Register of Interests of Members' Secretaries and Research Assistants Contents

SECTION 2: List of Sponsoring Members

Naysmith - Syms

IsabelCampbell Dr DougNAYSMITH None.
RosemaryRossDr Doug NAYSMITH None.
BarbaraKyriakouArchie NORMAN None.
JuneAllenDan NORRIS None.
MicheleElliottDan NORRIS Psychologist, Kidscape (children's charity).
WendyPiattDan NORRIS Research Fellow at Institute for Public Policy Research.
PenelopeBarberBill O'BRIEN Chief Executive Officer, Sandwell Citizens Advice Bureau.
MarkDempseyBill O'BRIEN Co-ordinator, Associate Parliamentary Sustainable Waste Group (paid by the group from its subscriptions).
EdwinSmithMike O'BRIEN Consultant employed by WARCO (a civil engineering company).
MaryYarciaMike O'BRIEN None.
SimonFrostStephen O'BRIEN None.
ChristineWattsStephen O'BRIEN None.
EmmaWegodaStephen O'BRIEN None.
HelenSimpsonEddie O'HARA Parliamentary Officer, Age Concern England.
SusanUttingEdward O'HARA None.
EmilyCarterMartin O'NEILL None.
KirstyHorneMartin O'NEILL None.
RobinDarbyshireMark OATEN None.
RalphScottMark OATEN None.
ErinTemmenMark OATEN None.
LoisThomasMark OATEN Overseas Visit: 8-9 April 2002, to Denmark (costs met by Danish 'Venstre' party and UK Liberal Democrats party).
KathleenAtkinsonBill OLNER None.
AlexanderMacqueenBill OLNER Barrister/Business Affairs Executive, Granada Media Group Ltd.
GeorgiaBoundyLembit ÖPIK None.
CharlesKeidanLembit ÖPIK None.
SimonMilnerLembit ÖPIK None.
SuzannaNagleLembit ÖPIK None.
JudithRobinsonDiana ORGAN None.
PhillipaRudkinGeorge OSBORNE None
PeterMurraySandra OSBORNE None.
KayeRuncimanSandra OSBORNE None.
FionaGunnRichard OTTAWAY Administrative Secretary, Society of Conservative Lawyers.
JaneHillRichard OTTAWAY Webmaster, Tibet Information Network; Wesbsite design for David Curry MP; Website design for the British Group of the Inter Parliamentary Union.
PeterMurphyAlbert OWEN None.
JenniferDu CaneRichard PAGE None.
ChristopherThompson RichardPAGE Associate Lecturer, Open University.
SarahFountainJames PAICE None.
LindsayMooreJames PAICE None.
KathrynMorganJames PAICE None.
DouneStanley-Clarke JamesPAICE None.
PatriciaGreenRev Ian PAISLEY None.
BrianGreenRev Ian PAISLEY Minister of Religion.
DavidJenkinsDr Nick PALMER None.
DavidWrightDr Nick PALMER Self-employed as geological consultant and as a rapporteur for EURIM (European Informatics Market, a pan-industry organisation).
ClaireIngramOwen PATERSON None.
RosePatersonOwen PATERSON None.
PenelopeRankinOwen PATERSON None.
PaulO'DonnellIan PEARSON None.
JohnReillyIan PEARSON Regional Director, The Labour Party.
AlexanderHiltonLinda PERHAM Councillor, Redbridge Borough Council.
TeresaJonesLinda PERHAM None.
LawrenceLeafLinda PERHAM None.
EdithMillerLinda PERHAM None.
LesleyGaymerEric PICKLES None.
BrandonLewisEric PICKLES None.
JamesMcGrathEric PICKLES Researcher and Press Officer, Conservative Central Office, The Conservative Party.
EricNowellEric PICKLES None.
KimTurnerColin PICKTHALL None.
BrianNimickPeter PIKE Director General, Confederation of Passenger Transport (a trade federation).
JanePikePeter PIKE None.
GrahamCopelandJames PLASKITT None.
AndrewMarshallJames PLASKITT Member of Warwickshire County Council.
AnneDunlopKerry POLLARD None.
MichalDuszakKerry POLLARD None.
VivienneWindleKerry POLLARD None.
MichelleIrvingChris POND None.
KellyTebbChris POND None.
SarahBridgerMichael PORTILLO None.
RichardBurdetMichael PORTILLO None.
KathleenHicksMichael PORTILLO None.
SophieHoskingStephen POUND None.
SusanMcLeodStephen POUND None.
SimonBensonBridget PRENTICE None.
StephenMorganBridget PRENTICE None.
AlanWilkinsonBridget PRENTICE None.
DellaArmstrongJohn PRESCOTT None.
JoanHammellJohn PRESCOTT Special Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister.
SusanHaylockJohn PRESCOTT None.
ChristosKaraolisJohn PRESCOTT None.
LoraGibsonAdam PRICE None.
LlinosJonesAdam PRICE None.
RobertDetheridgeMark PRISK None.
JoanHunterMark PRISK None.
NicholasWattsMark PRISK None.
JoanneKnightGwyn PROSSER None.
IanButtonKen PURCHASE Facilites Manager, Wayside Group (a motor group).
KeithLockwoodKen PURCHASE Adviser to Kinross and Render (a marketing company) on expansion of their European business); Adviser to Gryphon Corporate Counsel advising their client Borax UK on relationship with European Commission. Participant in EU training sessions for Ordnance Survey.
SuparnaBasuJames PURNELL None.
PaulDiggettJames PURNELL Benefit: Free car parking permit from Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council (MBC); free car parking permit from Tameside MBC.
ValerieHendersonJoyce QUIN None.
LindaBrittainLawrie QUINN None.
IanAngusBill RAMMELL None.
RuthFoxBill RAMMELL None.
EmmaNicholsonBill RAMMELL None.
DelmaBeebeJohn RANDALL None.
GordonBellJohn RANDALL Head of MP Services, Conservative Central Office, The Conservative Party.
BenjaminStaffordJohn RANDALL Parliamentary Officer, RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds).
AlanEvansSyd RAPSON Member/Development Manager, Southern Co-operatives Ltd (retailers).
JudithMurraySyd RAPSON None.
GeoffreyWadeSyd RAPSON Corporate Relations Manager, Southern Co-Operatives Ltd (retail co-operative society).
JoannaChristophides NickRAYNSFORD None.
AlisonSeabeckNick RAYNSFORD None.
JennieEliasJohn REDWOOD None.
NicolaPageJohn REDWOOD Occasional articles for Associated Newspapers and The Times.
AvrilTowningJohn REDWOOD None.
KerronCrossAndy REED Elected Member of Three Rivers Council and Councillor for Hayling Ward, South Oxhey.
LauraGilliesAlan REID None.
ThomasLubbockAlan REID None.
RichardOlszewskiDr John REID Special Adviser, Northern Ireland Office.
SimonKovarDavid RENDEL None.
JamesHattAndrew ROBATHAN None.
DianaThompsonAndrew ROBATHAN None.
FredericoCastellani Koessler AngusROBERTSON None.
StephenGethinsAngus ROBERTSON Project Co-ordinator, Safer World, an NGO (non-governmental organisation) on conflict resolution.
CharlotteEarlHugh ROBERTSON None.
AngelaStainton-James HughROBERTSON Organising Secretary, Faversham and Mid-Kent Conservatives.
ClarkVaseyHugh ROBERTSON None.
AlanCookJohn ROBERTSON None.
HelenNewtonJohn ROBERTSON Researcher, Connect (union for professionals in communications).
FionaBryceLaurence ROBERTSON Councillor, Merton Borough Council.
ClaireParkerLaurence ROBERTSON None.
JoanDaleGeoffrey ROBINSON None.
MarkLiveseyBarbara ROCHE None.
ChristinaDykesMarion ROE Director of Development, Conservative Central Office, The Conservative Party.
KarenWoodsMarion ROE None.
CarolGriffinTerry ROONEY None.
EmmaMacLennanTerry ROONEY Director, The John Smith Memorial Trust.
GrantChisholmAndrew ROSINDELL Supervisor, Sainsbury's PLC.
ChristopherHudsonAndrew ROSINDELL Supply teacher, Suffolk County Council.
GregorySmithAndrew ROSINDELL None.
LyndenThorpeAndrew ROSINDELL None.
JuliaWickhamErnie ROSS Co-ordinator, Labour Middle East Council (an organisation which works within the Labour Party on behalf of the Palestinian people).
TreforWilliamsErnie ROSS Chief Executive, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (non-departmental public body sponsored by the FCO).
MaryClarkFrank ROY None.
JohnPentlandFrank ROY Councillor, North Lanarkshire Council.
JanetBurgessChris RUANE None.
JohnMcCormickChris RUANE None.
HeidiAlexanderJoan RUDDOCK None.
RuthBransomJoan RUDDOCK None.
DominicO'DonnellJoan RUDDOCK None.
GenevieveSwallowJoan RUDDOCK Self-employed actress.
PaulGribbleDavid RUFFLEY None.
EmilyPuddiferDavid RUFFLEY None
VirginiaTuckDavid RUFFLEY Benefit: Honorary membership of the Suffolk Golf and Country Club, Bury St Edmunds.
SusanBrooksBob RUSSELL Borough Councillor, Colchester.
JessieReckartChristine RUSSELL None.
SandraRuddChristine RUSSELL None.
DenyseMorrellJoan RYAN None.
RussellNeilJoan RYAN None.
MarilynZohaJoan RYAN None.
MarkBurnsAlex SALMOND None.
SallyHookerAdrian SANDERS None.
CarolineEricksonMohammad SARWAR None.
MariaHoltMohammad SARWAR Overseas visit: 9-14 September 2002 to Syria with the British-Syria All-Party Parliamentary Group (travel and accommodation paid for by Syrian National Assembly and Mr Wafic Saeed).
JacquelineGeorgePhil SAWFORD None.
AlexandraMesservyJonathan SAYEED Chairman and majority shareholder, The English Manner Ltd. Gives occasional lectures in the UK and overseas (to assorted individuals as opposed to companies) on social and business etiquette.
AnnaPetrookJonathan SAYEED None.
NoushinSorayyapourJonathan SAYEED None.
NicolaTalbotJonathan SAYEED None.
PeterWatsonBrian SEDGEMORE Occasional administrative and research work for the Labour Party is undertaken in spare time (ie not while working for Sponsor).
GrahamClarkAndrew SELOUS Director and Treasurer, Conservative Christian Fellowship. Project Manager, Christians in Politics.
SusanHowatAndrew SELOUS None.
SarahSelousAndrew SELOUS None.
CameronWattAndrew SELOUS Deputy Director, Conservative Christian Fellowship. Policy Analyst, Renewing One Nation (a Conservative party social policy unit).
JaneAlbistonJonathan SHAW None.
PhillipHallJonathan SHAW None.
SarahLewisJonathan SHAW None.
AndrewBonserBarry SHEERMAN Project Manager, Networking for Industry (a not for profit organisation raising awareness of British manufacturing issues).
MatildaGoslingBarry SHEERMAN None.
AlexMicklewrightBarry SHEERMAN None.
ValerieFlindallGillian SHEPHARD None.
LynnFoxGillian SHEPHARD None.
CallyOldershawGillian SHEPHARD Education and Parliamentary Officer, The Geological Society (learned society which has charitable status).
DavidaCatleughRichard SHEPHERD None.
MargaretMaclennanRichard SHEPHERD None.
MartinCoyleJim SHERIDAN None.
DanielHarrisJim SHERIDAN None.
JacquelineThompsonJim SHERIDAN Youth Worker (dance/drama), Renfrewshire Council.
DianeBlake-LawsonDebra SHIPLEY None.
AgnesCarringtonClare SHORT None.
JessicaDreweryClare SHORT None.
DavidHarrisSiôn SIMON None.
SimeonAndrewsAlan SIMPSON None.
RonaldBaileyAlan SIMPSON Self-employed political and campaign consultant. Contracts with the Association for the Conservation of Energy; Food Justice; New Economics Foundation; Friends of the Earth, BG (Microgen), National Energy Action (NEA).
JenniferSaundersAlan SIMPSON Director of Communications, National Energy Action (a charity).
CatherineCravenKeith SIMPSON None.
MargaretWestKeith SIMPSON None.
JosephEjioforMarsha SINGH Director, Millennium Britons Institute (charity to assist black communities).
CharleneMcLeanMarsha SINGH None.
MandeepSoinMarsha SINGH None.
LoisBlasenheimDennis SKINNER None.
LaurenceBaxterAndrew SMITH None.
AnnabelFlemingAndrew SMITH None.
SpencerLivermoreAndrew SMITH Special Adviser, HM Treasury.
EdelMooneyAndrew SMITH None.
KevinFlackAngela SMITH None.
MalcolmReidAngela SMITH Administrative Assistant, Basildon Community Resource Centre (registered charity assisting homeless and unemployed people). Receives £600 per annum honoraria from GMB/Apex Labour Organisers Branch for acting as Branch Secretary.
CathrynEvansChris SMITH None.
AlanLaingChris SMITH Campaigns Manager, New Europe (organisation which campaigns for a new Europe, with particular reference to European currency). Councillor, London Borough of Hackney.
FrancesNewellChris SMITH None.
RichardSpeightChris SMITH None.
PhilipFarrellGeraldine SMITH None.
RebekahGerrardGeraldine SMITH None.
RichardMartinGeraldine SMITH None.
CeriWhiteJacqui SMITH None.
JonathanTrewJohn SMITH None.
DavidLowryLlew SMITH Research consultant on environmental issues. Clients: Newzeye, NCI Washington, Green Action.
DominicCurranSir Robert SMITH None.
AnthonyAnsellRev Martin SMYTH Pastoral work and teaching for the Church of England.
ClaireBarkerNicholas SOAMES None.
MarkFullbrookNicholas SOAMES Managing Director, Parliamentary Liaison Services Ltd.
PatriciaAlexanderClive SOLEY None.
NoraMacleodClive SOLEY None.
JudyMonahanClive SOLEY Self-employed consultant co-ordinator, Access Committee (for disabled people), South Bank Centre.
HilaryCookseyHelen SOUTHWORTH None.
BenjaminEltonHelen SOUTHWORTH None.
JoannePlunkettHelen SOUTHWORTH None.
MargaretCosinJohn SPELLAR Councillor, London Borough of Camden. Non-Executive Member of UCLH (University College London Hospitals) Hospital Trust.
WilliamThomasJohn SPELLAR Chairman, Black Country Mental Health NHS Trust. Leader, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.
KatherineHarbourCaroline SPELMAN None.
RichardSageCaroline SPELMAN Research and Media Officer, Conservative Central Office, the Conservative Party.
RebeccaSheehanCaroline SPELMAN Benefit: Bursary/scholarship received from CARE (Christian Action Research and Education), a registered charity, as an intern on their graduate training scheme.
CeliaToynbeeCaroline SPELMAN None.
MargaretBottomleySir Michael SPICER None.
JessicaStewartSir Michael SPICER None.
MargaretHarrisBob SPINK Independent Distributor, Forever Living Products (aloe vera and beehive products).
Christine-AnneTalbot Dr RobertSPINK County Councillor, Lincolnshire County Council.
BeverleySandalRichard SPRING None.
SophiaSpringRichard SPRING None.
RichardConwayRachel SQUIRE None.
ElizabethSimisterSir John STANLEY None.
FilipaCabralDr Phyllis STARKEY None.
StephenMuttonDr Phyllis STARKEY None.
DerfelOwenAnthony STEEN None.
EmmaRogersAnthony STEEN None.
DavidWhittleAnthony STEEN None.
JenniferWhyteAnthony STEEN None.
EmilyEvansGerry STEINBERG Parliamentary Officer, National Union of Teachers.
JaneSpringfordGerry STEINBERG Lords Parliamentary Officer, RSPCA (part-time). Part-time animal welfare campaigner, PAL (Political Animal Lobby).
DonaldMorrisonDavid STEWART None.
JennyPipeDavid STEWART Benefit: Bursary/scholarship received from CARE (Christian Action Research and Education), a registered charity, as an intern on their graduate training scheme
TeresaBlackIan STEWART None.
AnjaliRamachandranIan STEWART None.
DanielDonnellyPaul STINCHBOMBE None.
MichaelO'LearyPaul STINCHCOMBE None.
BryanJonesDr Howard STOATE None.
AntonyBurletonDr Gavin STRANG None.
CatherineDaviesDr Gavin STRANG None.
AlanGillamGavin STRANG None.
JamesBrownGary STREETER None.
NigelDoubleGary STREETER Benefit: Occasional overnight accommodation in central London flat at rates less than market value (provided by Society for Protection for Unborn Children).
TimMontgomerieGary STREETER Director, Conservative Christian Fellowship. Director, Renewing One Nation (a Conservative party unit).
AmandaRamsayGraham STRINGER Councillor, Merton Council (Greater London).
VandaKnowlesGisela STUART None.
LindaSpencerGisela STUART None.
StephanieEgbeAndrew STUNELL None.
HilaryStephensonAndrew STUNELL Best Practice Co-ordinator, Parliamentary Office of the Liberal Democrats (paid by Liberal Democrats party for this work).
KirstyMcCullaghGerry SUTCLIFFE None.
JohnO'ReganGerry SUTCLIFFE Researcher, Graphics, Paper and Media Union.
ChristopherSeamarkGerry SUTCLIFFE None.
MariaBowerDesmond SWAYNE None.
JeanneMousleyDesmond SWAYNE None.
IsabellaSharpDesmond SWAYNE None.
DianaBlairHugo SWIRE None.
SusanDennisHugo SWIRE None.
CorinnaGilfillanHugo SWIRE None.
SarahClarkeRobert SYMS None.
FionaMellershRobert SYMS None.
RogerPrattRobert SYMS Boundary Review Project Director, The Conservative Party.

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