Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Minutes of Evidence

Examination of Witnesses (Questions 280 - 282)




  280. When Mr Dyke was in charge of LWT he tried to enlist some of us against BSkyB on the grounds that it was not suitable that any one commercial organisation should be the controller of access. Mr Dyke believed that was a valid concern then. Do you believe it is a valid concern now?
  (Mr Wallace) I think it is a concern but if, and only if, we do not get a broadband local loop, because once you have got a broadband local loop you have a superior access device to get to the home. It is better than satellite in many ways both for content going in and, most importantly, for inter-activity. If we get a broadband, local loop competition will take care of that issue; if we do not, it remains a concern.

  281. Do you have something to add?
  (Mr Phillips) I just wanted to add something on the issue of satellite, because we were talking generally about satellite, and the comment that was made earlier by BT that a number of satellite solutions were being investigated, particularly in the rural areas, and so on. My own view, from many, many years in the satellite industry before Cable & Wireless, is that it is a complete red herring. I really genuinely think there is not a satellite solution out there which is cost effective which has not yet been discovered and will somehow miraculously transform the access to broadband of people living in populated areas. It just does not exist, it is a true red herring.

Mr Bryant

  282. It is £100 a month for two-way satellite, which is not exactly in the reach of most of my constituents.
  (Mr Phillips) I do not think it will ever play any meaningful role.

  Chairman: Thank you very much indeed.

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