Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Fourth Report


Silicon Valley

IP Wireless
Discussion of wireless data transmission and other broadband developments with John Lockton, Managing Director and founding Chairman, Joel Blackman, Senior Director, Business Development and Steve Carborne, Corporate Division.

Stanford University
Discussion of technological developments in the field of digital television and broadband networks with Professor Donald Cox, Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Professor Charles Petrie, Phd., Executive Director, Networking Research Centre and Professor Bernd Girod, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Osborne Clark
Discussion of the investment climate for technological developments such as, inter alia, wireless data transmission, the Internet infrastructure and home user applications with Rutberg & Co., Vision Capital and Philips Semiconductors.

Liberate Technology
Discussion and demonstration of interactive digital television services.


National Cable Television Association
Discussion of the future of digital television in the United States across all platforms: cable, satellite and terrestrial broadcast.

AOL Time Warner
Discussion of convergence of Internet and television services and potential applications for broadband Internet services.

House of Representatives
Discussion of US regulation of Internet and television services with staff of the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Discussion of the constitution and structure of the FCC and its approach to regulation of the US communications sector with Ms Marsha MacBride, Chief of Staff, Office of the Chairman, Mr Donald Abelson, Chief of the International Division and Mr Jonathan Levy, Deputy Chief Economist, Office of Plans and Policy.

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