Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

Annex 25

Letter, 11 May 2001, from Sport England to the Permanent Secretary, DCMS


  I am writing to you in connection with the new National Stadium Project, particularly in the light of recent press reports.

  As you will appreciate, Sport England remain concerned to ensure that, if at all possible, the Project can go ahead, and that the purposes of its grant can be fulfilled by the construction and operation of a National Stadium. Of course, Sport England will wish to support any sensible proposals which may come forward to achieve this objective. Nevertheless, in conducting any review, it is essential that appropriate regard is had to the effect of any proposals on the likelihood (or otherwise) of Sport England, as independent distributor, being able, either legally or practically, to recover the Lottery Grant (which is tied up in the Wembley site) in the event that the project is, in fact, a failure.

  With this in mind, I would be very grateful if you would confirm to me that the review process will take this into account and will be fully open to Sport England, so that they can take appropriate steps both to promote the project, whilst protecting the Lottery Grant. Sport England is certainly supportive of the current initiative, and believe it has the necessary expertise to assist in the process.

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