Mr Peter Pike, in the Chair
Mr Russell Brown | Mr Paul Goodman
Andy King | Dr Doug Naysmith
Brian Cotter | Mr Dai Havard
Mr Andrew Love | Brian White
The Committee deliberated.
Mr Peter Pike declared an interest in relation to the Committee's
inquiry into the proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Credit Unions)
Order 2002, namely membership of a credit union.
Dr Doug Naysmith declared an interest in relation to the Committee's
inquiry into the proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Credit Unions)
Order 2002, namely membership of two credit unions.
Draft Report [Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Sugar Beet Research
and Education) Order 2003], proposed by the Chairman, brought
up and read.
(The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the
Report are published in the Thirteenth Report from the Regulatory
Reform Committee, HC (200102)1247, p. 13.)
The Committee deliberated.
[Adjourned till Tuesday 29 October at half past Nine o'clock.