Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Minutes of Proceedings Report


19 July 2001

Mr Chris Bryant declared occasional income from broadcasting and journalism; ownership of hill farm in the Rhondda and minor income from tack. He also declared an interest as a member of MSF trade union and Associate of the National Youth Theatre of Great Britain.

Mr Michael Fabricant declared occasional income from broadcasting and journalism. As parliamentary reviewer for Institution of Electrical Engineers, he declared that the remuneration received was passed on in full for researcher for IEE. He declared provision, free of charge, of his parliamentary web site by SolNet Systems Limited of Lichfield; a contribution of more than 25% of election expenses at the 2001 General Election made by Arthur Price of England (headquarters in Lichfield) and Gothard Trust, Burton-on-Trent. He also declared ownership of a property in Maine, USA, occupied by friends who maintain the property but do not pay rent. He declared an unremunerated non-executive directorship of the Engineering and Technology Board (the governing body of the engineering institutions of the United Kingdom).

Mr Adrian Flook declared remunerated employment as an adviser fulfilling an educational role to Financial Dynamics Limited (since September 2000 a subsidiary of Cordiant Plc), a financial public relations consultancy. He also declared a benefit from a share option scheme which comes to fruition in 2003, having been granted up to £3,600 (nominal value) of Cordiant Plc shares (performance-related).

Rt Hon Gerald Kaufman declared occasional income from broadcasting and journalism.

Miss Julie Kirkbride declared her membership of the Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International); membership of the Harris Parliamentary Panel and membership of the MORI and Gallup opinion panels. She declared occasional income from broadcasting and journalism. She declared receipt of a fee of £1,750 for her appearance as a guest presenter on Power House (Channel 4).

Rosemary McKenna declared occasional income for research surveys which was passed on to other organisations. She also declared occasional income for public speaking and lectures.

Ms Debra Shipley declared membership of the Harris Parliamentary Panel, remuneration for which is paid directly to a national charity. She also declared receipt of help from Microdoc of Stourbridge with the design, launch and maintenance of her parliamentary website.

John Thurso declared his chairmanship of Profile Recruitment and Management Limited; International Wine and Spirit Competition Limited; Ulbster Holdings Limited; Ulbster Estates (Sporting) Limited; Lochdhu Hotels Limited; Sinclair Family Trust Limited; and Thurso Fisheries Limited. He also declared his directorship of Indoor Golf Clubs Plc and Tourism and Hospitality Trust Limited. He declared occasional income from consultancy work on hospitality and catering and from lectures on tourism and hospitality. He also declared use of a BMW motor car for six months to 11 December 2001 as part of a severance package from a previous employer, Fitness and Leisure Holdings Limited and a contribution of more than 25% of election expenses at the 2001 General Election made by Lord Kirkham. He declared receipt of rental income from his estate in Caithness; a 2% shareholding in Walker Greenbank Plc by Ulbstor Holdings Limited (in which he has 100% shareholding). He declared an unremunerated presidency of British Tourism Society, the Academy of Food and Wine Service, Institute of Management Services and that he was a patron of the Hotel and Catering International Management Association and a liveryman, Innholders Company.

Derek Wyatt declared an interest as non-executive Chairman of Spafax (a media company serving the airline industry). He also declared joint partnership with his spouse in Mount Pleasant Partners which specialises in software and occasional benefits from loan of computer software and hardware for trial purposes and occasional rental income from lease of London flat during parliamentary recesses. He declared an unremunerated directorship of Fair Play Television Limited and Fair Play Productions Limited (not trading); membership of an advisory board of, an on-line incubator service for start-ups; and unremunerated executive committee membership of Sporting Chance.

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Prepared 13 February 2003