ACPO Association of Chief Police Officers
ACPO TAM The Terrorism and Allied Matters Committee of ACPO
AFB Air Force Base
ATC Air Traffic Control
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CACFOA Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association
CAOC Combined Air Operations Centre
CBRN Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear
CCC Civil Contingencies Committee
CCS Civil Contingencies Secretariat
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CNI Critical National Infrastructure
COBR Cabinet Office Briefing Room
DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DOP(IT)(T) Ministerial Group on Preventive and Protective Security
DTI Department for Trade and Industry
DTLR Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions
ECN Emergency Communication Network
ERA Elected Regional Assembly
EU European Union
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
GOR Government Offices of the Regions
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IRSS Institute for Resource and Security Studies
LGA Local Government Association
MACA Military Assistance to the Civil Authority
MACC Military Aid to the Civil Community
MACP Military Aid to the Civil Power
MAGD Military Aid to Other Government Departments
MDP Ministry of Defence Police
MoD Ministry of Defence
NATINADS NATO Integrated Air Defence System
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NBC Nuclear biological and chemical
NISCC National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre
NFCI National Focus for Chemical Incidents
NORAD North American Aerospace Defence Command
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PCT Primary Care Trust
POST Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
QRA Quick Reaction Alert
RAF Royal Air Force
SSA Standard Spending Assessment
SDR Strategic Defence Review
TA Territorial Army
TAM Committee on Terrorism and Allied Matters
Transec Transport Security Division of the Department of Transport
UN United Nations