Supplementary memorandum submitted by
Mr John Bicourt, John Bicourt Associates
I omitted from my memorandum on Crystal Palace
that specifically regarding the required warm up track there is
sufficient space which would allow the minimum of disruption to
site a temporary track on the very large completely flat open
top site known as the terraces and rarely used or visited by the
public compared with the main Park and concert bowl area. It is
big enough to accommodate a separate dedicated throwing area as
well as a running track with infield jumps facilities which can
all be removed after the championships. The cost would be minimal
compared with any other area which would require levelling and
considerable disruption for the public.
How many of the Committee have actually been
to Crystal Palace to view the entire Park and Sports Centre? Bromley
Council has a very clear diagrammatic aerial view of the entire
facility which clearly shows the full potential. This should be
shown to the Committee.
20 October 2001