Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Memoranda


Memorandum submitted by Mr David Moffett on behalf of the Chief Executives of the English-based Lottery Distributors

  I am writing on behalf of the Chief Executives of the English based Lottery Distributors in connection with your Committee's forthcoming inquiry into gambling legislation.

  It was agreed that the Distributors would provide a brief response to the inquiry, which I have set out below.

  The Lottery distributing bodies were initially concerned that there would be a loss of revenue to the "Good Causes" arising directly from some of the Budd Report recommendations. Most notably, the formation of commercial lotteries and the ability to side-bet on the National Lottery would, we believe, have caused a significant decline in "Good Causes" revenues. We are therefore relieved that the Government has decided not to implement these recommendations.

  We are broadly content with the Government's current proposals assuming they remain unaltered. However, we will continue to monitor the effect of the proposed changes on the Lottery and income available to "Good Causes", as well as the detail of recommendations as they progress through into legislation.

1 May 2002

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