Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Supplementary memorandum submitted by the Arts Council of England

  Thank you for giving the Arts Council of England the opportunity to give evidence to the Culture, Media and Sport committee a few weeks back.

  I thought it would be timely to give you an update on developments since then.


  The Arts Council is currently evaluating the feasibility study submitted to us in December 2001. The RSC have said that they would welcome feedback from us prior to their submission of an application for funding for the next stage of design and development. We are currently on target to give this feedback in March.


  As I am sure you are aware, since we met the committee Elliott Bernerd has tendered his resignation as Chairman of the South Bank Board. Elliott should be thanked for playing a central role in the creation of the Mather Masterplan which we hope will now come to fruition. I am sure your committee would join us in sending our best wishes to Elliott.

  As regards the redevelopment, things have moved on since the committee hearing. The South Bank has submitted an application to the Arts Council for a modest level of interim funding in order that they can further develop the Masterplan proposals. A decision on this application will be made in March.


  The process of creating a new single arts funding organisation for England is moving ahead positively. Since the Committee hearing our Transfer Proposal has been considered by most Regional Arts Boards. That proposal asks for in principle agreement to transfer staff, assets and liabilities to the Arts Council of England in order to create the new organisation. I am pleased to be able to tell you that as of today (1 February), nine of the 10 RABs have agreed in principle to the transfer. Several have raised some issues of detail, but I am confident that all such issues can be addressed.

  Only one RAB, East England Arts, has yet to meet and will do so on Wednesday 6 February. East England Arts have been supportive of our plans and I am hopeful that the East England Arts Board will confirm their agreement to the transfer. We will then be able to get on with the job of creating the new organisation and delivering the benefits of a single organisation to all artists working at all levels in all parts of the country.

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