP; Website design for the British Group of the Inter Parliamentary Union.
RobertHILL TonyBlairEmployed by the Labour Party as Political Secretary to the Prime Minister.
NicholasHILLMAN DavidWillettsNone.
AlexanderHILTON LindaPerhamCouncillor, Redbridge Borough Council.
AndrewHOBSON IvorCaplinNone.
MaryHODGE DavidAmessNone.
MaryHODGES TimBoswellNone.
SharonHODGSON SiobhainMcDonaghOrganiser, Mitcham and Morden Constituency Labour Party.
SarahHOFFMAN MarkToddNone.
MarkHOGARTH BrianWilsonModel, Models UK Agency.
JoanneHOLLAND SteveWebbNone.
SandraHOLLAND CarolineFlintNon-Executive Board Member of South Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust.
LauraHOLMES HughBayleyNone.
SaraHOLMES MartynJonesNone.
MariaHOLT MohammadSarwarOverseas visit: 9-14 September 2002 to Syria with the British-Syria All-Party Parliamentary Group (travel and accommodation paid for by Syrian National Assembly and Mr Wafic Saeed).
LisaHOMAN KeithHillNone.
SallyHOOKER AdrianSandersNone.
VirginiaHOPE JohnWilkinsonNone.
MarkHOPKINS JeffreyDonaldsonNone.
GaryHOPPER BillEtheringtonNone.
PeterHORE TessaJowellNone.
KirstyHORNE MartinO'NeillNone.
SophieHOSKING StephenPoundNone.
ThomasHOUGHTON JamesArbuthnotNone.
DanHOWARD MikeWoodNone.
SusanHOWAT AndrewSelousNone.
JonathanHOWELLS Sir SydneyChapmanMarketing and Membership Secretary, Chipping Barnet Conservatives.
JohnHOWSON NigelJonesDirector, Education Data Surveys.
LilyHUDGHTON MichaelWeirPersonal Assistant/Office Manager for Mr Ian Hudghton MEP. Overseas visits: 28 April-2 May 2002 to Canada to accompany Mr Hudghton on fisheries research visit (internal travel costs were met by the Canadian Federal Government).
ChristopherHUDSON AndrewRosindellSupply teacher, Suffolk County Council.
StuartHUDSON JimMurphyNone.
IanHUGHES RogerGodsiffNone.
JonathanHUGHES MartinCatonNone.
AmandaHUMBLE GeraldKaufmanNone.
AnneHUMBLES NeilGerrardNone.
AsaHUMPHREYS JamesGrayNone.
DavidHUMPHREYS JanetAndersonNone.
ElizabethHUMPHREYS JohnGroganNone.
KateHUMPHREYS JanetAndersonNone.
AnthonyHUNT PaulMurphyNone.
PeterHUNT DavidTaylorNational Secretary, The Co-operative Party (a political party).
JoanHUNTER MarkPriskNone.
InezaHUSSAN MartinLintonNone.
AlisonI'ANSON Sir NicholasWinterton None.
AmiIBITSON KateHoeyNone.
SallyILLMAN JohnBercowNone.
VerityINGE DavidLidingtonNone.
StaffordINGHAM JimFitzpatrickResearch Assistant, the Fire Protection Association; Parliamentary Researcher, Fire Brigades Union.
ClaireINGRAM OwenPatersonNone.
LynnIRVING HelenJonesNone.
MichelleIRVING ChrisPondNone.
ChristopherISAAC ChrisBryantNone.
KirstyJACKSON DonaldAndersonNone.
MichaelJAKUB ClaireCurtis-Thomas Elected Member of Selton Council.
HollyJARMAN CarolineFlintNone.
PatriciaJEFFERSON TonyMcWalterNone.
SarahJEFFERY Sir MichaelLordNone.
ChristopherJEFFREY JohnAustinNone.
DavidJENKINS Dr NickPalmerNone.
RonaldJENNINGS JohnHayesClerk in holy orders.
Mette WendtJENSEN EdwardLeighParliamentary Liaison Executive, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
RobertJERVIS-GIBBONS HuwEdwardsNone.
HelenJOHNSON GillianMerronNone.
RonaldJOHNSON TonyClarkeNone.
KeithJOHNSTON JoanWalleyPolicy and Communications Manager, Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners.
DanielleJOHNSTON-JONES JulieKirkbrideNone.
BeverleyJONES CliveEffordNone.
BryanJONES Dr HowardStoateNone.
LlinosJONES AdamPriceNone.
PhilipJONES PaulTruswellNone.
RhodriJONES Jon OwenJonesNone.
RosalindJONES JohnHeppellNone.
SandraJONES ChrisMoleConstituency Office Manager, Ipswich Labour Party.
SimonJONES JulieMorganNone.
StevenJONES MartynJonesNone.
TeresaJONES LindaPerhamNone.
TrevorJONES JoeBentonAssociate, Pielle Consulting Group (a PR consultancy).
RosemaryKABERRY-BROWN DouglasHoggNone.
SheilaKAPILA ChristineMcCafferty None.
JasinKAPLAN TomClarkeNone.
ChristosKARAOLIS JohnPrescottNone.
NinaKARSOV-SZECHTER Dr JulianLewisNone.
GulnaraKASMAMBET AndrewMackinlaySenior Producer, BBC World Service.
DavidKEEN AlanKeenNone.
CharlesKEIDAN LembitÖpikNone.
AndrewKELLY StuartBellPeak-Time Sales Advisor, Debenhams Department Store.
MichaelKELLY Dr AlanWhiteheadNone.
CassandraKENNY BarbaraFollettNone.
GaryKENT HarryBarnesFreelance writer and columnist for Fortnight Magazine and for Parliamentary Monitor.
MichaelKENT BrianCotterNone.
LukidenKENYI HiltonDawsonNone.
PatriciaKEVILLE JuliaDrownNone.
BeulahKHABRA PiaraKhabraNone.
NargisKHAN StephenMcCabeNone.
ReginaKIBEL KelvinHopkinsNone.
DavidKILDUFF AnnCryerPartner, Walker Morris Solicitors.
GaryKILLICK StuartBellNone.
MarionKINLEY JohnLyonsNone.
NatalieKIRBY JohnGreenwayResearch Assistant, Conservative Central Office, The Conservative Party.
AnnabelKIRK MichaelJackNone.
ClaireKIRK RoyBeggsNone.
GordonKIRKBRIDE JulieKirkbrideSelf-employed IT consultant/lecturer (mostly for QA Training, which is unrelated to parliament).
Ann MetteKJAERBY ChrisMcCaffertyEmployed by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health as its Parliamentary and Policy Advisor.
JoanneKNIGHT GwynProsserNone.
Mary KNIGHT JacquiLaitNone.
StephenKNOTT SylviaHermonNone.
VandaKNOWLES GiselaStuartNone.
CathyKOESTER GordonBrownNone.
MargaretKOSSOWICZ TomCoxNone.
SimonKOVAR DavidRendelNone.
OliviaKYBETT JonathanDjanoglyNone.
ChrysoullaKYPRIANOU PeterAinsworthNone.
BarbaraKYRIAKOU ArchieNormanNone.
GuyL'ETANG CherylGillanNone.
AlanLAING ChrisSmithCampaigns Manager, New Europe (organisation which campaigns for a new Europe, with particular reference to European currency). Councillor, London Borough of Hackney.
MarjorieLAMB TonyMcNultyNone.
ColinLAMBERT JimDobbinNone.
DonovanLAMBERT StephenTwiggNone.
KevinLANG JohnBarrettNone.
EmilyLAVENUE JaneGriffithsNone.
AmandaLAVERY EddieMcGradyNone.
AmyLAWRENCE JackieLawrenceNone.
MichelleLAWRENCE JohnMaplesNone.
SarahLAWRENCE RichardCabornNone.
KarenLAWRINSON Dr BrianIddonNone.
RebeccaLAYTON IainDuncan SmithNone.
LawrenceLEAF LindaPerhamNone.
OlwenLEELAND AndrewLansleyNone.
JohnLEEMING CherylGillanNone.
EmmaLEGG Gareth RThomasNone.
ChristopherLENNIE AlanCampbellRegional Director, The Labour Party.
BrandonLEWIS EricPicklesNone.
ElinorLEWIS GarethThomasNone.
JenniferLEWIS WayneDavidNone.
KateLEWIS PaulFlynnNone.
SarahLEWIS JonathanShawNone.
MatthewLEWSEY DavidLawsNone.
GavinLIM SimonHughesNone.
AlisonLINSEY HiltonDawsonPolicy Assistant, National Children's Bureau (a children's charity).
AdrianLISLE JohnMcFallNone.
SpencerLIVERMORE AndrewSmithSpecial Adviser, HM Treasury.
MarkLIVESEY BarbaraRocheNone.
JenniferLIVINGSTONE Anthony DWrightNone.
RichardLLOYD FrankCookDirector, Landmine Action, an NGO (non-governmental organisation) on elimination of landmines.
MarkLLOYD-FOX AnnKeenDirector of Development, Medical Housing Corp Ltd.
KevinLOCKIE JohnMcDonnellNone.
KeithLOCKWOOD KenPurchaseAdviser to Kinross and Render (a marketing company) on expansion of their European business); Adviser to Gryphon Corporate Counsel advising their client Borax UK on relationship with European Commission. Participant in EU training sessions for Ordnance Survey.
GuyLODGE BrianWhiteNone.
TonyLODGE WilliamCashAdvisor, European Foundation (a political think tank).
TraceyLOFTIS PaulFarrellyNone.
BeatrizLOPEZ-MELGAR MartinLintonNone.
PhilipLOWIES HywelWilliamsNone.
DavidLOWRY LlewSmithResearch consultant on environmental issues. Clients: Newzeye, NCI Washington, Green Action.
ThomasLUBBOCK AlanReidNone.
JamesLUNDIE CharlesKennedyNone.
JohnLUSH FraserKempNone.
MargaretLYNCH AndrewDismoreOrganiser (part-time), Regent's Park and Kensington North Labour Party.
TonyLYNES PaulFlynnNone.
RogerLYONS AndrewMillerGeneral Secretary, Amicus (a trade union).

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