Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Minutes of Evidence

Annex 2


SeptemberMcVities Invitation International Athletics

17 MarchNational Men's 20K and Women's 10K Racewalking
4-6 MayBSSF Athletics Championships
18 MayYorkshire Women's AAA Championships (Athletics)
19 MayYorkshire Men's AAA Championships (Athletics)
JuneBritish Students Athletics Championships
15 SeptemberMcVities Invitation IAAF Challenge (Athletics)
21 and 22 SeptemberEnglish Schools AAA National Athletics Championships

5 JuneEuropean Relays Athletics and Olympic Trials
28 JuneSheffield Marathon/Half Marathon/Fun Run
14 AugustInternational Athletics IAAF Permit Invitation Meeting
15 AugustGRE Team Club Athletics Championship Finals

9 MayNational Race Walking Association Men's and Women's 10 Mile National Championships
23 JuneInter Counties Schools Athletics
29 AugustInternational Athletics
IAAF Permit Meeting—McDonalds Games
30 AugustGRE Cup Final
9 OctoberNorth of England AA Women's Road Relay Championships

20 April to 1 MayAAA of England U20 Combined Events Championships
14 and 15 MayYorkshire AAA and Yorkshire WAAA Championships
11 and 12 JuneAAA Championships incorporating European and Commonwealth Trials
19 JuneNorwich Union Sheffield Marathon
2 JulyEnglish Schools Athletics Cup Final
4 SeptemberIAAF Permit Invitation Meeting (McDonalds Games)
1 OctoberMens and Womens Northern Relays Men's 6 x 4 miles, Women's 4 x 2 miles

22 JanuaryNorthern Counties Indoor Athletics Championships
30 AprilSheffield Marathon
13 and 14 MayYorkshire AAA (Men's and Women's) Championships
27 and 28 MayNorth of England AA U20s Track and Field Championships
3 JuneSouth Yorkshire Schools AA Championships
21 JuneInter Counties Schools Athletics Fixture
23 JulySheffield Games (International Invitation Athletics)
30 SeptemberNorth of England Senior Road Relays Men's 6 x 4 miles, Women's 4 x 2 miles
7 OctoberNorth of England Road Relays Championships

20 and 21 JanuaryNorth of England AA Indoor Athletics Championships
28 AprilThe Westfield Sheffield Marathon
4, 5 and 6 MayBritish Universities Track and Field Championships
11 and 12 MayYorkshire Water AAA and WAAA Championships
1 and 2 JuneNorth of England AA Senior Men's Track Field Championships
12 and 13 JulyEnglish Schools Athletics Champs (Track and Field)
25 AugustIAAF Invitation Meeting (McDonalds Games)
5 OctoberNorth of England Senior Road Relays
Men's 6 x 4 Miles, Women's 4 x 2 mile
20 OctoberNorth of England Road Relays Championships

18 and 19 JanuaryNorth of England AA Indoor Athletics Championships
26 and 27 AprilWestfield Health Scheme Sheffield Festival of Athletics incorporating the Sheffield Marathon (27 April)
3 and 4 MayBritish Wheelchair Athletics Track Championships
31 May and 1 JuneNorth of England Combined Events Championships incorporating the AAA Senior Combined Events Championships
14 JuneSouth Yorkshire Schools County Championships
25 JuneSouth Yorkshire Schools Inter Counties Championships
29 JuneSecuricor Games IAAF Grand Prix 1
11 and 12 JuneEnglish Schools Track and Field Championships
16 JulyRace for Life
4 OctoberNorth of England Senior Road Relays Men's 6 x 4 miles, Women's 4 x 2 miles

17 and 18 JanuaryNorth of England AA Indoor Athletics Championships
25 and 26 AprilThe Westfield Sheffield Festival of Athletics incorporating the Westfield Sheffield Marathon
2 and 3 MayBritish Wheelchair Athletics Track Championships
17 MayThe Anthony Nolan Appeal Bike Ride
20 JuneNorth of England AAA Senior Championships
23 JuneNational Deaf Schools Sports Association Athletics Championships
2 AugustInternational Athletics (Grand Prix 1)

24 and 25 AprilWestfield Health Scheme Festival of Athletics incorporating the Sheffield Marathon
26 and 27 JuneEnglish Schools Athletics Combined Event Championships
14 and 15 AugustAAA U17 Championships

22 and 23 JanuaryNorth of England Indoor Athletics Championships
15 and 16 AprilWestfield Health Scheme Festival of Athletics incorporating the Sheffield Marathon
3 MayRace for Life (Women's 5K Run)
27 and 28 MayBT National Athletics Championships
24 JuneNational Athletics Championships for People with Learning Difficulties
7 and 8 JulyEnglish Schools Track and Field Championships
29 and 30 JulyAAA U17 Championships
26 AugustCerebal Palsy Athletics Grand Prix

28 and 29 AprilSheffield Festival of Athletics incorporating the Westfield Health Scheme Sheffield Marathon
2 MayImperial Cancer Research Fund Race for Life
12 and 13 MayYorkshire AA's Championships
7 JulyNational 20K Race Walking Championships
4 and 5 AugustBoston Games
11 and 12 AugustAAA's U17 Athletics Championships
1 and 2 SeptemberUK Combined Events Championships

15 October 2001

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