Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Fifth Report

Reports from the Culture, Media and Sport Committee since May 1997


  1997 Parliament

Session 1997-98

First  The Royal Opera House, HC 199

Second  The Millennium Dome, HC 340

Third  Preservation of Historic Ships: the case of       HMS Cavalier, HC 561

Fourth  The Multi-Media Revolution, HC 520

Fifth  Objectives and performance of the

Department for Culture, Media and Sport, HC 742

Sixth  Not only the Dome: the Millennium

celebrations in the United Kingdom,

HC 818

Seventh  The Eyre Review and the Royal Opera

House, HC 994

Eighth  Report and Accounts of the BBC for

1997-98, HC 1090

Ninth  The Future of News at Ten, HC 1110

Session 1998-99

First  The Heritage Lottery Fund, HC 195

Second  The preservation of HMS Cavalier, HC 196

Third  Back to the Dome, HC 21

Fourth  Staging international sporting events, HC 124

Fifth  The Performing Right Society and the

abolition of the Classical Music Subsidy,

HC 126

Sixth  The DCMS and its Quangos, HC 506

Session 1999-2000

First  Countdown to the Millennium, HC 24

Second  The future of professional rugby, HC 99

Third  The funding of the BBC, HC 25

Fourth  Wembley National Stadium, HC 164

Fifth  Whatever happened to News at Ten?, HC 289

Sixth  Public libraries, HC 241

Seventh  Cultural property: return and illicit trade,

HC 371

Eighth  Marking the Millennium in the United

Kingdom, HC 578

Ninth  Report and Accounts of the BBC for

1999-2000, HC 719

Session 2000-01

First  The Operation of the National Lottery,

HC 56

Second  The Communications White Paper, HC 161

Third  Staging international sporting events, HC286

Fourth  Tourism—the hidden giant—and Foot and   Mouth, HC 430


  2001 Parliament

Session 2001-02

First  Unpicking the Lock: the World Athletics

Championships in the UK, HC 264

Second  Testing the Waters: the Sport of

Swimming, HC 418

Third  Arts Development, HC 489

Fourth  Communications, HC 539


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