Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter to the Chairman of the Committee from Mr George Hortop

  I have enclosed a copy of a protest letter sent to the Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MP concerning the use of lottery money given for the building of the new Wembley Stadium. When one reads in the national press of football players having £80,000 to £100,000 a week it certainly goes against the grain. To lottery money given away adlib to rich Football Association members who could probably build the stadium themselves. There is some talk the stadium is to cost £700 million—why? The stadium in Cardiff only cost £126 million and it is a beautiful stadium.

  Lottery money should to hospitals not sport. Sport is awash with money, now let them pay for it:

21 May 2002

  I must object like many other people who play the National Lottery, that the Football (very rich) Association should be given £100 million towards the building of the new Wembley Stadium. As an old aged pensioner I object strongly to such a donation to a pumped-up money-spinning Association who can boast of giving players in National games and club league games £80,000-£100,000 a week.

  If the league clubs and the Football Association can pay their players that much and boast about it, they should be made to foot the bill of £700 million themselves to build the Wembley Stadium.

  Remember Ms Jowell and all the Culture Committee Members of whom I watched on TV today. Lottery money is not there to squander on money. Making football clubs who pay and boast at paying players £80,000-£100,000 a week.

  Lottery money should be spent on hospitals, so don't even consider putting mine and many others, lottery money to these very rich boasting league clubs and the Football Association.

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