Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter to the Chairman of the Committee from Mr Trevor Brooking, Chair of Sport England

  I write in connection with the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee's forthcoming evidence session on Wembley National Stadium, which is now scheduled for 14 May.

  Unfortunately, due to my World Cup broadcasting commitments with the BBC, I will be out of the country from 13 May. This is deeply regrettable and I offer my sincere apologies over this unavoidable clash of diaries.

  Indeed, the reason I have been delayed in replying to Fergus Reid's letter of 18 April, which informed Sport England of the new evidence date, having been previously set for 1 May then 7 May, is that I have been trying to re-schedule my BBC commitments. But this has proved impossible.

  However, David Moffett, Sport England Chief Executive, will be giving evidence in my place alongside Brigid Simmonds, the new Chair of our Lottery Panel and Ian Fytche who has been heavily involved in detailed discussion on Wembley from an early stage. Both Brigid and Ian have given evidence to the Committee on Wembley on previous occasions.

  May I again offer my sincere apologies on this matter.

29 April 2002

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